What is distance Reiki?
Distance Reiki sessions are when a Reiki practitioner sends Reiki energy (Universal Life Force Energy, Prana, Chi) to an individual, group, event, or situation in the past, present or future. Reiki energy works to produce the highest results for the highest good for all involved, and will never override a person’s free will.
Only your higher self knows whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual healing is in your highest good, not your conscious mind. If whatever issue(s) you are having are things you chose to experience in this lifetime, or Karmic Debt, Reiki will not interfere with that. It can bring specific issues to the surface so that you can work through them far more quickly than without Reiki, and release them far more easily.
How does Reiki work?
Everything is made of energy. Every ailment or issue starts out as an energetic imbalance in the energy system surrounding and within the body. Your energetic system is designed to receive divine energy through your upper chakras outside the physical body, and Earth energy drawn up through your Root chakra from your Earth Star chakra. You also discharge excess, stagnant, and harmful energy into the Earth through your Earth Star chakra.
Your Auric Field, which surrounds your body, can absorb and discharge energy to and from your environment, other people, and entities. When the flow of life force energy is disrupted, it causes mental, emotional, spiritual or physical issues. Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field, bringing powerful Universal Life Force Energy. A Reiki practitioner doesn’t decide what the energy will heal or not heal, your higher self does.
In the world of energy, there is no such thing as time or space. Distant healing is based on Quantum Physics, energy is not restricted to any time and location. It is possible to transmit Reiki energies over any distance. Reiki energy is channeled through the practitioner to the recipient.
There is no belief system attached to Reiki so anyone can receive a Reiki energy. As in any healing the first step towards a healthier life is a desire to be healed. Reiki helps to harmonize body, mind and spirit.
- Reiki can help with a helluva lot of shit. Just a few of those things are:
- Increases sense of well-being
- Accelerates healing
- Pain relief
- Increases creativity
- Strengthening of the immune system
- Rejuvenation of body & soul
- Aids in detoxification
- Physical, emotional, spiritual and mental balancing
- Reduced sides effects of chemotherapy
- Spiritual growth
- Increases ability to handle life’s challenges with calmness & clarity
- Promotes natural self-healing
- Balances the energies in the body
- Balances the organs and glands
- Treats symptoms and causes of illness
- Clears toxins
- Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver
- Enhances personal awareness
- Relaxes and reduces stress & anxiety
- Releases blocked and suppressed feelings
- Aids meditation and positive thinking
- Heals holistically
(Required legal disclaimer: Reiki should never be used instead of medical treatment, it should be used as a compliment and a way to become and remain healthy.)