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Trusted by 3,000+ students & clients with 38 years experience & 26,000+ orders shipped


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A self-led course to help you discover if you are an Earth Elemental Sorceress, and if so, to help you reconnect, so that you can begin to tap into the Elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water around you to help you manifest your ulimate desires.


You are Elemental

You are the Element of Earth.
Every inch of your skin, every muscle, every strand of your hair,
the Element of Earth is the physicality of you.

You are the Element of Air.
With every breath you take, with every word that you speak, with every thought that you have,
the Element of Air moves through you.

You are the Element of Fire.
With every synapse that fires, every beat of your heart, and every action you take,
the Element of Fire burns through you.

You are the Element of Water.
From the blood flowing through your veins to the ebb and flow of your emotions,
the Element of Water flows through you.

You are the Element of Spirit.
You are that storm of Elemental convergence of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and your very Soul.
You are the Element of Spirit.

You are Elemental.


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The power of the Elements also live outside of you.

And if you are an Earth Elemental Sorceress, then you my dear can tap into that power.

The power to get what the fuck you want.

The power to release what the fuck you don't.

The power to consciously create your own reality.

This isn't witchcraft, which is a practice that anyone can learn.

This is something you are born with.

This is something that is etched in the very makeup of your Soul.

This is something that you are, or are not.


Do you have the balls to find out?


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Who the Fuck am I?


I am Robin Motherfucking Zendayah - The Stone Sorceress


The Black Sheep Rebel of the Energy Healing World


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AKA: The Stone Whisperer, The Biz Alchemist, & The Soul Catalyst, and I am the fucking queen of teaching people how to fix their energetic shit, come into alignment with the frequencies of their ultimate desires to become the sovereign rulers of their lives Alchemizing Metaphysics, Magick, & Neuroscience, so that they can live in their own personal flavor of freedom, whether that's excellent physical, mental, & emotional health & well-being, joyful relationships, financial abundance, biz success, or whatever the fuck that is to them.


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I am the founder and Head Mistress of The Stone Sorceress University, and the creator of 60+ personal development, business development, and practitioner programs.

I am a spiritual high priestess & alchemical sorceress who created a hybrid system of Lemurian & Atlantean Elemental Magick in Ancient Atlantis and has brought it into modern times to empower open-minded people to take their personal power back and while doing so, uplift the vibrational frequency of the planet to that of balance, equality, & respect.

I am a 12 time Reiki Master with a single source double lineage and a professionally trained psychic specializing in past life and ancestral line healing.


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I am a master at reading the frequency of the energies of stones, objects, spaces & places, and matching your Unique Energetic Signature to the U.E.S. of the crystals & stones you need to work with to transform your life.

I have been passionately helping people to transform their lives for 35+ years.

I am a childhood abuse, domestic violence, molestation, CPTSD, and rape survivor thriver who can teach you how to take your personal power back and step into freedom too.

I healed myself from 250+ food, product, animal, & environmental allergies, severe life-threatening allergy induced asthma, debilitating migraines, and lost 56 unhealthy pounds in the process utilizing what I teach.

I homeschooled my children while building a business from 0 - 7 figures in short order through embodying what I teach without child support, alimony, or any other form of assistance, financial or otherwise.


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I am proudly neurodivergent and autistic, which I see as an amazing blessing. I am very grateful that I get to experience life through this beautiful lens of empowerment!

I stand for Breaking the chains of the trauma/abuse cycle in as many lives as possible, and ending the stigma around mental health issues, all forms of abuse, toxic positivity, & all forms of discrimination.

I am a passionate supporter of personal sovereignty, self-expression, authenticity, equality, animal rights, human rights, planetary rights, compassionate action and the creative use of all variations of the word fuck.

When I'm not empowering others, I can be found riding horses, walking on the beach, hugging a Live Oak tree, playing the drums, creating something, devouring a book, or just chillin’ with my 3 kids, 2 cats, and Bloodhound.

I am also known as: The Stone Whisperer, The Business Alchemist, The Soul Catalyst, and the fucking Queen of Messy Hair.


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Hey Y'all


This course will give you the opportunity to find out, to see if there's chemistry, a spark, a connection between you and the Earth Elements.

To be an Earth Elemental Sorceress, you do not have to have an affinity for all Elements, it could only be one that is your specialty, or two, or three. Rarely will it be all four.


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But to do that, you need to know some important shit like:


The 35 Innate Energies of the 5 Master Elements


Elemental Spirits
Mythological Beings


Type of Magick
Positive Characteristics
Negative Characteristics


+ The True Innate Energies of the seasons and days of the week.


Tarot Suit
Tarot Trumps
Zodiac Signs
Life Cycle
Alchemical Symbol
Tattwa Symbol
Qabalistic Sephirot
Magickal Tools


You might be thinking, I already know all of that shit, and maybe you do. But, given the level of misinformation out there on everything metaphysical, (80% bullshit, 20% truth), I'm not willing to take that chance with your empowerment, are you?


Misinformation is my enemy, and I will annihilate it for y'all at every fucking possible opportunity.


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Knowledge is power, but it ain't enough..


You gotta do some important shit too:


Being a Sorceress requires a unique combination of genetic and soul level gifts.

So to find out if you are, and if so, to help you reconnect, you need to flip that genetic switch and activate those Soul Level Energies within you. In this course, I've included two ways to help you do that:

> Guided meditation attunements for each of the Master Elements and also each of the seasons.

> Elemental Earth and Seasonal Energies Workbook


Are you afraid that you are? Are you afraid that you are not?

Fear and excitement are exactly the same chemical reaction in our brains.

How you choose to react to that is the only difference.

If you ain't got the balls to step outside of your comfort zone on this, then just click the "x" and go about your day.


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What You Will Get


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Self-led and self-paced course with Lifetime access in:

> online & downloadable audio files
> downloadable PDF's

so that you can get shit done in the way that works for you.


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Private Community


Plus your gonna get 3 months access to the Rebellious Stone Posse private community so that you can post your workbook pages & take your course test to earn your certificate.

While you're there, you'll have the opportunity to purchase The Stone Sorceress and The Stone Sorceresses Daughter offerings which are not sold to the public, only students, members, and clients.

If you decide you love the community and wanna hang out after your 3 months are up, you can do that for a small monthly fee.


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  1. Downloadable PDF's

> All Course Lessons
> Elemental & Seasonal Energies Workbook
> Elemental Energies Cheat Sheet
> Seasons Cheat Sheet

> All Masterclass Lessons

> Elemental & Seasonal Energies Workbook

> Elemental Energies Cheat Sheet

> Seasons Cheat Sheet


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Plus guided meditation attunements & activations for each Element


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I am always looking for other Sorceresses, and if it turns out that you are among the 10% of the world's population that is any type of Sorceress, you will have the opportunity apply to join a special invitation only passion project of mine in the future.


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Elemental Earth Sorceress




I wouldn't be The Stone Sorceress if I didn't give you the option of adding the ancient innate energies of crystals and stones into the magickal mix, now would I? Interested? Check it out below.


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The Elemental Earth Sorceress Master Stones Set


This set is absolutely NOT required to do the workbook or anything else in the Elemental Earth Sorceress course above.

If you are an Elemental Earth Sorceress, you DO NOT NEED any physical tools to connect to and wield Elemental Energies, but we do tend to enjoy working with things of the Earth, (things formed inside the Earth, like Crystals, Stones, and Metals), as opposed the Flora and Fauna on the Earth, (which frequently doesn't work at all for us or goes sideways, lol!). This is something for us sorceresses who just flat out fucking enjoy it.

And if it turns out you are not an Elemental Earth Sorceress, this set can help you to maximize your Elemental connection through physical tools, as a witch does with things that live and grow on the Earth.

You do need to know what's in the course, so the course is included, along with the instructions, (in a special section just for you inside the course), on how to work with this set. If you are only enrolling in the course, you will not see the instructions for this set inside the course.


Plus, you'll get PDF's of the Innate Energies of the Core Universal Master Stones of the 5 Earth-based Elemental Energies.


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The set includes:


The 8 Core Universal Elemental Master Focus Stones needed to complete this course are included and are hand-picked by me first for their level of energy, and then again to resonate with your Unique Energetic Signature. (Form will vary., pictures are examples.)

The Guardian Core Bowl sets cleanse, clear, and charge your stones with high frequency energy, so all you need to do for their energetic hygiene is to reset their D.O.R.'s with properly made 7-metal tingshas.


You also get 5 x 2" Guardian Core Bowl Sets


Why My Stones?:


I handpick practitioner level stones and tools because I give a flying fuck about my students, clients, and the stones, and I want y'all to receive the benefits of working with highly energetically active stones, not a bunch of pretty shelf sitters that are energetically dormant or dead that won't do a damn thing for you.

When you become my student or client, I will hand pick stones and tools for your course packs and subscriptions that will be the absolute best match for your success because they will be a beautiful match your unique energetic signature, as well as play fucking nice with each other to help you do/get the thing.

I've been doing this for a very long fucking time, (35+ years in this lifetime, and countless past lives). The shit I to to make sure that you get the best crystal and stone match for you is extremely time consuming; I gotta find those highly energetic stones, then to go through those to find ones that work as a team, and then to work for you specifically.


To be able to do this requires a unique combination of genetic and soul level gifts that less than 800 people alive in the world today have.


If you are one of those people, you're then gonna need specific energetic attunements, (or reactivation of one's that you had in past lives,) and extensive training by someone who already can fucking do it.

I am always looking for those people to attune and train so that they can do what I do, cuz I am only one person and there are a shit load of people to teach to empower themselves with the ancient innate energies of crystals & stones.

As I write this, there are only 2 other people in the world that can do it. One is one of my children, and the other is in Japan and only offers her services locally, so don't be fooled by others telling you they can do this shit, because they're fucking full of it. Unfortunately, I've had many impersonators and copycats over the years.

If you do see someone blowing smoke up your ass or somebody elses, please give me a head's up, as my lawyers would love to have a friendly chat with them.


I worked for one of the largest importers of stones in this country for 12 years before becoming a mama, (my youngest is 22) and I learned which mines and manufacturers actually gave a flying fuck about the crystals and stones, and which ones only cared about how much money they could make. I made many invaluable connections then, that today, let me go treasure hunting in areas of warehouses that most businesses don't even know exist, let alone can get in there.

Most stones that come into the United States come through Charleston, S.C., and the further west you go, the more picked over the stones are at gem shows and stores. I handpick mainly at warehouses in South Carolina, North Carolina and Florida, where the best shit is before it goes to gem shows and stores.

I hand pick all of the crystals and stones for my students, clients and my private shop for their level of energy, and only buy from importers that I know take damn good care of them, and from mines that treat them with the respect that they deserve.


95% of crystals and stones do not make the cut with me.


Why My Stone Sets?


Just like with people, there are team players, and there are lone wolves, crystals & stones are no different. Roughly 70% are lone wolves, and do not play well with others. And if you try and force them too, well, they're like nails on a chalkboard to each other, and eventually, they'll cause each other to go energetically dormant, and that fucking sucks big time.

This is why I create sets for specific purposes. The crystals & stones in my sets are carefully chosen to get fucking along with each other, but to work together for what ever the goal is.


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What a Few of My Students Have to Say


Click the white arrows on the sides to see more


I have found my Master Stone Teacher. I will take every course she teaches, and beg for more!"

Angelo R.


"Robin KNOWS stones and crystals; she feels them, hears them, and has a connection to them unlike anyone I've ever met."

Angie T.


"Awesome stones... Awesome people... cant wait to see whats next!"

Sonja H.


"Wonderful course, Amazing teacher, & Off the charts stones."

Danyle J.


"Happy, happy, happy! I'm happy, my stones are happy!"

Sarah S.


"Love love love this lady and her beautiful crystals!"

Michelle C.


"This moon set is the shit!"

Caroline B


"I thought I had high energy crystals before I found Robin, but now I know better. I have never felt crystals so strong before!"

Tara B


"As always, Robin's Sets do not disappoint!"

Desiree C


"Just do the damn thing y'all, her stuff IS that good."

Angelina P


"I was beginning to think that crystal healling was all lies, and then I met Robin and held her stones. I was just listening to the wrong people and didn't have good crystals!"

Angie T


"I will not ever buy crystals and stones or take courses from anyone else. Robin is the real deal."

Sarah H


"I have never touched stones that felt like this before! Amazing!"

Melanie K


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EES Set Bonus


If you are enrolling with a set, you're also going to get the audit level of the Rebellious 11 Masterclass bundle.

Why? Because if you're going to work with crystals & stones, you need to have a strong foundation, not the fluffy bunny bullshit info spewed all over the place.


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Elemental Earth Sorceress


plus The Elemental Earth Sorceress

Master Stones Set




Only 4 more Sets are available.


If the sets are sold out, use the preorder option after you click the button below, and your set will ship as soon as they become available, but don't fuck around on that because their are only a few preorders available for this set.


Bundle & Save!


you can bundle all 5 Sorceress Rising courses and Save Moolah. Click the button to get all the deets.


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I guarantee that you will have access to what is stated for what you specifically enroll in. It is up to you to actually do the damn work to get results. I have no way of knowing the level of things you've got going on physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually, so therefore there is no way for me to predict how long it will take you to get those results. All sales are final.

When do I get access?

If you are enrolling before February 21st, 2024, access will be given on February 21st, 2024. If you enroll after February 21st, 2024, access will be given within 24 hours.

Private Community

There are group rules. These rules are there to make sure it is a safe space for all. If you break them, I will promptly kick your ass out, and no refunds will be given, so don't be a twatwaffle, simple.

Why don't you sell stones to the public?

I don't sell stones to people who I don't know know how to work with them correctly, period. Which is why I include free access to an appropriate masterclass(es) to the few publicly available crystal and stone items, (like jewelry), that I do offer.


Due to the ridiculous amounts of misinformation out there about working with stones, odds are, most people don't know how to work with them correctly or take care of them properly.

How do I earn my certificate?

By completing all workbook pages properly and scoring 90% or better on the course test.

When do I get my set?

If you enrolled with a set, it will ship within 7-14 days, it takes time to match up set items with your unique energetic signature. If you enrolled with a preorder for a set, it will ship within 14 - 21 days.


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