1. The Stone Sorceress Grimoires - Sovereign - The Master Pages: Rituals of Empowerment is the shit, it is the core curriculum. If you can swing it, do it. It does include all of the Volume 1: The Rebellious Collection of Grimoire Pages and all associated audios/videos etc. too. It also includes 1 year access to everything in The Grimoiress Level of The Membership, except the Cauldron Cash, and 1 year access to everything in The Rebellious Stone Posse Membership, except the Cauldron Cash.
2. If that's not doable for you right now, you can start with part 1 of Sovereign only, then move up to the rest of Sovereign later. Part 1 also includes 3 month's access to everything in The Grimoiress Level of The Membership, except the Cauldron Cash, and 3 month's access to everything in The Rebellious Stone Posse Membership, except the Cauldron Cash.
3. If that isn't doable right now, go for one of The Stone Sorceress Grimoires - The Membership options. You're going to have access to the Stone Sorceress Grimoires Level 1 Volumes 1 - 3: The Rebellious Collection and all assoicated audios and videos in there, (as long as you are a member), get access to a new grimoire pages set each month, plus a bunch of other benefits.
4. If that isn't doable right now, go for one of The Rebellious Stone Posse - The Membership options. You're going to have access to the Stone Sorceress Grimoires Level 1 Volumes 1 - 3: The Rebellious Collection and all assoicated audios and videos in there, (as long as you are a member), a Stone of the Month Focusp lus a bunch of other benefits.
5. If you just want The Stone Sorceress Grimoires - The Rebellious Collection by itself, that's also available. The Rebellious Collection is the foundation, (which is why it is always included with everything at a higher level), and if you fuck that stuff up, because you're operating from a place of misinformation, you're wasting your time and money trying to work with crystals and stones. So, even if you think you know all the basics, I'd suggest making sure that you do.
Everything that needs crystals and stones either comes with them, or has the option to purchase them to resonate to your Unique Energetic Signature, hand-picked by me personally. If you are already enrolled, you will find links to the private shopping collections in your account when you are logged in.