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Bracelets Page 4
- Core Energies
- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
- Psychic
- Soul Level
- Environmental
- Notes
Chakra: Sacral & Solar Plexus
Energy: Projective & Receptive
Element: Fire
Number: 1
Planet: Sun
Zodiac: Leo, Virgo, Aries, & Libra
Strength, vitality, stability, endurance, and stamina.
Leadership, personal power, benevolence, freedom, openness, clarity, self-discipline, inner conviction, self-doubt, creativity, sexuality, adventurousness, innovative experimentation, knowledge & wisdom.
Joy, releasing fears.
Expanding consciousness, the ability & desire to bestow blessings on others, Living Your Truth, abundance & manifestation of prosperity.
The ability to see one’s highest path of action in any situation.
Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.
Core Universal Master Stone of Releasing That Which No Longer Serves
Sunstone Faceted Small
Sunstone Freeform
Sunstone Round bead
Snowflake Obsidian
- Core Energies
- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
- Psychic
- Soul Level
- Environmental
- Notes
Chakra: Crown, High Crown & Earth Star
Element: Earth
Energy: Projective & Receptive
Number: 2
Planet: Saturn
Zodiac: Capricorn
Protection, vision, veins, skeleton, and smooth skin.
Balance, serenity, purity, gentleness, self-esteem, confidence, awareness, secrets, truth, equality, & self-expression.
Balance, protection from emotional harm, awareness, love, and anger.
Clairaudience, scrying, and promotes psychic visions.
Identifying and breaking negative repeating patterns, protection against negativity, Being fully present, recognizing the beauty around us in all forms, & connecting with nocturnal animals.
Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.
Snowflake obsidian is the stone equivalent of yin and yang, a balance of masculine & feminine energies.
Core Universal Master Stone of Divination.
Snowflake Obsidian Round bead
Snowflake Obsidian Chipstone
Snowflake Obsidian Freeform
Super 7
- Core Energies
- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
- Psychic
- Soul Level
- Environmental
- Notes
Chakra: All
Element: All
Energy: Receptive & Projective
Number: 5 & 9
Planet: All
Zodiac: All
General healing
Personal power through mental power.
Psychic Development
Psychic Protection
Telekinetic Pursuits
Higher Self Connection
Releasing Repeating Patterns
Spiritual Grounding
Universal Creativity
Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.
“The Stone of Higher Consciousness”
Super Seven, aka Melody’s Stone, is a combination of Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, Rutile, Geothite and Lepidocrocite, which makes it a very powerful stone. It shares the healing and metaphysical properties of each.
Super 7 Round bead
Super 7 Freeform
Tiger's Eye Gold
- Core Energies
- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
- Psychic
- Soul Level
- Environmental
- Notes
Chakras: Solar Plexus
Element: Fire & Earth
Energy: Both Receptive & Projective
Number: 1 & 4
Planet: Sun
Zodiac: Capricorn & Leo
Pain, broken bones and spinal column. Physical stamina and energy. Rheumatic, heart disease, psoriasis, asthma, & protection during travel.
Truth & illusions, alertness, insight, will, personal power, stubbornness, strengthen convictions, self-confidence, balance, hypochondria, psychosomatic illness, courage, determination, self-esteem, mental strength, clarity, success, focus, purpose, integrity, personal power, practicality and grace.
Love, balancing masculine and feminine oriented emotions, energizing the emotional body,
Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.
Core Universal Master Stone of the Solar Plexus
Tiger's Eye Gold Round bead
Tailed Tiger's Eye Gold Round
Tiger's Eye Gold Freeform style 1
Tiger's Eye Gold Freeform style 2
Tiger's Eye Gold Small Faceted
Tiger's Eye Gold Large Faceted
Tricolor Tiger's Eye
- Core Energies
- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
- Psychic
- Soul Level
- Environmental
- Notes
Chakras: Root Chakra
Element: Fire
Energy: Projective
Number: 5
Planet: Sun & Mars
Zodiac: Gemini & Sagittarius
Chakras: Throat & Third Eye
Element: Air
Energy: Receptive+ Projective
Number: 3
Planet: Mercury
Zodiac: Libra
Chakras: Solar Plexus
Element: Fire & Earth
Energy: Receptive+ Projective
Number: 1 & 4
Planet: Sun
Zodiac: Capricorn & Leo
Red Tiger’s Eye: Lethargy, speeds up metabolism, increases sex drive, vitality, blood disorders, night vision & strength.
Blue Tiger Eye: Slows metabolism, reduces an overactive sex drive.
Tiger’s Eye Gold: Pain, broken bones and spinal column. Physical stamina and energy. Rheumatic, heart disease, psoriasis, asthma, & protection during travel.
Red Tiger’s Eye: Motivation, clarity, calming, creativity, inspiration, determination, enthusiasm, self-confidence and therefore self-worth.
Blue Tiger Eye: Calming, stress relief, anxiety, sexual frustration, courage, peace & tranquility.
Tiger’s Eye Gold: Truth & illusions, alertness, insight, will, personal power, stubbornness, strengthen convictions, self-confidence, balance, hypochondria, psychosomatic illness, courage, determination, self-esteem, mental strength, clarity, success, focus, purpose, integrity, personal power, practicality and grace.
Red Tiger’s Eye: Passion & releasing anger.
Blue Tiger Eye: Releasing anger, jealousy & fear.
Tiger’s Eye Gold: Love, balancing masculine and feminine oriented emotions, energizing the emotional body.
Red Tiger’s Eye: Divine vision & prophetic visions.
Blue Tiger Eye: Core Universal Master Stone of Psychic Development & Elemental Magick (Earth types).
Blue Tiger Eye: Communication, shamanic journeys & protection.
Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.
Red Tiger’s Eye: AKA: Dragon Eye, Bull Eye & Ox Eye Blue Tiger Eye AKA: Hawk’s Eye & Falcon’s Eye
Tiger’s Eye Gold: Core Universal Master Stone of the Solar Plexus Chakra.
Any form of Tiger’s Eye should only be utilized in polished form due to toxicity.
Tricolor Tiger's Eye Round
Tree Agate
- Core Energies
- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
- Psychic
- Soul Level
- Environmental
- Notes
Chakra: Earth Star
Energy: Receptive
Element: Earth
Number: 4
Planet: Earth
Zodiac: Taurus
Immune system, nervous system, pregnancy & lactation.
Inner peace, plentitude, stability, overcoming challenges, arrogance, overcoming addictions, self-imposed limitations, self-confidence, post-partum depression, composure & maturity.
Relationships with children & love.
Spiritual growth, oneness, identifying negative repeating patterns, establishing positive repeating patterns, & meditation.
Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.
Tree agate is a form of dendritic agate.
Tree Agate Round
- Core Energies
- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
- Psychic
- Soul Level
- Environmental
- Notes
Chakra: Heart (both Physical & Spiritual aspects)
Energy: Receptive & Projective
Element: Earth, Fire & Water
Number: 9
Planet: Earth, Mars & Venus
Zodiac: Scorpio, Gemini & Libra
Sleep issues, fertility, pregnancy, & reproductive organs
Nurture, gentle, caring, compassion, kindness, harmonious relationships, uplifting, patience, persistence, overwhelm, being fully present in the moment, & overcoming disappointment.
Love, passion, sorrow, grief, emotional integration, & balance.
Abundance, Self-love, & breaking negative repeating patterns.
Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.
Unakite Round
Unakite Freeform
Yellow Jade
- Core Energies
- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
- Psychic
- Soul Level
- Environmental
- Notes
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Element: Fire
Energy: Receptive & Projective
Number: 11
Planet: Sun & Mars
Zodiac: Aires & Leo
Energy, heart, bladder, thyroid, kidney, larynx, thymus, spleen, boost metabolism, prevent disease, blood circulation, eliminate fatigue, poor digestion. & longevity.
Self-confidence, will-power, clarity, focus, self-sufficiency, optimism, enthusiasm, balance, harmony, wisdom, courage, curiosity, & self-sufficiency.
Releasing harmful emotions
Manifestation, financial abundance, Personal Power, Soul Level Gifts, dream interpretation.
Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.
Core Universal Master Stone of Releasing That Which No Longer Serves
Yellow Jade Round
Mixed Stone Bracelets
- Core Energies
- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
- Psychic
- Soul Level
- Environmental
- Notes
Chakra(s): Third Eye & High Crown
Energy: Receptive
Element: Water
Number: 3
Planet: Neptune & Jupiter
Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces & Aries
Hearing, skeletal system, arthritis, skin diseases, headaches, wounds, back problems, digestive system, it strengthens endocrine and nervous systems, normalizes functioning of epiphysis and hypophysis, cleans the blood and improves blood circulation, heart, stomach & teeth.
Sobriety, chemical addictions, insomnia, nightmares, courage, prudence, strengthens memory, sharpens the mind, mild mental conditions, boosts intelligence and promotes extroversion, reduces excitability, stress relief, increases activity in the right brain hemisphere, elevates mood, meditation & peace.
Happiness through love & Joy. Healing emotional addictions. Can help to alleviate depression in some.
Divination, prophetic dreams, & psychic awareness. Light activates mediumship, while dark activates psychic abilities.
Divine connections, astral work, dream work, lucid dream, astral projection, past life regression, spirit realm, spiritual guidance, wisdom, & spiritual protection.
Protection from harmful outside influences, weather & snakes.
Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.
Amethyst is a Core Universal Master Stone for the Third Eye Chakra, Psychic Reader’s Sets, and Psychic Development in general.
Black Tourmaline
- Core Energies
- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
- Psychic
- Soul Level
- Environmental
- Notes
Chakra(s): Earth Star Chakra
Energy: Both Receptive & Projective
Element: Earth
Number: 3 & 4
Zodiac: Sagittarius & Capricorn
Planet: Earth
Protection, please see "Notes".
Protection, please see "Notes".
Protection, please see "Notes".
Protection, please see "Notes".
Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.
“Stone of Protection”
This is a very powerful Core Universal Master stone of the Earth Star Chakra that protects against negativity of all kinds. It sucks up any negativity it encounters. However, it does not absorb negative energy. It actually transmutes negative energy into positive energy, and returns it to where it came from, even if the source of negativity is your own thoughts, words and deeds. This makes it an excellent stone for any issue, whether it be body, soul, environmental or business related.
It also taps into the extremely powerful protection energy of Mother Earth.
Use in physical manifestation grids to ensure that what you’re asking for only comes from positive sources.
It is also a Core Universal Master Auric Field stone
Core Universal Master Stone for Psychic Reader’s Sets
Core Universal Master Stone of Psychic Development
Core Universal Master Stone of Protection
You can never have too much Black Tourmaline in your space. Black Tourmaline is one of only two stones that do not ever need cleansing, despite all of the misinformation out there about this topic.
Blue Kyanite
- Core Energies
- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
- Psychic
- Soul Level
- Environmental
- Notes
Chakra(s): Throat & Crown, High Crown
Element: Air, Water & Storm
Energy: Projective & Receptive
Number: 4
Planet: Jupiter & Venus
Zodiac: All
General healing, pain relief, lowers blood pressure, and back issues.
Communication, truth, vision, and meditation.
Telepathy, psychic development, intuition, communication with guides, higher self & ascended masters.
Personal power, lucid dreaming, dream recall, protection during astral projection, and Soul Level self-truth.
Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.
“Stone of Balance”
Let’s correct some misinformation and partial truths about Blue Kyanite.
1. Kyanite absolutely must be cleansed, cleared, charged and have its D.O.R. corrected, period. Anyone/thing/place that tells you otherwise is just regurgitating misinformation.
2. Kyanite is NOT a Core Universal Master Stone of ANY chakra, so the effects of its innate energies vary greatly for each person. Stick to Core Universal Master Chakra Stones for chakra work.
3. Blue Kyanite creates an impenetrable shield around the Auric Field. NOT TRUE. It can be used to strengthen the Auric Field, for about 10% of the population, that’s it. It is not a Universal stone of the Auric Field, period.
Black Tourmaline with Amethyst
Adjustable Bracelets
Black Tourmaline with Blue Kyanite Adjustable Bracelets
Monthly Bracelet Subscription!
Click the button below to choose single or circuit set.
Would you like to explore a new stone type in bracelet form each month? I gotcha covered.
Handpicked by me personally for their level of energy, and then to beautifully resonate with your Unique Energetic Signature, fuck yes!
You can choose a single bracelet, or choose a circuit set for hella empowering energy running through your Master Energetic System, and save some moolah too, win win!
Subscriptions are available to U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, & New Zealand addresses. See F.A.Q.'s for shipping rates.
Subscriptions are paid a month in advance because it takes time to find the perfect bracelet(s) for everyone who has a subscription's Unique Energetic Signature in the same stone type for that month. So, for example: if you sign up between June 1st - June 15th, your first bracelet(s) will ship between July 15th - 18th.
Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.
I guarantee that your pieces will be matched to your Unique Energetic Signature so that you will have the best change of success. Jewelry is a support tool, not the end all be all of working with crystals and stone. Due to the personalized service that you receive from me of matching your Unique Energetic Signature with every order, all sales are final.
When do I get access to my free masterclasses?
Access will be given to your free masterclass(es) on the Robin Zendayah Stone Sorceress University website within 2 business days barring U.S. holidays. Video with downloadable audio and PDF's.
Please make sure to add to your email contacts so that you do not miss your access and other important emails from us.
When do I get my stuff?
It takes time to match up pieces to your Unique Energetic Signature, and I get a shit ton of orders, so please be patient and allow 7 - 14 days for your goodies to arrive. You can log into your account and track your orders so that you know when they are on their way to you.
All domestic, (U.S. addresses), jewelry orders ship USPS Priority Mail with tracking and insurance. International orders ship Priority Mail International.
If you are placing multiple $50+ orders on the same calendar day to get more free masterclasses, you will be sent a Robin Zendayah gift card, (which you can use on anything on the website), for the difference between actual shipping and handling and what you paid on your multiple orders.
Shipping is free for subscriptions to U.S. addresses.
International shipping for subscriptions are as follows:
> Canada: $20
> United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, & New Zealand: $40.
All other jewelry purchases will be charged S & H. International orders, (orders shipped to addresses outside of the U.S.), will be charged a base shipping price at checkout, and an invoice will be sent to the email address on file with the difference between the base shipping charge and the actual cost, if any additional shipping is due. This is because shipping varies by country and package size.