A 12 month Immersion created from my Grimoire's Sovereign Master Pages to give you the Energetic Edge in Life & Business so that you can live in the Freedom of Manifesting Your Ultimate Desires to have/be/do experience your Ultimate Desires.
A 12 month Immersion created from my Grimoire's Sovereign Master Pages to give you the Energetic Edge in Life & Business so that you can live in the Freedom of Manifesting Your Ultimate Desires to have/be/do experience your Ultimate Desires.
You will not achieve your goals and dreams if you are not in energetic alignment with them, no matter how many "right" actions you are taking. It takes both, and this program will give you the energetic edge to actually move towards making them your reality.
Being in energetic alignment isn't all about toxicly positive intentions, affirmations, & positive thinking, contrary to fluffy bunny bullshit. You can think positive thoughts until the fucking cows come home, but if your body says it's a lie, it is not going to bring you into energetic alignment with your goals and dreams.
To live in your personal flavor of freedom, the freedom of experiencing your ultimate desires, you have to come into energetic alignment with that which you desire, period. It doesn't matter whether or not that is excellent health & wellbeing, joyful relationships, financial abundance, biz success, or whatever the fuck that means to you, you gotta fix your energetic shit.
What you will learn in Sovereign is the Energetic Edge you need to access your full potential in life, in biz, in anything and everything.
With what I teach and the tools included in Sovereign:
• I built my main business to 7-figures a year, (well on the way to 8), while homeschooling my children, without a job to fall back on, or any assistance in any form. I did this strictly on energetics, personal development energetics. I didn't even learn what a S.O.P. was until 2023, lol!
• I also sometimes flip houses for fun, and when I do, it is always a 7-figure year for that biz too.
• I also cured myself of over 250 allergies, and life-threatening allergy induced asthma.
• I also got myself out of a multi-decade, abusive on all levels marriage to a narcisit.
Are there practical things to learn about biz and life, absolutely. But how well those things work and work out for you is ultimately dependant on what you are in energetic alignment with, and whether the things you implement are in alignment with who you are at Soul Level too.
You may be thinking, but I've been doing personal development/energetic work for years and I'm still not where I want to be, or, what could you possibly teach me? Quite a lot actually, or you wouldn't even be reading this. Because, if what you've already learned worked, you wouldn't be looking for something else right now would you?
Unfortunately, the metaphysical world is full of about 80% bullshit and 20% truth on a good day. So much fluffy bunny bullshit that you don't just need wading boots, you need full diving gear just to try and get through it.
Let's be clear, there is no magick pill or quick fix. That's just fluffy bunny bullshit designed to keep you coming back for more, to keep you buying all the things, again, and again, and again in the hopes that you'll finally find that "one thing" that produces your miracle.
This system covers the energetics of your:
• Environment
• Health & well-being
• Money
• Relationships
• Psychic development
• Your purpose and who you really are at a Soul Level and anything and everything else you can think of.
I’ll teach you how to master all of those areas of energetics through the 4 Alchemies of Embodied Soul Alchemy, with the exact same powerful techniques, tools, and timing that I personally use to manifest my desires in all areas of my life, partnering with the ancient innate energies of crystals & stones through Embodied Soul Alchemy, because I am, after all, The Stone Sorceress.
I’ll also show you how to utilize other Sacred Tools, & Neuroscience too, with a dusting of magick in all the right places, so that you can get the fuck on with living in your own personal flavor of freedom, whatever that is to you, while changing your life, and the world for the better.
Change Your Environment, Change Your Life.
Changing your environment changes your emotions,
which changes your thoughts,
which changes your actions,
and that changes your life.
Environmental Alchemy shows you how to take control of the nasty fucking hidden energies in your space so that you can create an Energetic Sanctuary that is supportive, healing, nurturing, & uplifting, utilizing the ancient innate energies of crystals and stones.
Body Alchemy shows you how to transform your Master Energetic Sytem, (the 7 Master Layers of your Auric Field, and your 9 Master Chakras), and your body into a fine-tuned vehicle for your soul to give you an Energetic Edge physically, mentally, emotionally, psychicly, and spirtually.
Psychic Alchemy helps you fix & properly maintain your 3 chakras of psychic development: Third Eye, Crown, & High Crown, as well as activate, develop, & strengthen your Master Clairs so that you can tune into what is going on in around you with people, places, and things, and connect with your guides and higher self, to get the information that you need to make confident choices in all areas of your life and biz that support you in reaching your goals and experiencing your ultimate desires.
Soul Alchemy shows you how to shed the bullshit masks that you've put on and personas you've adopted to conform to societal, family, and relationship norms and demands to discover who the fuck you really are, honoring and owning that with every choice you make and action you take, so that you can invoke Your Karmic Grace & Gifts, to live a life filled with purpose, passion, & inner peace.
Why This Is So Fucking Important
You are continuously being energetically bitch slapped with all kinds of environmental shit, other people's bullshit, and hell, sometimes your own shit too, (you know I'm fucking right).
And when you are traveling, (or even day to day errands), holy fuckballs, you never know what kind of nasties you're gonna be playing energetic tootsie footsie with.
Energies that slow you down, make you feel like crap, and stop you from living the life you know you were born to live.
It’s affecting every single area of your life, and whether you manifest what you want as FAST as you want it in all those areas, or at all.
It's also taking up valuable real estate in your space and in your Master Energetic System, which keeps you from bringing in all of the energies that you need to get to the next level of what the fuck you want, because the amount of energy those things can hold is finite, unlike popular fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation would have you believe. Just like any container, your space and your Master Energetic System can only hold so much.
It is impossible to come into energetic alignment with your ultimate desires if your environment, your body, your Soul Level Energy, and your Psychic Clairs are holding negative, harmful, or stagnant energy. And, if one is, they all are, because your master energetic system in your body is constantly absorbing energy from your environment, other people, your emotions, your thoughts, misalignment in your Soul Level Energy and nasty energy in your Psychic Clairs causes damage to your Master Energetic Sytem, which causes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues.
And at the same time, your master energetic system is constantly throwing those same energies back out into your environment. It is a viscous cycle that never stops unless you do something to remove the negative, harmful, and stagnant energy from both consistently.
In Part 1, I not only teach you how to annihilate that shit in your environment, your Psychic Clairs, your Soul Level Energy, and your Master Energetic System within and around your Body with crystals & stones exactly like I do it, You'll also get the exact crystals, stones, and other energetic tools you need to do so that are hand-picked by me to resonate with your unique energetic signature, because if they don't, they will not do a damn thing for you, period.
We're gonna take out the Energetic Trash baby, so you can get the fuck on with living in your own personal flavor of freedom, whatever that is to you, while changing your life, and the world for the better.
Check out the specifics of what we're going to do in each month below. Be sure to click on each tab to explore. Curriculum, (lifetime access), and Tools are released in month's 1 and 2, with month 3 being the month that I do your Property Readings & Clearings, a month of continued practice for you, and catch up, if you need it cause hey, life happens. If your are enrolled in part 1 only, you will have a full 3 month's access to the private community.
Environmental Alchemy
What you can clear from your environment, and what must be professionally cleared.
Before you cleanse, clear, charge, & correct the energy of your space: Prep Work
The simple but powerful ritual to get the harmful, negative, stagnant energy the fuck out of any home or biz space, your car, boat, plane or any mode of private transportation, and infuse it with high frequency Life Force Energy.
Whole House Gridding for Protection, Healing, Empowerment, & Transformation.
The Innate Energies of the Core Universal Master Stones of Space Gridding.
Master Energetic System Overview:
The 7 Layers of Your Auric Field
Your 9 Master Chakras
Environmental Alchemy
Ordering Exercise & Meditation to choose the right stone for the guidance you need the most right now.
Atitude of Gratitude Part 2:
The Gratitude Jar - Placement & Setup
Gratitude Jar daily, weekly, & holiday Rituals.
Bonus: Gratitude Arts & Crafts projects for you & your family too.
There are some things that only a professional can identify and clear, so I'm also going to do a property reading and clearing on your home to see if you are dealing with:
• Portals
• Negative Entities
• Ghosts
• Earthbound Spirits
• Poltergeists
• Negative Thought Forms
• Anger Spears
• Specific Objects holding harmful energy
• Gateways
• Land assigned as: a battleground, burial ground, or sacred site.
I'll let you know exactly what I find, what it means, how it can affect you, then I will annihilate that shit for you.
I'm also going to do a Master Energetic System Assessment and take a look at exactly what is going on in the 7 Master Layers of your Auric Field, and 6 of your Master Chakras, and give you a detailed report:
• Auric Field
• Earth Star Chakra
• Roolt Chakra
• Sacral Chakra
• Solar Plexus Chakra
• Physical Aspects of your Heart Chakra
• Spiritual Aspects of your Heart Chakra
• Throat Chakra
Why the fuck are the crystals & stones in glass jars?
1. In the bottom of the jars is a proprietary blend of chip stones that continuously:
 > Protects them from all negative, harmful energies, transmutes harmful energies to helpful energies, clears energetic debris, and charges the crystals & stones with Life Force Energy, completing steps 1, 2, and 3 of 4C’ing, saving you a tremendous amount o time over having to manually 4C them each month to proiperly care for them so that they can do their job for you, which means you'll only need to spend a few minutes each month doing step 4, and they're good to go for another month, woohoo!
 > Amplifies the energies of the crystals & stones inside, allowing you to get the same benefits you would get from crystals and stones 5 to 10 times the size of those inside the jars, which saves you a shit ton of money and space.
2. Allows you to see the beauty of your crystals and stones without the pain in the ass dusting.
3. The jars have hinged lids which help to protect your crystals and stones from little hands, mouths, and paws, and vice versa.
The jars only have labels on the bottom, so if you wish to be discreet in your Environmental Alchemy practices, they simply look like decorative pieces.
In Part 2, were going to focus on your Energetic Edge for Physical, Mental, Emotional, & Spiritual Health & Well-being, Money, & Relationships.
Body Alchemy:
You'll learn what your Master Energetic System is and does, and I'll teach you 2 diffferent ways to do direct Auric Field & Chakra StoneWork with the right technique, Core Universal Master Stones for each, and timing, not Fluffy Bunny Bullshit.
You're going to learn how to correct and maintain the health of your Master Energetic System, so that you can begin to undo the damage that has been done to it and support it to support you in manifesting your ultimate desires around Health & Well-being, Money, and Relationships.
I'm going to do a Master Energetic System Assessment and take a look at exactly what is going on in the 7 Master Layers of your Auric Field, and 6 of your Master Chakras, (we work on the other 3 in Sovereign Part 3), and give you a detailed report.
Then, we're going to tackle issues in your:
• Auric Field
• Earth Star Chakra
• Roolt Chakra
• Sacral Chakra
• Solar Plexus Chakra
• Physical Aspects of your Heart Chakra
• Spiritual Aspects of your Heart Chakra
• Throat Chakra
and I'll teach you how to support them Psychic, Environmental, and Soul Level, so that they can support you in manifesting your desires around Health & Well-being, Money, & Relationships.
Environmental Alchemy:
You'll learn what, where, and how to place Core Universal Master Crystals and Stones in your environment to support your Health & Well-being, Money, & Relationships.
Psychic Alchemy:
You're going to learn about the Core Universal Master Stones of Health & Well-being, Money, and Relationships, plus specific pendulum protocols for guidance around Health & Well-being on all levels, money, and relationships too, so that you can rest assured that you are getting accurate guidance from your higher self, your guides, etc. You're also going to learn about and how to communicate & get guidance from your Body Deva and Soul Deva.
Soul Alchemy:
You're going to learn how to identify and irradicate some of your Soul Level issues related to manifesting excellent Health & Well-being, Joyful Relationships, and Finances that make you grin from ear to ear.
Check out the specifics of what we're going to do in each Alchemy below. Be sure to click on each tab to explore.
Are you ready to break free from karmic cycles and uplevel your health & well-being?
• Step off the Health & Well-being Karmic Hamster Wheel that's kept you stuck, break the chains of energetic sabotage, learn how to lose the Body Karma Drama and step into your sovereign power to sculpt the mind-body connection you deserve.
• Time for a mindset revolution. Adopt empowering perspectives and actions that open the door to transformative change.
• Engage with your Body Deva, your personal inner guru, to unlock innate wisdom and healing prowess. Everything you need is within.
• Immerse yourself in your newfound wisdom, ensuring it becomes a permanent fixture in your daily life for sustainable transformation.
• Learn how to unlock your subconscious blocks, shift limiting mindsets, and align your body and spirit to self-healing to begin to rewrite your physical, mental, and emotional destiny.
• Unlock Clarity & Alignment: Recognize the subconscious forces at play to get crystal clear on what's holding you back.
• Understand what keeps you out of Alignment so that you can come into energetic alignment with Health & Well-being Sovereignty & Optional StoneWork for All-Around Support: Harness the power of stones to support you in reaching your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual Health & Well-being goals faster.
• Uncover Internal & External Sources: Discover the hidden sources that sabotage you physically, mentally, & emotionally. so that you can adress them for faster results.
• I saw that - Karma: Break Free from Your Health & Well-being Karmic Hamster Wheel - Stop the patterns that have been keeping you stuck, so that you can rewrite your pysical, mental, & emotional destiny to that which you desire.
• The Body Deva Advantage: Connect with your Body Deva and unlock the wisdom within you. Your personal guide is ready to assist you.
• Change that Shit: Ready for a new perspective? Shift your mindset, choose a new path of empowering actions, and embrace the positive change that's waiting for you.
I was super skeptical before I joined this program because nothing else I'd tried, (either traditional or energetic), had really helped my cronic health conditions. I was at my wits end, so I figured why not?
I am overjoyed to say that 4 months after completing sacred body alchemist and continuing to apply what I learned, I am a new woman!!! I get to do all the things that my health kept me from doing before. It feels so good knowing that I won't be missing out on life because of my health any more! Thank you Robin!
Jessica Z.
Shitty Relationships out, Amazeballs Relationships in, Period.
Soul Alchemy & Relationships:
Sick of superficial friendships, toxic family, energy-sucking leeches of partners that drain you dry physically, mentally, & emotionally? Ready to call in people who cherish your inner magic? Through raw truth bombs & kickass StoneWork, and more, I'll show you how to:
• Expose and transform subconscious blocks poisoning your relationships.
• Destroy limiting beliefs keeping you chained to toxicity and unworthiness
• Disrupt generational and past-life BS keeping you trapped.
• Establish standards and ditch energy parasites.
• Embrace your worth - never settle again.
• Manifest your dream tribe.
• How to utilize Emotional Alchemy Neuromastery to Gain Clarity from Your Subconscious on Relationships.
• How to Magnetize Your Desires.
• How to set powerful Relationship Intentions.
• Karma & Owning your Personal Power in Relationships.
• New Relationships Energetics.
I figured that I was probably wasting my money on this program. I felt like I was just not meant to have good relationships, that maybe I was just being punished for something I must have done wrong somewhere along the line, at least that's what it felt like. I seemed to only be able to attract the "wrong people" into my life. Same relationship, different face. It didn't matter whether it was friendships, romantic, work, just all of them. That was my life before this program.
Fast forward to the present, and oh my god how my life has changed! I have the best friends! I have an amazing partner who treats me with love and respect always! I got a new job where I am actually appreciated and I go to work with a smile on my face every day! I was even able to let go of toxic family relationships!
Mariella P.
Ditch Your Suck-Ass Money Karma and
Unleash the Freedom & Inner Peace of Financial Sovereignty
Soul Alchemy & Money:
I invite you to join me on this journey to transform your relationship with money and dissolve old limiting patterns. It's not about quick fixes – it's about planting the seeds of Financial Empowerment that will revolutionize your life with Freedom & Inner Peace.
• How to utilize Emotional Alchemy Neuromastery to uncover your Subconscious Money Demons - your blocks around wealth and abundance.
• How to set Financial Intentions and goals that actually empower you.
• How to ditch your Shitty Money Karma by deconstructing your perceptions of worth and value so that you understand the true essence of wealth.
• Disrupt generational cycles of financial limits
• Align your values, emotions and actions to your new money story
• Flip the Script on your relationship with money to Revolutionize your Money Mindset by changing how you feel, think, and speak about money so that you never repel wealth again.
• Shatter scarcity chains so that you can welcome more prosperity into your life with ease.
• Understand the powerful energetics of debt and why getting out of debt should not ever be your intention.
Which Core Universal Master Crystals & Stones support you in doing so.
Just so you know, my money situation before I did money alchemist was so shitty, that I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to pay my rent the next month or not. I had been fighting for my disability for almost 6 years with no luck at all and I was just about to give up.
It took me almost 2 weeks to decide to enroll in this, because I couldn't see how it could possibly fit into my budget. But couldn't see any way that my life was going to get any better doing what I was doing, so I bit the bullet and enrolled. I won't lie, I was literally sweating when I pushed the button to pay. It was a few weeks before the program started and I questioned my choice daily. Â
I am so glad that I took that chance because it totally changed my life. It wasn't easy to take a deep look at my issues around money, but doing so sure paid off. Within 3 months, I got my disability approved! Not only that, I got loads of back pay and was able to buy a house, (my first), a new dependable car, (also my first), and even take my kids to disney and universal for the first time ever!
Gena H.
Environmental Alchemy
Bed Gridding Part 1:
Corner Stones & Shielding Jar Placements
Auric Field Empress: CUMS of the Auric Field
What is Shielding?
Working with Crystal & Stone Guides
• Receiving Information
• Meditation
• Tapping all your clairs
• Staying connected
• Daily, Weekly, & Monthly Rituals.
Continue working with your Gratitude tools.
Environmental Alchemy
Health & Well-being: Kitchen
Earth Star Chakra
What it is and does
Table & Chair sessions
A specific pendulum protocol to know if a biz or personal decision will have a negative or positive effect on:
Your personal physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual health and well-being, and if you own a biz, the effects on company culture and team health.
Unlock Clarity & Alignment: Emotional Alchemy Neuromastery - Recognize the subconscious forces at play to get crystal clear on what's holding you back.
Understand what keeps you out of Alignment so that you can come into energetic alignment with Health & Well-being Sovereignty & Optional StoneWork for All-Around Support: Harness the power of stones to support you in reaching your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual Health & Well-being goals faster.
Uncover Internal & External Sources: Discover the hidden sources that sabotage you physically, mentally, & emotionally. so that you can address them for faster results.
Why the fuck are the crystals and stones in glass jars?
1. In the bottom of the jars is a proprietary blend of chip stones that continuously:
 > Protects them from all negative, harmful energies, transmutes harmful energies to helpful energies, clears energetic debris, and charges the crystals & stones with Life Force Energy, completing steps 1, 2, and 3 of 4C’ing, saving you a tremendous amount o time over having to manually 4C them each month to proiperly care for them so that they can do their job for you, which means you'll only need to spend a few minutes each month doing step 4, and they're good to go for another month, woohoo!
 > Amplifies the energies of the crystals & stones inside, allowing you to get the same benefits you would get from crystals and stones 5 to 10 times the size of those inside the jars, which saves you a shit ton of money and space.
2. Allows you to see the beauty of your crystals and stones without the pain in the ass dusting.
3. The jars have hinged lids which help to protect your crystals and stones from little hands, mouths, and paws, and vice versa.
4. The jars only have labels on the bottom, so if you wish to be discreet in your Environmental Alchemy practices, they simply look like decorative pieces.
Environmental Alchemy
Bed Gridding Part 2
Body Deva Pendulum Protocol
I saw that - Karma: Break Free from Your Health & Well-being Karmic Hamster Wheel - Stop the patterns that have been keeping you stuck, so that you can rewrite your physical, mental, & emotional destiny to that which you desire.
Change that Shit: Ready for a new perspective? Shift your mindset, choose a new path of empowering actions, and embrace the positive change that's waiting for you.
Environmental Alchemy
Bed Gridding Part 3
Money & Success Jars Placement
A specific protocol to know if a biz or personal decision will have a negative or positive effect on your personal money, and if you have a biz, your revenue and profits.
Emotional Alchemy Neuromastery: Rebellion Unleashed – Uncover Subconscious Money Demons: Decode your subconscious money blocks and cut through your mind's smoke and mirrors to initiate your journey with clarity, so that you can begin to step into alignment with Financial Sovereignty and start attracting wealth, not just dreaming about it.
Unleash Your Inner Rebellion: It's time to Lay the foundation, set financial intentions that aren't for the faint-hearted, and create a roadmap to the riches and freedom you damn well deserve.
Shitty Money Karma is Toast: Deconstruct your perceptions of worth and value so that you understand the true essence of wealth—setting you up for a life of abundance. Rewrite the rules, reclaim your power, and Flip the Script on your relationship with money to Revolutionize your Money Mindset by changing how you feel, think, and speak about money so that you never repel wealth again.
Abundant Badassery Unleashed: Start your Karmic Money Revolution by uncovering the karmic elements that fuel & unleash the essence of financial abundance, shattering scarcity chains so that you can welcome more prosperity into your life with ease.
Power Up: Refine your Financial Intention so that every action you take is a step closer to your financial and lifestyle goals.
Own Your Financial Destiny: Take energetic control of your Financial Destiny so that you can stop playing Karma's victim and become the master of yours.
Debt, Meet Rebellion: Understand the energetics of debt and how to break free so that you can finally cut those chains and experience the sweet taste of financial freedom.
Environmental Alchemy
Bed Gridding Part 4
Relationship Jars Placement
A specific pendulum protocol to know if a biz or personal decision will have a negative or positive effect on your biz and personal relationships and reputation.
Utilize Emotional Alchemy Neuromastery: Gaining Clarity from Your Subconscious on Relationships & Emotional Alchemy Neuromastery Supporting StoneWork to help you gain clarity faster.
Magnetize Your Desires: Discover how to empower yourself to magnetize the relationships you truly desire, now and forever.
Setting Your Relationship Intentions: Delve deep into your relationship desires and craft a vision that guides you for a lifetime of relationships that support, nurture, and uplift you.
Karma & Owning your Personal Power in Relationships: Learn how to stop fucking giving your personal power away to annihilate your karmic  issues that are keeping you from having the relationships you truly desire.
New Relationships: What you should know about Karma and the energetics of New Relationships so you don't fuck shit up.
In Part 3, were going to focus on activating and developing your psychic abilities/gifts, who you are energetically at Soul Level, and how you can honor that with every choice you make and action you take so that you can live a life filled with Passion, Purpose, & Inner Peace.
To do that, first, I'm going to take a look at exactly what is going on in your Third Eye, Crown, and High Crown Chakras and I'll teach you how to support them at Body, Psychic, Environmental, and Soul Level, with Core Universal Master Crystals & Stones so that they can support you in activating and developing your gifts.
We're also going to activate and strengthen your 8 Master Clairs with Core Universal Master Crystals & Stones. Yes, you do have them all!
I'll also teach you how to support who you are at Soul Level and your psychic development at Body Level with Human Crystal Gridding, and at an Environmental Level with Core Universal Master Crystal & Stone placement in your space.
Check out the specifics of what we're going to do in Soul Alchemy below:
Sacred You Alchemist - Soul Sovereignty:
A journey to shed the bullshit masks that you've put on, and personas you've adopted to conform to societal, family, & relationship norms and demands to discover who the fuck you really are, Your Soul Level Gifts, & Your Soul Stories. I'll show you how to get off your energetic ass to honor and own that with every choice you make so that you can live a life filled with purpose, passion, & inner peace, and yes, you do deserve it! Â
Learn how to:
   • Check your energetic baggage and turn karma into your bitch.
   • Invoke daily, weekly, & holiday gratitude rituals so you can attract more things to be grateful for.
   • Rediscover your soul gifts so that you can live life on your terms.
   • Torch trauma from the past so you can rewrite your future.
   • Discover your Master Soul Keys and eternal gifts so you can share your magic.
   • Rewrite your story's polarity to manifest what you want to be/do/have/experience in life.
Un-Fuck Yourself ~ Check Your Energy before It Checks You to Transform Your Karma from a Bitch to Your Bitch:
How Karma & The Law of Attraction Really Work, Energetic Choices that you are making every second of every day that determine your future karma, and utilizing The Power Pyramid Process to help you move out of suck-ass manifesting to manifesting karmic bliss.
Attitude of Gratitude - Embrace an Attitude of Gratitude to 10x your manifestation abilities with daily, weekly & holiday practices will rock your world and your family's too, so that you create a legacy of gratitude. Discover the the Core Universal Master Stones of Gratitude to add some serious energetic oomph to your manifesting.
Invoking Immortality I - Know Thy Self:
Dive deep into the essence of your soul. Uncover the energetic keys that make you, well, you. Explore Blocks to Truth, Soul Shells, Light Power Imaging, Are You Mono-Souled, or Soul Shifting? Your Master Soul Key, Soul Overlays/Underlays, Your Core Energy Keys, Which of the Eight Energy Keys are your Power Keys to manifesting ,Your Number of Core Spirit Guides, The Gender Your Soul Identifies As, Divine Gifts, Soul Vibration Rate, Spheres of Protection, Periods in History That are a positive influence in this lifetime. Mystery School Involvement from past lives that are a positive influence in this lifetime, Divine spark Connections, so that you can fully understand your soul's unique journey. It's all about embracing your true self, unapologetically, so that you can become a beacon of authenticity.
Invoking Immortality II - Eternally Yours:
Unlock the secrets of your soul level gifts & specializations. dive into the polarities of your primary life theme and choose the right one to manifest your desires, alll so that you can wield your gifts with precision., and unleash your full potential.
Your Inner Demons - Confronting Them Like a Badass:
Dive into the source of negative repeating patterns and confront your inner demons. Learn about Negative Guides, Vows, Golden Web Tears and Scars, Open Portalways, to negative astrals, past lives, other races of beings, Parallel lifetimes., Godspark damage and secondary Godsparks, Soul Facet Loss or Gain, Negative Astrals Travel, Negative Energy Influence, Unjustified Negative Karma, Past Life Contracts, Soul Mates, Compassionate Connections, Negative Thought Forms, Anger Spears, Soul Memory Issues. Entities, Pacts, Bindings, Curses, Spells, Attaching Entities, and Etheric Implants, physical implants, Earth bound souls, ghosts, and poltergeists, so that you can face your shadows head-on.
It's time to release what no longer serves you, and in that release, you'll find the power to fully embrace your authentic self, both light and shadow, achieving the balance that defines true rebellion.
Invoking Immortality III: Robin Z UnFuck Me aka: Your Soul Stories
Banishing Negative Karma & Invoking Karmic Grace: Discover your Soul Stories of who, what, where & why of your Original Choices that created the negative repeating patterns from your past lives that are still impacting you right now. I'll energetically clear them in your Akashic Records, and you'llclear those bitches on the physical plane with a 21-day sacred ritual.
I always felt like I was here to do something, but I could never figure out what. It always felt like something was missing from my life, like there was a hole that I couldn't fill, no matter how hard I tried. Sometimes I was so frustrated about it that I would lay in bed awake at night for hours, not being able to sleep.
I tried so many different things, hoping that each one would be "THE THING" that I was meant to do in the world. But none of them were. I've also done many programs that were supposed to help me "find my purpose", but they either left me confused or even more frustrated than ever because none of them helped me to find my purpose, and I had wasted so much money, (waaay more expensive than Robins), and time on them.
Robin's program is so different than all those other ones I did. First of all, it did help me to find my purpose, which was the whole point, but it also gave me the confidence to just be me and not worry about what other people think. So much confidence in fact, that I shocked my family and friends by starting my own business, (with zero support from them by the way), quit my job and moved to another state where I felt I was supposed to be. Now, I have a thriving business that I love and life just keeps getting better and better.
Emma S.
Included Services:
Soul Alchemy Readings:Â Â Â
Month 9:
Soul Alchemy Part One Reading: Know Thyself
Month 10:
Soul Alchemy Part Two Reading: Your Past Life Source Types of Negative Repeating Patterns & Limiting Beliefs
Month 11:
Soul Alchemy Part Four Reading: Soul Stories - Discover your Soul Stories of who, what, where & why of your Original Choices that created the negative repeating patterns from your past lives that are still impacting you right now.
Karmic Clearing aka: Robin Z UnFuck Me Clearing
Month 12:
Banishing Negative Karma & Invoking Karmic Grace: I'll clear that shit from your Akashic Record, and you'll energetically clear those bitches on the physical plane with a 21-day sacred ritual.
Environmental Alchemy
Bed Gridding Part 5
Placement of your Power Pyramid Jar
Intro to Human Crystal Gridding Sessions
Human Crystal Gridding Session for Gratitude
The 3 Chakras of Psychic, Mediumship, and Intuition Development. (Table, Chair, and Human Crystal Gridding sessions)
CUMS Innate Energies for:
·   Third Eye Chakra
·   Crown Chakra
·   High Crown Chakra
Third Eye Direct Chakra Work
Crown Direct Chakra Work
High Crown Direct Chakra Work
How Karma actually works
Check Your Energy before It Checks You to Transform Your Karma from a Bitch to Your Bitch.
Power Pyramid Process
Environmental Alchemy
Clairs Part 1 Jar Placement
Week 1: Clairscent/ Clairsalience
Week 2: Clairaudience
Week 3: Clairtangency
Week 4: Clairvoyance
SA Reading & Clearing Level 1:
Who are You at Soul Level?
You’ll find out the answers to the questions below and what it means so that you can unapologetically embrace your true self, and do what you came here to do, honoring your True Self with every choice you make and action you take.
 Do You have Blocks to Truth, Soul Shells, or Light Power Imaging?
Are You Mono-Souled, or Soul Shifting?
What are Your Master Soul Key, Soul Overlays/ Underlays, & Your Core Energy Keys?
Which of the Eight Energy Keys are your Power Keys to manifesting?
Your Number of Core Spirit Guides, The Gender Your Soul Identifies as, & Your Soul Vibration Rate.
Your Divine Gifts, Spheres of Protection, & Divine spark Connections.
Are there Periods in History That are a positive influence in this lifetime?
 Is there Mystery School Involvement from past lives that are a positive influence in this lifetime?
Environmental Alchemy
Human Crystal Gridding Session for Money
Human Crystal Gridding Session for Relationships
Week 1: Claircognizance
Week 2: Clairagustance
Week 3: Clairempathy
Week 4: Clairsentience
SA Reading & Clearing Level 2:
Knowing and Understanding Your Source Types of Negative Repeating Patterns and Limiting Beliefs carried forward from Past Lifetimes:Â
Learn which of the things below are affecting you and what that means:
Negative Guides, Vows, Golden Web Tears and Scars.
Open Portalways, to negative astrals, past lives, and other races of beings.
Parallel lifetimes, Godspark damage and secondary Godsparks.
Soul Facet Loss or Gain, Negative Astrals Travel, Negative Energy Influence.
Unjustified Negative Karma.
Past Life Contracts, Soul Mates, and Compassionate Connections.
Negative Thought Forms, Anger Spears, and Soul Memory Issues.
Stalking & Attaching Entities, Pacts, Bindings, Curses, Spells.
Etheric Implants, and Physical Implants.
Earth bound souls, ghosts, and poltergeists.
Environmental Alchemy
The 3 P’s – Purpose, Passion, & Inner Peace Jar Placement
3 P’s – Purpose, Passion, & Inner Peace Jar
Human Crystal Gridding Sessions for 3 P’s
Working with your 3 P’s – Purpose, Passion, & Inner Peace Jar
SA Reading Level 3: Your Soul Stories
Banishing Negative Karma & Invoking Karmic Grace: Discover your Soul Stories of who, what, where & why of your Original Choices that created the negative repeating patterns from your past lives that are still impacting you right now and energetically clear those bitches with a 21-day sacred ritual.
Hey Y'all
Your Private Community
You'll get 12 month's access to the private Facebook group.
We're gonna keep this shit simple and stress free too.
Spots are limited so that I am able to serve you well, and maintain my self-care, because burnout is a real bitch y'all.
Summary of Whatcha Get in the Full Program:
Grimoire Page Sets plus accompanying course materials:
    • Level 3 Volumes 1 - 3: Sovereign - The Master Pages
•  Soul Alchemy Part One Reading: Know Thyself
• Soul Alchemy Part Two Reading: Your Past Life Source Types of Negative Repeating Patterns & Limiting Beliefs
• Soul Alchemy Part Four Reading: Soul Stories - Discover your Soul Stories of who, what, where & why of your Original Choices that created the negative repeating patterns from your past lives that are still impacting you right now
• Karmic Clearing aka: Robin Z UnFuck Me Clearing: Banishing Negative Karma & Invoking Karmic Grace: I'll clear that shit from your Akashic Record, and you'll energetically clear those bitches on the physical plane with a 21-day sacred ritual.
    •  Exclusive Sovereign The Master Pages Offerings.
Access to everything in The Lady of Stones Level of The Membership (except the bonus Cauldron Cash)
You get 12 month's access if you are enrolling in the full program, and 3 month's acess if you are enrolling in part 1 only.
Grimoire Page Sets plus accompanying course materials:
    •  Rebellious Stone Sorceress Grimoire Pages Bundle with PDF's, Videos, and audios.
Stone of the Month Focus:
    •  Stone of the Month Grimoire Pages and audios.
    •  Stone of the Month Workbook
Access to private shopping for Level One Offerings
Opportunity to earn $$$ through the Robin Z Empower Me Referral/Affiliate Program
15% Off on all of our public linesAccess to a new set of Grimoire Pages each Month that I will be releasing from my Grimoires on working with crystals & stones ($77+ value each month)
Access to the First Dibs Private Shopping Community
 You can pay with debit/credit, apple pay, g pay, paypal, laybuy, or venmo at checkout.
Note: If paying with a debit card, you may need to give your bank a call to temporarily raise your daily debit card spending limit, because almost all banks have a daily limit of $3,000 - $5,000 which also includes any pending transactions.
This program only has 2 starting points a year, the Spring Equinox (March 20th 2025) and the Fall Equinox (September 22nd 2025), so don't miss your opportunity.
If the payment plans don't currently work for you, you can enroll in part 1 only below the full enrollment options.
Full Payment gets access to the next available session.
Payment plans get access after ALL payments have cleared. Why? Because if you are committed enough to make all the payments before getting access, odds are, you are committed enough to actually do the work and integrate it into your normal day to day life so that you actually get the transformation that you desire.
2 Sessions a Year - Spring and Fall
Spring Session Starts March 20th 2025
Fall Session Starts September 22nd 2025
Level One Only Enrollment
Note: If you are a DFASR student/alumni, or Pre 2024 Environmental Alchemy 1 AND Body Alchemy 1 AND Psychic Alchemy 1 Soul Alchemy 1 or Atitude of Gratitude, DM me for a custom enrollment option.