
    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    Trusted by 3,000+ students & clients with 38 years experience and 26,000+ orders shipped


    Guaranteed free of Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    Why the Fuck My Stones?


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    I handpick practitioner level stones and tools because I give a flying fuck about my students, clients, and the stones, and I want y'all to receive the benefits of working with highly energetically active stones, not a bunch of pretty shelf sitters that are energetically dormant or dead that won't do a damn thing for you.

    When you become my student or client, I will hand pick stones and tools for your course packs and subscriptions that will be the absolute best match for your success because they will be a beautiful match your unique energetic signature, as well as play fucking nice with each other to help you do/get/be/ experience the thing.

    I've been doing this for a very long fucking time, (38+ years in this lifetime, and countless past lives). The shit I do to make sure that you get the best crystal and stone match for you is extremely time consuming; I gotta find those highly energetic stones, then to go through those to find ones that work as a team, and then to work for you specifically.


    What the fuck is a Unique Energetic Signature you ask?


    Everyone has a Unique Energetic Signature. This Energetic Signature is created by all of the Soul Level Keys (the unique energetic combinations that were used to create your very Soul that you will carry with you forever.

     This is why stones that are not Core Universal Master Stones do not work the same for everyone. It is also why you can look at/touch/sniff/etc. 572 of the exact same stone type and form and only find one of them that will work well for you, or maybe none at all because none of those stones resonate with your U.E.S., round peg square hole thing, it just doesn’t work.

     This Energetic Signature has a visual, a sound, a smell, a taste, a texture and a feeling. I can sense all of those components of your Unique Energetic Signature.

    I can also sense the Unique Energetic Signature of individual crystals & stones. Combining these two abilities together, I am able to easily match up Your Unique Energetic Signature with the Unique Energetic Signature of individual crystals and stone pieces that you need to work with in your life right now.


    To be able to do this requires a unique combination of genetic and soul level gifts that less than 800 people alive in the world today have.


    If you are one of those people, you're then gonna need specific energetic attunements, (or reactivation of one's that you had in past lives,) and extensive training by someone who already can fucking do it.

    I am always looking for those people to attune and train so that they can do what I do, cuz I am only one person and there are a shit load of people to teach to empower themselves with the ancient innate energies of crystals & stones.

    As I write this, there are only 2 other people in the world that can do it. One is one of my children, and the other is in Japan and only offers her services locally, so don't be fooled by others telling you they can do this shit, because they're fucking full of it. Unfortunately, I've had many impersonators and copycats over the years.

    If you do see someone blowing smoke up your ass or somebody elses, please give me a head's up, as my lawyers would love to have a friendly chat with them.


    I worked for one of the largest importers of stones in this country for 12 years before becoming a mama, (my youngest is 22) and I learned which mines and manufacturers actually gave a flying fuck about the crystals and stones, and which ones only cared about how much money they could make. I made many invaluable connections then, that today, let me go treasure hunting in areas of warehouses that most businesses don't even know exist, let alone can get in there.

    Most stones that come into the United States come through Charleston, S.C., and the further west you go, the more picked over the stones are at gem shows and stores. I handpick mainly at warehouses in South Carolina, North Carolina and Florida, where the best shit is before it goes to gem shows and stores.

    I hand pick all of the crystals and stones for my students, clients and my private shop for their level of energy, and only buy from importers that I know take damn good care of them, and from mines that treat them with the respect that they deserve.


    95% of crystals and stones do not make the cut with me.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    Why My Stone Sets?


    Just like with people, there are team players, and there are lone wolves, crystals & stones are no different. Roughly 70% are lone wolves, and do not play well with others. And if you try and force them too, well, they're like nails on a chalkboard to each other, and eventually, they'll cause each other to go energetically dormant, and that fucking sucks big time.

    This is why I create sets for specific purposes. The crystals & stones in my sets are carefully chosen to get fucking along with each other, but to work together for what ever the goal is.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    The sets below do not come with a Core Bowl Set, (which does the first 3 steps of caring for your stones 24/7, so you only need to do the final step with properly made 7 metal tingshas), unless you already have a manual 4C set, (also available on this page). I strongly suggest that you order Core Bowl Sets for any sets you are ordering.


    Stone type will vary depending on what will work the best energetically for you.

    Sizes will vary based on the value of the stone types included. More expensive stone types will, of course, be smaller.

    You are also paying for my services of hand-picking crystals and stones that resonate with your Unique Energetic Signature.

    Pictures are examples of past sets created for students and clients.


    Intro to Embodied Soul Alchemy Core Curriculum Sets

    1. Intro to Psychic Alchemy 1 Set

    Want a 10-piece crystal/stone set that resonates beautifully with your Unique energetic signature to help you develop relationships with the energy of your stones, your environment, your body, & your soul and the perfect Psychic Development exercises to do so?

    You'll get lifetime access in video, audio, and PDF formats to the Intro to Psychic Alchemy 1 Masterclass for free with this Set.

    You can also purchase the masterclass alone here .

    1. $222
    1. Intro to Enviro Alchemy Set

    This set of 3 environmental sized pieces with 3 Crystal & Stone Keeper Guardian Bowls is perfect for you if you want to begin influencing the energy in your space with the energies of crystals & stones.

    You'll also get lifetime access in video, audio, and PDF formats to the Intro to Environmental Alchemy Masterclass so that you can get full benefits from your set for free.

    You can also purchase the masterclass alone here.

    1. $444
    1. Intro to Psychic Alchemy 2 Set

    This 5-piece points and pendulum set is perfect for you if you’d like to have the best crystals/stone that resonate beautifully with your Unique energetic signature to learn how to sense, direct, and store energy with points, the not fluffy bunny bullshit way to work with pendulums, and how to work with circuit sets for kick-ass empowerment because you’ll also get lifetime access in video, audio, and PDF formats to the Psychic Alchemy 2 Masterclass for free when you purchase this set.

    You can also purchase the masterclass alone here for $13.

    1. $133
    1. Intro to Body Alchemy Set

    This 4c set is perfect for you if you want to rest assured that you have the tools you need to do the 4 steps, (Cleanse, Clear, Charge, Correct the D.O.R.), you must do to properly take care of your stones, if you want them to actually be more than pretty shelf sitters that won't do a damn thing for you, period.

    To make sure that you know how to use these tools, you'll get lifetime access in video, audio, and PDF formats to the Crystal & Stone Keeper Guardian Masterclass for free when you purchase this set.

    1. You can also purchase the masterclass alone here.
    1. $244
    1. Intro to Soul Alchemy Set

    This 4-piece set is perfect for you if you would like to get started unfucking your Karma, and also learn how Karma really works, not the fluffy bunny bullshit versions, because you’re gonna get lifetime access in video, audio, and PDF formats to the Intro to Soul Alchemy masterclass for free when you purchase this set.

    You can also purchase the masterclass alone here.

    1. $222
    1. Crystals & Stone Keeper Guardian Set

    This is perfect for you if you want to learn the 4 steps you must do to properly take care of your stones, if you want them to actually be more than pretty shelf sitters that won't do a damn thing for you, period.

    You'll get lifetime access in video, audio, and PDF formats to the Crystal & Stone Keeper Guardian Masterclass for free when you purchase the Set in this listing.

    You can also purchase the masterclass alone here.

    1. $199

    Crystal & Stone Keeper Guardian Bowls

    I know that a small percentage of y’all enjoy 4C’ing your stones and other energy tools. Most of you find the necessary care a time consuming pain in the ass.
    Yes, you can certainly keep black tourmaline and Moroccan White Selenite with each piece to do steps 1 – 3 for you, when you keep your pieces double bagged.
    But, I also know that most of you would like to keep your pieces on display, but worry about the energies that they’re picking up when you do, and rightly so.
    Displaying them also means that you have to 4C them more frequently to take proper care of them. For a lot of you, that means that you don’t work with them as often as you would like to. Or, if you go ahead and work with them anyways, you are not remotely getting the benefits from them that you could be getting.
    Wouldn’t it be nice to only ever need to take a few seconds to do step 4 of 4C’ing with your tingshas and be able to work with whatever you need or want almost instantly, knowing that they’re at their optimum to empower you?
    I have the perfect solution for you, Crystal & Stone Keeper Guardian Core Bowl Sets are hand-carved and hand-polished Moroccan White Selenite bowls with a Chipstone blend that does steps 1 – 3 of 4C’ing for you 24/7, plus, does 2 additional things for you; grounds harmful energies into the Earth, where it is transmuted into whatever energy is needed and amplifies the innate energies of the other stones.
    Your cystals and stones can either be placed inside the bowls, or, if they're larger than the circumference of they bowl, they can sit on top of the bowl, so these make fabulous stands for your crystals and stones, no matter their shape.
    Remember, if you are putting multiple stone types inside one bowl, make sure that their energies are compatible with each other. The larger bowls are perfect for the stone and guide sets you have from me.
    You have multiple sizes to choose from in the drop-down menu. Slight variances in size is to be expected, as the bowls are hand-carved and polished. Any stones inside the bowls pictured, (besides the chipstones), are examples and are not included.
    6-inch bowls will comfortably hold 6 - 8 powerstone size pieces.
    8-inch will comfortably hold 8 - 12 powerstone size pieces. This size is great for the larger module packs from me.

    You'll get lifetime access in video, audio, and PDF formats to the Crystal & Stone Keeper Guardian Masterclass for free when you purchase the Set in this listing.

    You can also purchase the masterclass alone here.

    1. $27
    1. 2-inch
    1. $55
    1. 3-inch
    1. $99
    1. 4-inch
    1. $177
    1. 6-inch
    1. $388
    1. 8-inch

    Working with Crystals & Stones Sets

    1. Natural Forms & Sacred Geometry Shapes Set
    1. This 10-piece set is perfect for you if you work with or would like to work with Natural Forms & Sacred Geometry forms. It includes 5 Crystal or Stone Natural Forms and 5 Sacred Geometry Platonic Solids Shapes of the best crystals & stones that are hand-picked by me to resonate beautifully with your Unique energetic signature, and you’ll also get lifetime access in video, audio, and PDF formats the Natural Forms and Sacred Geometry Shapes - identification and what they're for Masterclass for free when you purchase this set.

    3. You can purchase the Natural Forms & Sacred Geometry Shapes - identification and what they're for Masterclass seperately here.

    1. $277
    1. Cut and Polished Shapes & Forms Set
    1. This 5-piece set is perfect for you if you work with or would like to work with cut & polished shapes & forms. It includes 5 Crystal or Stone cut and polished pieces of the best crystals & stones that are hand-picked by me to resonate beautifully with your Unique energetic signature, and you’ll also get lifetime access in video, audio, and PDF formats the Cut & Polished Shapes - identification and what they're for Masterclass for free when you purchase this set.

    3. You can also purchase the masterclass alone here.

    1. $222
    1. Quartz Master Formations Set
    1. This 13-piece set is perfect for you if you work with or would like to work with Master Forms & Formations. It includes 13 raw Brazilian Quartz points that are hand-picked by me to resonate beautifully with your Unique energetic signature, and you’ll also get lifetime access in video, audio, and PDF formats the Quartz Master Forms - identification and what they're for Masterclass for free when you purchase this set, which you can purchase seperately here.

    1. $78
    1. Stones for common Mental Health Issues Set
      1. This is perfect for you if you would like to utilize crystals and stones to help with Autism, ADHD, ODD, OCD's, SPD, Anxiety, Phobias and Panic Attacks.
        • This set includes: 4 Carry Stones in the Core Universal Master Chill the Fuck Out Stones.

        You'll get lifetime access in video, audio, and PDF formats to the Crystals and Stones for Common Mental Health Issues Masterclass for free when you purchase one of the Sets in this listing.

        You can also purchase the masterclass alone here.

    1. $44

    Zodiac Sign Sets

      1. Did you know that each of the zodiac signs have Power Stones?

        ·      There are stones that resonate well with the energetic fields of people born under each zodiac sign and those are listed as Power Stones. If you are cusp born, (born during the time the signs change), lucky you, you have two sets of stones that will work well for you! Each zodiac sign is associated with a specific chakra, and working with those stones are particularly potent for you. Those stones are your Power Stones!

        ·      Power Stones for your sign should be on the top of your list to acquire and work with, if you don’t already have them.

        Zodiac Signs can have Major Stones too?

        ·      Major stones are the second strongest group of stones for your Zodiac Sign, and can be utilized to invoke the major innate energy of a Zodiac Sign, even if it is not your Sun, Moon or Rising Sign.

        Zodiac Signs can also have Minor Stones.

        ·      Minor stones will benefit you in a very specific way, invoking specific innate energies of a Zodiac Sign (look to the innate energies of the stone to see which those are for each stone type), not all of which will you have the need to work with.

        My Zodiac Sets perfect for you if you want your set to have the best crystals & stones that are hand-picked to resonate beautifully with your Unique energetic signature.

        You’ll also get lifetime access in video, audio, and PDF formats to the Crystals, Stones, and the Zodiac Signs - power stones, major stones, minor stones and the governing Master Chakra for each Sign masterclass for free.

        You can purchase the masterclass alone for $13.


    1. Aries
    1. $222
    1. Taurus
    1. $222
    1. Gemini
    1. $222
    1. Cancer
    1. $222
    1. Leo
    1. $222
    1. Virgo
    1. $222
    1. Libra
    1. $222
    1. Scorpio
    1. $222
    1. Sagittarius
    1. $222
    1. Capricorn
    1. $222
    1. Aquarius
    1. $222
    1. Pisces
    1. $222

    Mercury Retrograde Sets

      1. These sets are perfect for you if Mercury Retrograde fucks shit up for you or someone you love. There are 7 options available, 3 are for everyone, and 4 are specialized based on your Zodiac Sign.

        You'll also get access lifetime access in video, audio, and PDF formats to the Mercury Retrograde Masterclass for free, which covers the Do's and Don'ts plus Crystals & Stones to help via zodiac sign, when you purchase one of the Mercury Retrograde Carrying Sets.

        Mercury Retrograde Carrying Stone Sets. May be all freeform polished, all raw, or a combination, depending on what will work best for your Master Energetic System.

      3. You can also purchase the masterclass alone here.

        May be all freeform polished, all raw, or a combination, depending on what will work best for your Master Energetic System.


      4-piece set To bring protection and grounding.

    1. $77
      4-piece set To infuse your energetic system with healing Earth Energy
    1. $77
      6-piece setTo release fears and anxiety.
    1. $99

      5-piece set Clear thinking, communication, and focus.

    1. $99
      4-piece set for Laser Focus
    1. $77

      4-piece set To bring calm, peace, security, & patience.

    1. $77
      4-piece set To relieve stress.
    1. $77

    Moving Meditation Stone Sets

    • This is perfect for you if you'd like to learn the basics, & moving meditation with crystals & stones.

    • These are perfect for grounding the innate energies of your chosen intention's stone types into the physical plane of existence and in your body to help you to manifest that which you desire.

      You'll get lifetime access in video, audio, and PDF formats to the Meditation & Meditation with Crystals and Stones Masterclass for free when you purchase one of the Sets in this listing.

      Just choose the category that your desire falls into from the buttons below.

      The sets will include 1 Brazilian Smoky Quartz, plus the category stone types. The number of additional stone types for each set is in parenthesis.

      You can purchase the masterclass alone here, if you'd prefer.

    1. Money Related
    1. $149
    1. Health & Well-being Related
    1. $149
    1. Relationship Related
    1. $149
    1. ANY Intention
    1. $149
    1. Psychic Development
    1. $149
    1. Atlantis
    1. $149
    1. Lemuria
    1. $149
    1. Ancient Egypt
    1. $149

    Rebellious StoneWork Sets


    Ready to get down to business with nailing the core ways of working with the innate energies of crystals and stones to fix your energetic shit?

    You have 2 options to choose from, a 37-piece Basic, or a 43-piece deluxe set.

    With either StoneWork set you choose, you'll be working with crystals & stones all hand-picked by me to resonate with Your Unique Energetic Signature so that you know you’ve got stones that are in the best possible alignment to work with you and for you.

    Pictures are examples. Shapes, size, and form will vary, based on what resonates best with your Unique Energetic Signature.

    1. Both StoneWork Sets Include:

    • 10-piece Intro to Psychic Alchemy 1 Set to begin to develop relationships with the energy of your stones, your environment, your body, & your soul.
    • 5-piece Intro to Psychic Alchemy 2 Set to sense, direct, and store energy with points, work with pendulums in the not fluffy bunny bullshit way, and work with circuit sets for kick-ass empowerment.
    • 4-piece Intro to Soul Alchemy Set to get started unfucking your Karma.
    • 3-piece Intro to Environmental Alchemy Set to begin influencing the energy in your space with the energies of crystals & stones.
    • 12-piece Intro to Body Alchemy Set to wear, carry, and sleep with crystals and stones to help you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
    1. The Basic StoneWork Set also includes:

      • 1 Crystal & Stone Keeper Guardian mannual 4C Set to cleanse, clear, charge with life force energy, and reset the dominant oscillatory rate of your tools.
    1. $1,212
    1. The Deluxe StoneWork Set also includes:

      • 8 Crystal & Stone Keeper Guardian Bowl Sets, (1 2-inch, 3 4-inch, & 4 3-inch), to:
    1. Cleanse, Clear, Charge, Energize, Amplify, and Ground the energy of the stones in your set, properly maintaining their Energetic Hygiene, allowing them to be ready at a moment's notice to help you before direct use.
    3. The bowl sets also allow you to safely display them without worry of ever contaminating them with negative or harmful energy, or allowing stagnant energy to accumulate around the stones, which would drain their energy.
    1. $1,777

    Personal Power Stones


    You have 3 different types of Personal Power Stones: Gifts & Grace, Soul Level, & Present Lifetime, with each type having 9 stones.

    1. Karmic Gifts & Grace Stones

    This is perfect for you if you would like to know and work with the 9 stone types that correspond to your Soul Level Gifts and Karmic Grace.

    • Soul Level Gifts are your special abilities that are woven into the very fabric of your soul and do not ever change. You have 4, but usually only 1 or 2 will be readily accessible to you in a lifetime.
    • Karmic Grace are skills that you have honed in past lifetimes that you have or can bring forward into this lifetime. You only ever carry forward 5 in a lifetime.
    • The power stones can help you to bring these out, hone them if you already know what they are, and their innate energies will give you clues as to what these are, and/or what you need to do to bring them out or hone them.
    1. Soul Level Power Stones

    This is perfect for you if you would like to know and work with the 9 stone types that correspond to your Master Soul Keys, the very energies that your soul is made of, and support you in being your authentic self, and honoring who you really are with every choice that you make.

    • Soul Level power stones do not ever change.
    1. Present Lifetime Power Stones

    This is perfect for you if you would like to know and work with the 9 stone types that you need to work with the most in this lifetime to help you overcome issues that you will face, due to limiting beliefs, negative repeating patterns, and karmic debt.

    • Present lifetime power stones can actually change as you release limiting beliefs, negative repeating patterns, and resolve karmic debt.

    What you are getting:

    • Your choice of how many pieces of your 9 Power Stones for the type you choose below (stones of 1 - 4 inches, forms will vary and can be raw, polished, or even jewelry).
    • PDF of the true innate energies of the stone type emailed to you.
    • 1 appropriately sized (2 or 3 inches) Guardian Bowl Set for your piece.
    • My services of reading your energy to determine what your power stone(s) are, (If you would like to know what more than 1 of them are, then simply order more than 1, up to 9).
    • My services of hand-picking each item to resonate with your Unique Energetic Signature.

    If you would like just the readings and innate energies without stones, you can get that here.

    Note: I am the only person who can do this. I am often imitated, but do not be fooled by the multitude of fakes out there.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    What a Few of My Students Have to Say


    Click the white arrows on the sides to see more


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    I have found my Master Stone Teacher. I will take every course she teaches, and beg for more!"

    Angelo R.


    "I've taken courses with all of the major online teachers on stones out there, and this one is far and away the best, and Robin is the best.  

    Robin KNOWS stones and crystals; she feels them, hears them, and has a connection to them unlike anyone I've ever met."

    Angie T.


    I started this class not expecting much of anything, what I got was everything I needed for my soul's growth & gained some soul tribe life long friends. I gained information to aid my wellness and healing arts as well as understanding on a whole different level. 

    This is not just a stone class... This is a transformational movement of energy. I am not who I was upon entering Robin's class. I highly, highly, recommend joining us.


    Welcome Home as I say.

    Sara Cole


    "Wonderful course, Amazing teacher, & Off the charts stones."

    Danyle J.


    "I thought I had high energy crystals before I found Robin, but now I know better. I have never felt crystals so strong before!"

    Tara B


    "As always, Robin's Sets do not disappoint!"

    Desiree C


    "Happy, happy, happy! I'm happy, my stones are happy, and I am looking forward to what's next!"

    Sarah S.


    "I was beginning to think that crystal healling was all lies, and then I met Robin and held her stones. I was just listening to the wrong people and didn't have good crystals!"

    Angie T


    "I will not ever buy crystals and stones or take courses from anyone else. Robin is the real deal."

    Sarah H


    "I have never touched stones that felt like this before! Amazing!"

    Melanie K


    "Yes! That's my answer to every course you offer!"

    Michaela R.


    "Awesome stones... Awesome people... cant wait to see whats next!"

    Sonja H.


    "I love my teacher! I've 52 years old, and have never felt that way!

    Brandy B.


    "Just do the damn thing y'all, her stuff IS that good."

    Angelina P


    Thank you, thank you, thank you! Loving this course and my stones!

    Ashley G.


    Best course I've ever taken, worth every penny and a whole lot more!

    Carol A.


    You make me feel welcome and and you know your stuff.

    Misty D.


    "Holy cow this is good stuff!"

    Maryanne T.


    "Love love love this lady and her beautiful crystals!"

    Michelle C.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.
