







    A Degree Program to give you the Energetic Edge in Life and Business so that you can live in the Freedom of Manifesting Your Ultimate Desires.


    What you will learn is the Energetic Edge you need to access your full potential in life, in biz, in anything and everything.

    To live in your personal flavor of freedom, the freedom of experiencing your ultimate desires, you have to come into energetic alignment with that which you desire, period. It doesn't matter whether or not that is excellent health & wellbeing, joyful relationships, financial abundance, biz success, or whatever the fuck that means to you, you gotta fix your energetic shit.

    I built my main business to 7-figures a year strictly on energetics, personal development energetics. I also sometimes flip houses for fun, and when I do, it is always a 7-figure year for that biz too.

    Are there practical things to learn about biz and life, absolutely. But how well those things work and work out for you are ultimately dependant on what you are in energetic alignment with, and whether the things you implement are in alignment with who you are at Soul Level too.

    You may be thinking, but I've been doing personal development/ energetic work for years and I'm still not where I want to be, or, what could you possibly teach me? Quite a lot actually, or you wouldn't even be reading this. Because, if what you've already learned worked, you wouldn't be looking for something else right now would you?

    Unfortunately, the metaphysical world is full of about 80% bullshit and 20% truth on a good day. So much fluffy bunny bullshit that you don't just need wading boots, you need full diving gear just to try and get through it.

    Let's be clear, there is no magick pill or quick fix. That's just fluffy bunny bullshit designed to keep you coming back for more, to keep you buying all the things, again, and again, and again in the hopes that you'll finally find that "one thing" that produces your miracle.

    Fixing your energetic shit is an investment of time, energy, and money. The more energetic shit you've got going on, the more of all of the above it's going to take, period.

    There's also different areas of energetics to address:

    > Environmental Alchemy Level Energetics

    > Body Alchemy Level Energetics

    > Soul Alchemy Level Energetics

    It takes all 3 to get you to where you want to be.

    I’ll teach you how to master all of those areas of energetics with the ancient innate energies of crystals & stones, because I am, after all, The Stone Sorceress. I’ll also show you how to utilize other Sacred Tools, & Neuroscience too, with a dusting of magick in all the right places.

    And, if you want to ice that yummy cake of Energetic Empowerment with Psychic Alchemy Level Energetics, I can teach you that too.

    Thank you!

    Programs included in Sovereign:







    Change Your Environment, Change Your Life.


    Changing your environment changes your emotions,

    which changes your thoughts,

    which changes your actions,

    and that changes your life.


    A program that shows you how to take control of the nasty fucking hidden energies in your space so that you can create an Energetic Sanctuary that is supportive, healing, nurturing, & uplifting, utilizing the ancient innate energies of crystals and stones.




    Associated Programs


    Sovereign Stone Posse


    Enrollment in Sacred Sanctuary is a requirement.


    Accountability, Support, & Social for Sacred Sanctuary program students.


    The Sacred Healer Elemental Priestess Path

    Practitioner Certification

    Can be done concurrently with the Sacred Sanctuary program.


    Earth 1st - 3rd degree







    A program that shows you how to fix and maintain the energetics of your health & well-being, relationships, and finances so that you can live in your own personal flavor of freedom,

    whatever the fuck that is to you.


    Fix your Suck-Ass Health & Well-being Karma so that you can have excellent physical, mental, & emotional health & well-being.


    Fix your Suck-Ass Relationship Karma so that you can magnetically attract your perfect tribe of people into your life that are respectful, supportive, uplifting and nurturing so that you can have trust, happiness, and love with authentic connections.

    Unlock Lifelong Relationship Mastery & Claim Your Relationship Sovereignty


    Ditch Your Suck-Ass Money Karma and Unleash the Freedom & Inner Peace of Financial Sovereignty 

    Thank you!



    Associated Programs


    Sovereign Stone Posse


    Enrollment in Trifecta is a requirement.


    Accountability, Support, & Social for Trifecta program students.


    The Sacred Healer Elemental Priestess Path

    Practitioner Certification

    Can be done concurrently with the Trifecta program.


    Water  1st - 3rd degree







    A program to show you how to shed the bullshit masks that you've put on and personas you've adopted to conform to societal, family, and relationship norms and demands to discover who the fuck you really are, honoring and owning that with every choice you make so that you can invoke Your Karmic Grace & Gifts & live a life filled with purpose, passion, & inner peace.

    Thank you!



    Associated Programs


    Sovereign Stone Posse


    Enrollment in Sacred You is a requirement.


    Accountability, Support, & Social for Sacred You program students.


    The Sacred Healer Elemental Priestess Path

    Practitioner Certification

    Can be done concurrently with the Sacred You program.


    Fire 1st - 3rd degree






    A program to help you develop your Master Clairs so that you can tune into what is going on in around you with people, places, and things, and connect with your guides and higher self, to get the information that you need to make confident choices in all areas of your life and biz that support you in reaching your goals and experiencing your ultimate desires.

    Thank you!



    Associated Programs


    Sovereign Stone Posse


    Enrollment in Sacred Communication is a requirement.


    Accountability, Support, & Social for Sacred Communication program students.


    The Sacred Healer Elemental Priestess Path

    Practitioner Certification

    Can be done concurrently with the Sacred Communication program.


    Air  1st - 3rd degree


    Sovereign also includes access to the Rebellious 3 course suite: Secrets Behind the Crystal Curtain, SBCC Bonus Content, and Intro to Embodied Soul Alchemy with Crystals and Stones to make sure that you are operating from a firm foundation on how to work with the anicent innate energies of crystals and stones and not the disempowerment of fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation.


