No Love & light toxic positivity, no trendy shit, no fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, & no sugar coating, Guaranteed.
No Love & light toxic positivity, no trendy shit, no fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, & no sugar coating, Guaranteed.
Imagine having me as your secret weapon working quietly in the background, and know that you are receiving a continuous flow of Empowerment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to help you heal, grow, and manifest your ultimate desires, so that you can live in your own Personal Flavor of Freedom.
Whether that's physical, mental, or emotional health & well-being, relationships, money, confidence, respect, inner peace, purpose, business or career success, recognition, whatever your goals and desires are, having a continuous Flow of Universal Life Force Energy, and a continous Flow of the Ancient Innate Energies of my Master Practitioner Core Universal Crystals and Stones coming to you, can give you the Energetic Edge you need for whatever you desire.
No need to invest your time and energy to go to in person Reiki sessions, or even regular distance Reiki sessions, both of which only give you a temporary Flow of energy.
You might be thinking, but I bought this (insert whatever item here), and it's charged with Reiki energy, so I don't need something like this.
Fun fact: those "Reiki charged" crystals and stones, (and whatever other "Reiki charged" items people sell you), assuming that they're actually charged with anything, that charge is finite and temporary, no matter what people tell you when they're selling them to you. And, a little food for thought: if that item is not 100% natural, it won't hold Reiki energy, (or any other type of helpful energy), to begin with.
You might be thinking, but I have crystals and stones, (and other things), with Reiki symbols on them, so why would I need this too? Another fun fact: those symbols won't do a damn thing for you if you don't have properly done attunements to those symbols, have proper training to know how to activate them to open and direct that flow of energy.
Also, those symbols have to be drawn extremely precisely, with each stroke done in the correct direction and order, with proper intention. For each of my Reiki levels, we spent a minimum of 6 solid hours practicing drawing each symbol, yes, 6 hours each. Why? Because drawing that symbol perfectly is everything. It is the difference between nothing happening, channelling a very different type of harmful energy, and actually channelling Lifeforce Energy. This was day one of every level, and if you couldn't get it perfect, you didn't go any further with that level.
Do you really think those manufacturers are doing this with their engraving machines and tools? Not to mention that they're done on mass produced items, frequently in sweat shops, on energetically dead crystals and stones, or on items that aren't 100% natural to begin with.
Being a properly trained Reiki Master in 12 different types of Reiki, (types in the F.A.Q.'s), and my extensive knowledge and experience with crystals and stones has given me the ability to create a system that is not practiced by anyone else in the world. This system is extremely advanced and can only be done by someone who can not only hold, run, and anchor a massive channel of Life Force Energy, but also doing the same with multiple types of crystal and stone energies while synergizing it all into a continuous flow of empowerment to you.
In fact, this Flow is so powerful, (even more powerful than my other Reiki offerings, which were hella kick-ass), that I have stopped offering all other types of Reiki sessions both distance and in person.
If you would like to add me, The Stone Sorceress, to your arsenal, I've opened up a few additional spots in The Stone Sorceress Flow - Human Crystal Grid Distance Reiki program.
Only 13 spots are available for each Flow.
Be sure to grab yours before they're all taken.
I was trained and attuned by a Reiki Grand Master, (contrary to the Fluffy Bunny Bullshit out there, a Reiki Grand Master is someone who has been in continous service for a minimum of 21 years, not something you take a course and get a certification for for fuck's sake). My training required multiple 12 - 16 hour days for each level, and many, many hours of hands-on training performing sessions on actual clients with my Reiki Grand Master making sure that my technique was perfected, and that I could channel and hold this energy correctly for each Master Level I hold.
Time between levels is also essential to allow the practitioner's Master Energetic System time to adjust to running a much larger channel and higher frequency of energy, 30 days minimum.
This was an investment of many years of my life and roughly a quarter million dollars. I take my responsibility to you of being the best that I can be for you very seriously.
Reiki or any other type of energy work practitioner training should never be done by a book, or without your teacher seeing you run the energy and that you have mastered the techniques on real clients, period.
Would you let someone perform surgery on you if the only qualifications they had were studying the textbooks, listening to lectures, and watching someone else perform the surgery?
Lineage is very important, because a lot can be lost in translation, think of the games “pass it on” or “the phone game”. The shorter the lineage, the better. I’ve seen many popular traditions who don’t even use correctly drawn symbols, and leave out a lot of important information in their training manuals and 95% of the so-called "Reiki practitioners" I've met don't even know what a lineage is, much less their own. A practitioner's Reiki lineage is so important, it is one of the very first things given to you in Reiki one.
I carry a double lineage:
U.S. Lineage European Lineage
Usui Usui
Hayashi Hayashi
Takata Takata
Beth Gray Lord John Harvey Gray
Allison Hayes
Robin Zendayah (me)
You have accomplished what doctors haven't been able to do in years...My ankle has been extremely painful since surgery in 2010 and again 2011... it is still tight but the agony is gone!! The arthritis has eased too!! You are a Miracle Worker!!
Brenda T. North Carolina, U.S.
If y'all haven't done really should! I 4c myself daily....but I went ahead and signed up for yesterday. ...I wanted to feel/see what it was like to have it done by Robin.... OMGODDESS!!!! I just messaged her & asked her the time slot she had me in yesterday. ...bcuz during that time...WOW! I was covered in goosebumps, the energy I felt was so ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! I have no words!!!! I felt like I was being lifted! It was a truly awesome experience! I'm very grateful for this! Thank you, thank you Robin.
Fawn M. Iowa, U.S.
I tried reiki as a last ditched resort for my severe anxiety and depression. I did not believe it would help, but Robin was recommended by a friend, so I figured, what the hell, it can't make it any worse. Each week, my anxiety was a little less and so was my depression, by week 12, my anxiety was gone, and I was able to actually enjoy life again. Now, at 24 weeks, I am off of all medications for my depression and anxiety and will be forever grateful to Robin for giving me my life back.
Sandy K. Georgia, U.S.
I love you Robin! I don't want to imagine where my life would be right now if I hadn't decided to give Reiki one more try, with you. I have tried so many different practitioners for years, but nothing changed, except that half the time they made me sicker than I already was, until a friend recommended you to me. I was suffering from all the crap that comes along with Fibro, was being the key word here, because I'm not suffering anymore! Things started to improve after about a month of sessions, and 10 months later, my mind is blown and so are my doctors. I have my life back and you have a life-long client. Thank you is not enough.
Jeri Lynn B. Alaska,, U.S.
People probably don't usually think of Reiki as something to help you with your business, (I know I didn't), but Robin offered it as an add-on to my personal development mentoring package, I trust her implicitly, so I gave it a go. Wow! I have struggled for a long time with attracting the right people to my biz, which means that I was struggling to hit my goals and was burning out quick before Robin. Things started to improve immediately in all areas of my business! Fast forward 6 months and I'm now attracting amazing people to my biz, am hitting and frequently exceeding my goals, and am loving my business again because I am finally working with people that are just right for my offerings.
Katelyn S.. Texas, U.S.
This is the first testimonial I have ever given, because I am a very, very private person. I won't go into the details, but I now have Robin do reiki not only for me, but also my wife, my 3 children, and my mother.
Elizabeth M.. Washington, U.S.
I don't normally do testimonials, but people need to know about Robin's Reiki. I have been suffering with fibromyalgia for decades. The pain, exaustion, missing out on so many things because I just didn't have many spoons to work with in a day and they seemed to reduce in number continuously no matter what I did. Robin has given me all my spoons back and then some! I am almost pain free after 7 weeks of sessions and my exaustion is a thing of the past! I get to say "yes" now to whatever I'm invited to do, and I have picked back up hobbies that I haven't been able to do!
Michelle E. Rhode Island, U.S.
Before the pandemic, I had minor anxiety, a panic attack here and there, but nothing I couldn't deal with. But after the pandemic, when the world started to return to normal, I couldn't. Everything was anxiety inducing. It seemed like every day was one panic attack after another. I couldn't stand to do everyday things like grocery shopping, getting gas, etc., much less socialize with my friends or go to work outside of my home.
My best friend is one of Robin's students and she talked me into trying her reiki boost sessions. I'd tried everything else under the sun, so I gave it a shot, not expecting it to help at all.
With the first session, I felt a little less anxious. After the second session, I was down to only 1 panic attack a day. By the third session, I only had a couple of panic attacks during that week. By the forth session, no panic attacks and my general anxiousness was almost gone! By the fifth session, I could do basic everyday life things without any issues, and by the 7th session, I was able to start hanging out with my friends again! Try it, I am so thankful that my best friend told me about her!
Kara B. California, U.S.
Confidence. That's what I now have in spades after a few months with Robin's reiki. When I came to Robin, I was a terrified wall flower with a speach impediment. Now, that speach impediment that I've had all my life is gone, (I'm 43), and I have a brand new job that has me speaking on stage and doing coporate training with confidence and ease!
Carrie B. New York, U.S.
This is going to sound crazy but, here goes. I tried Robin's Reiki to help with my digestive issues, (I have, well, had IBS). My IBS completely cleared up after 12 weeks, which is mind-blowing, considering I've been dealing with it for over a decade. That itself is life-changing and I am forever grateful for that. But, here's the kicker. I've been in business for 8 years, with a modest increase in revenue each year between 5 - 10%. I was hoping for physical healing with this, and I got it, but what I did not expect was to have my business revenue quadruple, while working less hours, within a year of weekly distance sessions! If you're a business owner, do this now.
Estelle H. Massachusetts, U.S.
I was very sceptical at first. You see, these sessions were bought for me as a gift by my daughter. I would never have bought them for myself, as I didn't believe in energy healing. Oh how that has changed!
I was on the verge of having to have double knee replacements, the doctors said there was nothing else they could do, my knees were just shot. My first one was scheduled for just six weeks away when these sessions began.
After the first session, I noticed that my pain lessened. By the 4th weekly session, I was pain free!!! That same week I had an appointment with my doctor. When I told him I was pain free, he ordered an MRI immediately, and when the results came back, was shocked that not only did I not need a replacement for either knee, my knees were as healthy as an 18 year-olds and I'm 64!
Lauren S. Ontario, CA
Master Energetic System Guardian
This Flow is the Master Body Alchemy Flow. If you are only doing 1 Flow, do this one, period. This Flow does the job of 4 different sessions all rolled into one:
This Flow is designed to help clear harmful, negative, & stagnant energy out of your Auric Field & Chakras so that you can have better physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health & well-being to empower you in ALL areas of your life.
Getting the Stuck Harmful Energetic Debris the fuck out of Your Auric Field that you are picking up every single day from other people you encounter, places you go, & the things that you touch.
Charging Your Auric Field with Life Force Energy to help you repair & strengthen your Auric Field from damage caused by harmful external & internal energy.
This Flow helps to connect you to the healing Energy of the Earth, grounds energy that no longer serves you, helps to shield your Master Energetic System from harmful external energies so that you can release negativity, stress, anxiety for inner peace & tranquility to empower you in ALL areas of your life.
Cauldron Cash Bonus
$1,333/year for this Flow
or monthly payments of $113
I strongly recommend that everyone does the Flow above.
If you would like to target specific chakras for issues that that chakra governs, then check out the Flows below. If you want to cover all your bases, there's a bundle available that includes all of the Flows on this page down below the individual Chakra Flows section.
Physical Chakras Options
Click on the + sign to explore each Flow.
Physical Areas of Influence
Physical Areas of Influence
Physical Areas of Influence
Spiritual Chakras Options
Click on the + sign to explore each Flow.
Physical Areas of Influence
Cerebral cortex
Central nervous system
Muscular system
Skeletal system
All glands to some degree and strongly influences the pineal gland, pituitary gland and the hormones related to them.
Common Issues & Health Conditions
Immune Disorders
Mental Health Issues
Cognitive Issues
Knowledge Retention
Addiction: Religion
This Flow utilizes 2 Core Universal Master Stones.
Areas of Influence
Connection to all
Soul realization/life’s purpose
Karmic Gifts
Karmic Grace
Soul Level Gifts
Life Themes
Infinite energy
Transcending Karma
Instant Manifestation
Accessing Akashic Records
Spiritual Enlightenment
Soul Illumination
Exploration of Multiple Dimensions
This chakra is the point from where information from the divine, higher realms/planes of existence, guides, ascended masters, Akashic records, and our higher self enters into the chakra system.
The high crown chakra is also where you access your soul’s code or higher purpose, which is to create your own reality based on your soul’s energy type at creation, and dominant energy centers. It is also known as the doorway to archetypal energies and patterns that play a role in shaping your destiny.
When the High Crown Chakra is active and open, it links to other transcendental chakras located above your head.
It slows down higher frequencies from the Divine to a frequency that can be withstood by the body. The higher your vibration, the less the High Crown must slow down Divine frequencies.
It is through this chakra that communications with light beings, (beings of pure energy without a physical body, not good/positive/love & light fluffy bunny bullshit that others would have you believe that light beings are), that exist outside of any of the physical worlds occur. This chakra is where a soul enters a physical body during incarnation and travels down to the Solar Plexus chakra to seat itself. It is also the white light tunnel reported by near death experiences that the soul uses to exit at physical death.
Your third eye chakra is like a movie screen, your crown chakra the projector, and your high crown chakra is the film, the source of the information being shown to you through your third eye chakra. Your crown chakra translates the information into something that you can understand.
Common Issues & Health Conditions
This Flow utilizes 8 Core Universal Master Stones.
$1,333/year per Flow
or monthly payments of $113
The VIP bundle includes ALL Flows on this page.
$13,333 per year
There is no "dog and pony show". I will not record, do lives, or show you a bazillian pictures of what I do because it is utterly and completely unecessary, and in the past has only led to others trying to copy what I do.
The energies that I work with are nothing to be trifled with. I have seen improperly trained practitioners destroy their clients' health and lives, as well as their own. Not to mention all of the so-called "practitioners" ripping off innocent people needing help left and right just to make money.
This powerful technique was created by me and is only practiced by me. Please let me know if you see someone else claiming to practice this technique as I don’t want people being taken advantage of or experiencing harmful effects due to someone else’s lack of ethics, proper training, skill, knowledge & experience.
What is distance Reiki?
Distance Reiki sessions are when a Reiki practitioner sends Reiki energy (Universal Life Force Energy, Prana, Chi) to an individual, group, event, or situation in the past, present or future. Reiki energy works to produce the highest results for the highest good for all involved, and will never override a person’s free will.
Only your higher self knows whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual healing is in your highest good, not your conscious mind. If whatever issue(s) you are having are things you chose to experience in this lifetime, or Karmic Debt, Reiki will not interfere with that. It can bring specific issues to the surface so that you can work through them far more quickly than without Reiki, and release them far more easily.
How does Reiki work?
Everything is made of energy. Every ailment or issue starts out as an energetic imbalance in the energy system surrounding and within the body. Your energetic system is designed to receive divine energy through your upper chakras outside the physical body, and Earth energy drawn up through your Root chakra from your Earth Star chakra. You also discharge excess, stagnant, and harmful energy into the Earth through your Earth Star chakra.
Your Auric Field, which surrounds your body, can absorb and discharge energy to and from your environment, other people, and entities. When the flow of life force energy is disrupted, it causes mental, emotional, spiritual or physical issues. Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field, bringing powerful Universal Life Force Energy. A Reiki practitioner doesn’t decide what the energy will heal or not heal, your higher self does.
In the world of energy, there is no such thing as time or space. Distant healing is based on Quantum Physics, energy is not restricted to any time and location. It is possible to transmit Reiki energies over any distance. Reiki energy is channeled through the practitioner to the recipient.
(Required legal disclaimer: Reiki should never be used instead of medical treatment, it should be used as a compliment and a way to become and remain healthy.)
Why Should I Have Distance Reiki?
A person’s free will, soul and higher-self all need to be in harmony to affect an instant healing. Chronic long term conditions are not usually responsive to instant healings and are instead most likely to improve and heal over time. A person does not get themselves into the mess they are in with their health issues overnight.
Instant healings usually result when a person is consciously ready and willing to let go of a condition or conditions that no longer serves them, of all non-beneficial beliefs, thoughts, behaviors, attitudes and emotions that have either caused, contributed or influenced their health complaints and interfered with their body’s natural ability to correct, repair and heal itself.
A person who is ready to heal ultimately realizes that their health and well-being far outweighs any alternative of them holding onto any anger, judgment, grief or other painful emotions.
Some people also have an underlying fear or worry about becoming well again because of the life changes that wellness would bring. Being co-dependent on others or being financially dependent on any sickness benefits, for example. The spiritual truth is that any lack of integrity, selfish desires, underlying fear, or stubborn refusal to change any destructive behaviors and patterns – will keep you from healing.
Your thoughts affect every single cell in your body.
Improved Results
Many people, will begin to show signs of positive improvements in their health & well-being. They will also have a greater clarity, a more positive outlook etc. Reiki works in harmony with their free will and personal responsibility to breakthrough their issues. Although results are slower, the person can eventually heal and for many people the results are permanent.
Chronic Conditions
For chronic issues, long term illnesses and complaints, distance Reiki can help to bring relief to a certain degree as many years of toxic energetic build-up has accumulated and needs to be undone.
It can take months for a person to notice a beneficial improvement in their specific issue. They didn't get to this point overnight and it usually takes time to heal.
To heal chronic issues, a person must be willing to change limiting beliefs/perceptions, let go of deep emotional pain, being willing to live their truth, and make the necessary common sense life style changes that will best serve them. If you do not participate in your own self-healing process, you will not get the results you desire.
Any issue can be corrected, as long as it is in agreement with your higher self to do so. This can take quite some time for you to be ready to energetically release those issues. If you do not take care of your chakras and auric field properly, Reiki will take longer to work.
While there can be many different factors, forces, and reasons for why a person’s issues don’t resolve, here are the ones that are most common:
Will I feel anything?
You may feel heat, tingling, coldness and/or have visual experiences. All are normal. If you feel nothing, that may mean that the healing energy was working on some issues other than physical, namely the emotional, mental or spiritual bodies as directed by your soul.
Contrary to the fluffy bunny bullshit out there, you don't have to do or not do a damn thing when receiving Reiki energy. It will not interrupt your activities, make you tired while you are driving or fall asleep at work, for example. It will go to and do what most serves you in each moment.
Please do realize that you are paying for my time and expertize, not the actual healing results. Your results are ultimately up to your higher self.
Distance Reiki works on many different levels, supporting you with an inner strength and clarity of mind to work through the life experiences you chose before birth, to work through Karmic Debt, to break or Soul Contracts, in order to help you initiate a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual healing.
My clients and students have nicknamed me the Stone Whisperer for my ability to communicate with stones. They have also nicknamed me The Stone Sorceress for my ability to utilize the innate energy of stones for transformation, and the Soul Whisperer for my ability to read the Unique Energetic Signature of your Soul.
I have worked with stones all my life, and have done so professionally for over 37 years. My professional training is ever continuing to be able to bring more Empowerment opportunities to your life.
Empowered Blessings Y’all,
Robin Z ~ The Stone Sorceress
I guarantee that you will receive a continuous flow of Reiki energy for the length of your subscription. You are paying for my time, skill, experience, and expertise, not your results. It is entirely up to your higher self what results you see. All sales are final and no refunds will be given.
Initial payment is billed immediately when you enroll.
Subsequent monthly or yearly payments are automatically billed within 24 hours before or after the same day of the month or year as you enrolled on each month.
Within 48 hours of making your first payment.
1 Year. You may cancel your subscription at any time before your 1 year subscription renews from your account on . If you are on a payment plan, you can cancel at any time after your 12th payment bills.
I am a 12 time Reiki Master in:
> Traditional Usui Reiki
> Takata Reiki
> Rock Girl Reiki
> Distance Reiki
> Past Life Reiki
> Human Crystal Reiki
> Lemurian Human Crystal Reiki
> Atlantean Human Crystal Reiki
> Ancient Egyptian Human Crystal Reiki
> Ancient Sumerian Human Crystal Reiki
> Ancestral Human Crystal Reiki
> Sorceress Rising Elemental Reiki