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    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    Hey Y’all, there are many things that can cause you a myriad of issues in your home or on the land that your home sits on. These things can be cleared. In this reading, I will give you all the info on what I find, and will clear those issues for you.

    I absolutely love doing these readings, I never know what I'm going to find, but it is always interesting and I am so grateful to be able to not only help y'all have a better life, but also remove some negative shiz in the process from the Collective Consciousness, which helps everybody.

    For me to be able to do this for you, you must be in energetic ownership of the property. If you own a property outright, your name is on the mortgage, or are renting a property, you are in energetic ownership and I can do this reading and clearing for you. Also, if you are a realtor, you have energetic ownership of your listings, and I can do this for your listings too. Click to DM me on Facebook to discuss a multi property package for your listings.

    These things can cause relationship issues, money issues, as well as health & well-being issues physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

    Here are some of the potential issues that I will look for in your home and on the land that it sits on:



    Portals are energetic doorways that allow entities to freely come and go and they make you feel uneasy, and unsafe, and rightfully so. I will look for and close any open Portals in your home or on the property that your home sits on.


    Negative Entities:

    Negative entities attached to properties are there because there is a negative energy there that has either been created by current or past residents. They feed off of this energy. Negative entities can either be stalking, (scoping out your property to see if they want to move right on in and make themselves at home), or are attached, (meaning that they have already decided that your property is perfect for them and have moved in). I will look for and banish any stalking or attached Entities in your home or on the property that your home sits on.


    Earthbound Spirits, Ghosts, and Poltergeists

    ·      Earthbound Spirits:

    o  Earthbound Spirits are souls that are still here because of an attachment to physical existence, (unfinished business), unexpected death, fear of death, or a traumatic death.

    o  The cannot exist without drawing energy from other living things, usually a family member, human or furry.

    o  They flat out do not understand that they are dead and they are very common.

    Note: If you feel like you have a loved one around you, clearing means that I get them unstuck and protect whomever's energy that they are drawing from, it does not mean that they won't ever be able to communicate with you, if you both want that.

    ·      Ghosts:

    o  An actual Ghost is rare. They started out as an Earthbound Spirit, but have learned to draw energy from any living thing in their environment, which gives them independence and allows them to move from place to place, if they so choose.

    o  If they have a strong vibrational resonance with a person, they will personally attach to them and follow them wherever they move to.

    o  They have been around for a long time.


    ·      Poltergeists:

    o  Poltergeists are very rare, and prefer to attach to a place, rather than a person. This gives them the ability to draw energy from all people and things in that environment, and they loooove to fuck with anyone in the space.

    o  They are Ghosts who have gained enough mastery over energy to be seen, heard, and felt. They love to move objects around, frequently violently.

    o  They create a very chaotic and confusing energy, and love to hide things, especially jewelry and keys.

    o  If you have a Poltergeist about, you will also find organization either a challenge, or an obsession.

    Earthbound Spirits, Ghosts, and Poltergeists can attach themselves to a property just like negative entities. If there are any Earthbound Spirits, Ghosts, Poltergeists, in your home or on the property that your home sits on, I will let you know and clear them.

    • Note: If you feel like you have a loved one around you, clearing means that I get them unstuck and protect whomever's energy that they are drawing from, it does not mean that they won't ever be able to communicate with you, if you both want that.

    Negative Thought Forms:

    Thoughts that we focus on, giving a lot of energy to them, can actually take form in the mental layer of our Auric Field. They can last as long as energy is being given to them through our thoughts about them.

    These types of thought forms can also be directed at us by others, and vice versa.

    We can also create negative thought forms about other people when we focus our negative thoughts on them, and vice versa. These thought forms actually hang out around the Auric Field, and actually come to be perceived as true by ourselves and others if they are there long enough.

    This frequently causes us to be shy, have social anxiety etc.


    Anger Spears:

    These are Negative Thought Forms that are very intense energetic weapons of anger that come from someone who believes that we have intentionally hurt them in some way. These make us feel threatened or under pressure.

    These most commonly come from someone within your family, your entire family, or your neighbors. Sometimes they come from an individual or group of coworkers, employees, or “friends”. If you own a business, they can come from a competitor.

    If there are any Negative Thought Forms or Anger Spears, I will clear then and let you know how they were created, who or what they were created about, and whom they’re directed at.


    Specific Objects

    Objects can accumulate negative energy, or even be intentionally or unintentionally programed with such. The Sacred Sanctuary program will take care of accumulated negative energy, and prevent it from happening in the future. What I am looking for in this reading are any items that are specifically programed with negative energy, or crystals and stones that hold strong energy that are not aligned with supporting you to reach your goals and dreams so that I can clear that energy for you.

    If there are any objects that need to be removed from your home, I will tell you. I will not however, tell you what objects I clear because then your thoughts would most likely focus on the fact that it needed to be cleared, and thus negative energy on it again, defeating the purpose of clearing it in the first place.



    Gateways are like 8 lane highways for entities. These suck ass big time! They can cause lethargy, sleep loss, a bad attitude and the inability to focus or gain clarity on issues and situations. They feed off of the energy of any living thing in your home or on your property to stay open, and this makes it very hard for you to manifest that which you desire. They also make it very hard for you to sell your property, if that is what you are trying to do.

    If there are any Gateways in your home or on the property that your home sits on, I will let you know and clear them.


    Land Assignment:

    Our Earth is ancient, and so much has happened on the land. Sometimes an area of land is consecrated, (energetically assigned, either through a formal ritual, or what happened there), which means it has an assigned or designated use energetically. When we try and use it for something other than that, bad shit can happen. Earth Elementals are the ones who uphold this energetic assignment, and they can get quite nasty in upholding this in a variety of ways.

    ·      Sacred Site:

    o  This can make us feel like we are trespassers, that we do not belong in our own homes or on our own land. It can make you feel extremely uncomfortable, and if you happen to be remodeling, building, selling or buying a property, this will usually cause issues that will cause delays and frustration.

    ·      Burial Ground:

    o  If your property has been assigned as a burial ground, this is an open invitation for Earthbound Spirits and Entities, and quite a large number of these can attach to this type of property. This type of property also carries a lot of anger because you are disturbing those who have been laid to rest there.

    ·      Battle Ground:

    o  This can get really nasty. Battles were fought here and this type of land assignment holds things like aggression, desperation, sadness, upheaval etc. This type of property can have a large number of Earthbound Spirits and Ghosts attached to it.

    If the land that your home sits on has not been properly energetically assigned as residential, but is still assigned as a Sacred Site, Burial Ground, or Battle Ground, I will reassign it for you.


    This can be done for residential homes and apartments. I can also do this for land without buildings and commercial properties. If you would like me to read land without buildings or a commercial property, please contact me for a quote. You can DM me, Robin Zendayah, on Facebook.

    The price given is for a property up to 3,000 square feet with a lot size of up to 1 acre. If your home or property is larger than this, please choose the appropriate size and price from the drop down menu after clicking your choice of buttons below.

    Your reading will be delivered via the email address you have on file. Please allow 7 - 10 days for delivery.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    Payment plans are not available for the Sacred Sanctuary property reading. However, LayBuy by PayPal is available at checkout. If you put this on LayBuy, you will not receive your reading and clearing until it is paid in full. If you are doing LayBuy, you must purchase your reading and clearing in a separate order from your enrollment in Sacred Sanctuary.


    Property Reading with Clearing: $1,888 $1,111

    Be one of the first 10 people to grab this and Save $777 (41%!)

    (7 spots remaining!)


    Want to learn how to create a Sacred Sanctuary in your space, with the ancient, innate energies of crystals and stones, that nurtures, uplifts, and supports you in having/being/ doing/experiencing your goals, dreams, and ultimate desires in your life and biz? Click Here.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    Who the Fuck am I?


    I am Robin Motherfucking Zendayah - The Stone Sorceress


    The Black Sheep Rebel of the Energy Healing World


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    I am your Catalyst for Change, your Secret Weapon, the Energetic Edge that you need to manifest your Ultimate Desires in your biz and life.


    I am the fucking queen of teaching open-minded business owners and practitioners how to come into energetic alignment with the frequencies of what the fuck they want, fix their shit, and become the sovereign rulers of their lives Alchemizing Metaphysics, Magick, & Neuroscience, so that they can live in their own personal flavor of freedom, whether that's excellent physical, mental, & emotional health & well-being, joyful relationships, financial abundance, biz success, changing the world, or whatever the fuck that is to them.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    I am Somone who has been passionately helping people to transform their businesses and lives for 38 years and I know what the fuck works, and what doesn’t.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    I am the founder and Head Mistress of The Stone Sorceress University, and the creator of 60+ personal development, business development, and practitioner training masterclasses, degree programs, elective courses & memberships to empower you to change your life, your business, and by doing so, the world.

    I am a spiritual high priestess & alchemical sorceress who created a hybrid system of Lemurian & Atlantean Elemental Magick in Ancient Atlantis and has brought it into modern times to empower open-minded people to take their personal power back and while doing so, uplift the vibrational frequency of the planet to that of balance, equality, & respect.

    I am a 12 time Reiki Master with a single source double lineage and a professionally trained psychic specializing in past life and ancestral line healing.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    I am proudly neurodivergent and autistic, which I see as an amazing blessing. I am very grateful that I get to experience life through this beautiful lens of empowerment!

    I stand for Breaking the chains of the trauma/abuse cycle in as many lives as possible, and ending the stigma around mental health issues, all forms of abuse, toxic positivity, & all forms of discrimination.

    I am a passionate supporter of personal sovereignty, self-expression, authenticity, equality, animal rights, human rights, planetary rights, compassionate action and am fluent in the creative use of all variations of the word fuck.

    When I'm not empowering others, I can be found riding horses, walking on the beach, hugging a Live Oak tree, playing the drums, creating something, devouring a book, learning something, or just chillin’ with my 3 kids, 2 cats, and Bloodhound.

    I am also known as: The Stone Whisperer, The Biz Alchemist, The Soul Catalyst, and the fucking Queen of Messy Hair.


    I am a master at reading the frequency of the energies of stones, objects, spaces & places, and matching your Unique Energetic Signature to the U.E.S. of the crystals & stones you need to work with to transform your life.

    I am a childhood abuse, domestic violence, molestation, CPTSD, and rape survivor thriver who said "Fuck that shit, I've got people to empower, a legacy to build, and a world to change for the better."

    I healed myself from 250+ food, product, animal, & environmental allergies, severe life-threatening allergy induced asthma, debilitating migraines, and lost 56 unhealthy pounds in the process utilizing what I teach.

    I homeschooled my children while building a business from 0 - 7 figures in short order through embodying what I teach without child support, alimony, or any other form of assistance, financial or otherwise.


    A Practitioner of: Bazi, Reiki, Yi-Jing, Alchemy, Divination, Angel Magick, Moon Magick, Qi Men Dun Jia, Elemental Magick, Classical Feng Shui, and much, much more.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    Empowered Blessings Y'all!


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.
