Guaranteed free of Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating.
Guaranteed free of Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating.
Why the Fuck My Stones?:
I handpick practitioner level stones and tools because I give a flying fuck about my students, clients, and the stones, and I want y'all to receive the benefits of working with highly energetically active stones, not a bunch of pretty shelf sitters that are energetically dormant or dead that won't do a damn thing for you.
When you become my student or client, I will hand pick stones and tools for your course packs and subscriptions that will be the absolute best match for your success because they will be a beautiful match your unique energetic signature, as well as play fucking nice with each other to help you do/get the thing.
I've been doing this for a very long fucking time, (38+ years in this lifetime, and countless past lives). The shit I to to make sure that you get the best crystal and stone match for you is extremely time consuming; I gotta find those highly energetic stones, then to go through those to find ones that work as a team, and then to work for you specifically.
What the fuck is a Unique Energetic Signature you ask?
Everyone has a Unique Energetic Signature. This Energetic Signature is created by all of the Soul Level Keys (the unique energetic combinations that were used to create your very Soul that you will carry with you forever.
 This is why stones that are not Core Universal Master Stones do not work the same for everyone. It is also why you can look at/touch/sniff/etc. 572 of the exact same stone type and form and only find one of them that will work well for you, or maybe none at all because none of those stones resonate with your U.E.S., round peg square hole thing, it just doesn’t work.
 This Energetic Signature has a visual, a sound, a smell, a taste, a texture and a feeling. I can sense all of those components of your Unique Energetic Signature.
I can also sense the Unique Energetic Signature of individual crystals & stones. Combining these two abilities together, I am able to easily match up Your Unique Energetic Signature with the Unique Energetic Signature of individual crystal and stone pieces that you need to work with in your life right now.
To be able to do this requires a unique combination of genetic and soul level gifts that less than 800 people alive in the world today have.
If you are one of those people, you're then gonna need specific energetic attunements, (or reactivation of one's that you had in past lives,) and extensive training by someone who already can fucking do it.
I am always looking for those people to attune and train so that they can do what I do, cuz I am only one person and there are a shit load of people to teach to empower themselves with the ancient innate energies of crystals & stones.
As I write this, there are only 2 other people in the world that can do it. One is one of my children, and the other is in Japan and only offers her services locally, so don't be fooled by others telling you they can do this shit, because they're fucking full of it. Unfortunately, I've had many impersonators and copycats over the years.
If you do see someone blowing smoke up your ass or somebody elses, please give me a head's up, as my lawyers would love to have a friendly chat with them.
I worked for one of the largest importers of stones in this country for 12 years before becoming a mama, (my youngest is 22) and I learned which mines and manufacturers actually gave a flying fuck about the crystals and stones, and which ones only cared about how much money they could make. I made many invaluable connections then, that today, let me go treasure hunting in areas of warehouses that most businesses don't even know exist, let alone can get in there.
Most stones that come into the United States come through Charleston, S.C., and the further west you go, the more picked over the stones are at gem shows and stores. I handpick mainly at warehouses in South Carolina, North Carolina and Florida, where the best shit is before it goes to gem shows and stores.
I hand pick all of the crystals and stones for my students, clients and my private shop for their level of energy, and only buy from importers that I know take damn good care of them, and from mines that treat them with the respect that they deserve.
95% of crystals and stones do not make the cut with me.
Why My Stone Sets?
What a Few of My Students Have to Say
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