$60 each - Various Stone Types -  Faceted Round Bead Necklaces with clasp and chain extender

    $60 each - Various Stone Types - Faceted Round Bead Necklaces with clasp and chain extender
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    Regular price $60.00 Sale

    If you are new to me, please read the "Why my Stones" tab.

    Red Jasper 

    Chakra: Earth Star and Root Chakra 

    Element: Earth & Fire 

    Energy: Projective 
    Number: 6 

    Planet: Mars, Mercury, Saturn & Venus 

    Zodiac: Scorpio & Sagittarius 


    Core Universal Master Stone of the Earth Star and Root Chakras, as well as the Divine Masculine 


    Body Alchemy: 


    Strength, vitality, stability, endurance, and stamina. 


    Memory, truth, and justice. 



    Soul Alchemy: 

    Dream recall, and astral travel. 

    Environmental Alchemy: 

    Environmental size pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space. 


    Chakra: Throat & Third Eye 
    Energy:  Receptive
    Element: Air
    Number: 7
    Planet: Saturn & Jupiter
    Zodiac: Aries, Libra, Taurus, Virgo & Sagittarius

    One of the Core Universal Master Stones of Psychic Development.

    Body Alchemy:
    Fear, emotional healing & joy.

    Soul Alchemy:
    Soul facet retrieval, shamanic journeying, intuition, visions, psychic development, mediumship, divination, and past life exploration, (especially during the Cathar, Knights Templar and Arthurian time periods). 

    Environmental Alchemy:
    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone into a space.


    Lapis Lazuli
    Chakra: Third Eye and Throat
    Element: Water
    Energy: Receptive
    Number: 6 & 9
    Planet: Venus
    Zodiac: Sagittarius and Taurus

    Lapis Lazuli is a combination rock type of Calcite, Lazurite & Pyrite.

    Core Universal Master Stone of the Throat Chakra.

    Body Alchemy:
    Boosts the immune system, purifies blood, lowers blood pressure, inflammation of the head and neck areas, insomnia, vertigo, respiratory system, nervous system, throat, vocal cords, thyroid, bone marrow and thymus.
    Release stress, peace. Harmony, deep inner self-knowledge. self-awareness, self-expression, self-confidence, inner truth, communication, friendship, honesty, depression, compassion, morality, objectivity, clarity, creativity & confidence.
    Helps in expression of feelings and emotions.

    Soul Alchemy:
    Encourages you to recognize, express and honor your Soul Level truths. Intuition, Soul Level power and psychic protection.

    Environmental Alchemy:
    Environmental sized pieces can be used to bring any of the innate energies above into a space.



    Chakras: Third Eye Core Universal Master and Auric Field Stone 
    Auric Field: Core Master Universal protection stone (filter) 

    Energy: Receptive   

    Element: Water, Air & Earth 

    Planet: Uranus & Saturn 

    Number: 6 & 7 

    Zodiac: Leo, Scorpio & Sagittarius 

    Core Universal Master Stone of Psychic Development & Magick 

    Body Alchemy:  


    Brain disorders, digestion, eyes, metabolism, balancing hormones, menstrual tensions, cold, gout, rheumatism, blood pressure, detoxifying the effects of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs, reduces sensitivity to cold, PMS symptoms, radionic analysis and treatment, physiotherapists, healing touch, protect the aura, pain relief. 


    Stimulates mental activity, relieves stress and anxiety, subconscious issues, mental illumination, clarity, insight, overactive mind, fears, insecurities, truth behind illusions, imagination, enthusiasm and new ideas. Inspiration, mental acuity, forgotten memories, contemplation and introspection, determine the root cause of an issue, peace, faith, self-reliance, success, change, strength, perseverance, responsibility, adventure, spontaneity back to one's life, and encourages courtesy. 


    Depression, shame, reducing anti-social, reckless or impulsive behavior in children, teenagers and adults, and joy. 

    Soul Alchemy: 

    Stone of Magick, a stone of Shamans, psychics, diviners, healers, guidance, connecting your higher self, intuition and psychic abilities, clairvoyance, telepathy, prophecy and coincidence control, and assists in communication with higher guides and spirits, intuition, psychic development, esoteric wisdom, transformation, dream recall, divination, psychic arts, higher self, raises consciousness, spiritual grounding, knowledge, prophecy and magic, death, rebirth, spiritual transformation, psychic readings. Past lives, destiny, Akashic records, moving between the worlds.  

    Environmental Alchemy: 

    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized in any space to invoke the innate energies of this stone. 


    Grossular Garnet
    Chakra: Root & Heart
    Element: Air, Earth & Fire
    Energy: Receptive & Projective
    Number: 1 & 4
    Planet: Mars
    Zodiac: Aquarius, Capricorn, Virgo, Leo & Aries

    Body Alchemy:
    Limitations, regeneration, recovery from illness or trauma, detox, inflammation, respiratory system, immune system, nose, impotence, fertility, liver, kidneys, metabolism, skin, mucous membranes, arthritis, arteriosclerosis, nourishment, physical growth, abundance, and protects against highly infectious diseases. 
    Relaxation, cooperation, going with the flow, confidence, and motivation.
    Hope, gratitude, emotional extremes, understanding our own needs and emotions clearly, excessive reactivity, and Self-love.

    Soul Alchemy:
    Empowerment, the Earth’s healing energies, abundance, prosperity, service to others, releasing limitations, overcoming challenges, releasing scarcity mindset, money anxiety, social growth, triple goddess, growth, expansion, new beginnings, and accepting change.

    Business Alchemy:
    Excellent for new business ventures through promoting growth and excellent client relationships. Especially helpful for companies offering spiritual products or services.

    Environmental Alchemy:
    Environmental sized pieces of this stone can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.


    Green Aventurine
    Chakra: Physical Aspects of the Heart
    Energy: Projective
    Element: Air, Earth & Water
    Number: 3
    Planet: Venus, Mercury & Jupiter
    Zodiac: Aries & Libra

    Core Universal Master Stone of Gratitude

    Green aventurine is known as a gambler’s stone as it can bring good fortune in gambling by helping your instincts and confidence to seize opportunities for wealth, growth and abundance.

    Body Alchemy:
    Eyes, general healing, energetic balancing, heart, lungs, adrenal glands, muscular system, urinary system, reproductive system & genitals.
    Mental power, creativity, motivation, pioneering frame of mind, leadership, instincts, decisiveness, opportunity, confidence & insight.
    Peace, calming & soothing, harmony & emotional balance.

    Soul Alchemy:
    Spirit guide communication

    Environmental Alchemy:
    Use environmental size stones to bring any of the innate properties above into a space.


    Brazilian Fluorite
    Chakras: Purple & Green Combo is a  Core Universal Master Stone of the Third Eye Chakra (fine tuning stone of other chakras, depending on color)
    Element: Air & Water
    Energy: Projective
    Zodiac: Capricorn & Pisces

    Core Universal Master Stone of Psychic Development

    The location and form of fluorite are extremely important. It is one of the few stones that is more potent in polished form and can actually be dangerous to work with in raw/rough chunks. Clusters, complete octahedrons etc. are okay to work with.

    Chinese fluorite is metaphysically lazy (we do not carry Chinese fluorite). Unfortunately, 90-95% of the fluorite available in the public marketplace is Chinese fluorite.

    Russian fluorite is extremely potent and should only be worked with by someone who is extremely experienced working with stones. (Any Russian fluorite in our shop will be noted as such.)

    Brazilian fluorite is very potent, while still maintaining a gentle enough nature that beginners can work with it easily, as well as the very experienced. (Almost all fluorite in our shop is Brazilian fluorite for this reason.)
    The combination of green and purple fluorite is the absolute only Core Master cleanser for the third eye chakra. Fluorite is also a Core Universal Master Stone of the Auric Field.
    Body Alchemy:
    Order, Colds, flu, staph, strep, cankers, herpes, ulcers, tumors, RNA & DNA damage; bones and cell formation.
    Order, organization, clarity, focus, discernment, reality & truth behind illusions, aptitude, mental achievement, & concentration.
    Order, stability, & balance.

    Soul Alchemy:
    Consciousness, purification, & cleansing.

    Environmental Alchemy:
    Environmental sized pieces can be used for to bring in any innate energy listed above and below to your space.

    Additional Color Attributes
    Blue Fluorite – Communication
    Chakra - throat
    Blue Fluorite calms the emotions and stimulates clear communication.

    Blue fluorite can be used in gridding as a "translator stone" when you are using stones from different types (hexagonal, trigonal etc.), to help them work together. Even better, fluorite that is blue and yellow

    Blue Fluorite amplifies your healing potential and can invoke spiritual awakening.

    Clear / White Fluorite– Universal Knowledge
    Clear / White Fluorite can be an energizer for the crown chakra for some people. Clear / White Fluorite can also clear the way for the new.

    Green Fluorite – Growth & Healing
    Chakra - Third Eye and Heart
    Green Fluorite is helpful for hormone imbalance and is extremely healing. A very good stone for releasing negative patterns. It can grant you calm and courage at the same time.
    Yellow Fluorite - Understanding
    Yellow Fluorite is a creativity & mental superstar. It is fantastic at stabilizing and uniting groups of people as well as stones for a common goal. It is also an excellent tool for focus and decisiveness.

    Rainbow Fluorite – Harmony
    Rainbow Fluorite brings order to chaos, clarity of thought, objective decision making and collective healing spiritually, mentally & emotionally. It is excellent for promoting friendship as well as understanding.

    This variety exhibits 3 or more distinct color rays, but must include violet, green and blue.
    Black Fluorite – Extremely protective.

    Purple Fluorite – Higher Awareness
    Chakra: Third Eye.
    Spiritual balance, Intuition, Psychic Development, Mediumship, Meditation, Spiritual Peace, Spirit Communication, Visions, Spiritual Development, Self-transformation, Archangels, Shadow Self, Anxiety, Fear, Courage, Peace.

    Yttrium Fluorite Lavender / Yttrium – bridge to the Divine.
    Yttrium Fluorite is an unusual in that it doesn’t cleave like other types of Fluorites, and it is extremely dense.

    Yttrium fluorite is unique in that it is physically oriented rather than mentally oriented like other forms of fluorite. This makes it an excellent stone for those who are extremely mentally focused, offering discipline and assistance with grounding all of those thoughts, ideas and dreams into existence in the physical, 3rd dimension. It also helps mentally focused people to express their thoughts in a way that is more easily understood by the average person.


    Red Garnet Varieties
    “Stone of Health” & “Stone of Passion”

    Chakra: Root & Earth Star
    Element: Fire & Earth
    Energy: Projective
    Number: 2
    Planet: Mars 
    Zodiac: Scorpio, Capricorn and Aries

    Red garnets have the unique ability to create a direct link between the Earth Star & High Crown Chakra.

    Red Garnets are Core Universal Master Stones for both the Root and Earth Star chakras.

    Body Alchemy:
    Blood, heart, lungs, spine, bone, cell structure, adrenal glands, acid reflux, hemorrhaging, allergies, anemia, skin, reproductive system, physical strength, assimilating vitamins and minerals, more rapid general healing, & boosts of energy.
    Regeneration, stability, discourages disorganized growth, inner strength, self-confidence, creativity, diminish/eliminate abandonment issues, calming, reduce/eliminate self-sabotage whether conscious or unconscious, prevents bad dreams, alleviate depression, healthy relationships, compassion, sensuality, sexuality, intimacy, commitment, faith, truth, friendships, popularity amongst peers, peace, & tranquility.
    Emotional healing, enhances emotions in a positive way, protection, passion, & romantic love.

    Soul Alchemy:
    Past Life Knowledge, manifestation, gentle spiritual healing, & enhances intuition.

    Environmental Alchemy:
    Business success. Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.

    Garnets have been found in jewelry from the ancient Egyptian, Roman and Greek eras.


    Chakras: Carnelian is a Universal Master Stone of the Sacral Chakra
    Energy: Receptive & Projective
    Element: Fire, Earth
    Number: 3
    Planet: Sun
    Zodiac: Leo, Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, Aries

    Body Alchemy:
    Kidneys, reproductive system, menstrual issues, arthritis, gall bladder, pancreas, asthma, allergies, lower back, physical strength, blood disorders, sexuality and all sexual issues, fertility, and weight loss. 
    Acceptance, ambition, drive, career, mental strength, self-esteem, inspiration, eloquence, self-confidence, personal power, creativity, mental focus, clarity, perception, analytical precision, courage, communication, curiosity and concentration.
    Anger, fury, envy, jealousy, emotional warmth and ease of expression.

    Soul Alchemy:
    Rebirth past lives, manifestation and reincarnation.

    Environmental Alchemy:
    Use environmental sized pieces to bring any of the innate energies above into your space. 

    Blue Apatite 

    “Humanitarian Stone” 


    Chakra: Throat & Third Eye (darker shades) 

    Energy: Projective 

    Element: Water & Air 

    Number: 9 

    Planet: Mercury, Jupiter & Neptune 

    Zodiac: Gemini & Aquarius 


    Body Alchemy: 


    Bones, nails, arthritis, glands, organs, nervous system, coordination, strengthening muscles, lowering high blood pressure, small intestines, and weight loss (appetite suppression, increased metabolism, better eating habits). 


    Insight, imagination, creativity, learning abilities, self-confidence, communication, harmony, self-expression, and clarity.  


    Balance, and unconditional love.  


    Soul Alchemy: 

    Breaking Soul Level negative repeating patterns by letting go of people, situations, objects etc. that do not resonate with your innate Soul Level energies. Meditation, intuition, psychic abilities, past life memories, and connection to higher self.  


    Environmental Alchemy: 

    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke any of the innate energies of this stone in a space. 


    Chakra(s): Third Eye & High Crown
    Energy: Receptive
    Element: Water
    Number: 3
    Planet: Neptune & Jupiter
    Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces & Aries

    Amethyst is a Core Universal Master Stone for the Third Eye Chakra 
    Core Universal Master Stone for Psychic Reader’s Sets
    Core Universal Master Stone of Psychic Development

    Body Alchemy:
    Hearing, skeletal system, arthritis, skin diseases, headaches, wounds, back problems, digestive system, it strengthens endocrine and nervous systems, normalizes functioning of epiphysis and hypophysis, cleans the blood and improves blood circulation, heart, stomach & teeth.
    Sobriety, chemical addictions, insomnia, nightmares, courage, prudence, strengthens memory, sharpens the mind, mild mental conditions, boosts intelligence and promotes extroversion, reduces excitability, stress relief, increases activity in the right brain hemisphere, elevates mood, meditation & peace.
    Happiness through love & Joy. Healing emotional addictions. Can help to alleviate depression in some.

    Soul Alchemy:
    Divine connections, astral work, dream work, lucid dream, astral projection, past life regression, prophetic dreams, spirit realm, spiritual guidance, wisdom, divination, spiritual protection & psychic awareness. Light activates mediumship, while dark activates psychic abilities.

    Environmental Alchemy:
    Protection from harmful outside influences, weather & snakes.

    Smoky Quartz
    Chakra: Earth Star
    Energy: Receptive 
    Element: Earth
    Number: 2, 4 & 6
    Planet: Earth
    Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn

    Smoky Quartz is a Core Universal Master Stone for both the Earth Star Chakra as well as the Auric Field 
    It is also a Core Universal Master Stone of Manifestation
    Core Universal Master Stone for Psychic Reader’s Sets, Psychic Development, & Protection

    Body Alchemy:
    Grounding, neutralizing, cleansing & detox.
    Grounding, neutralizing, cleansing, practicality, organization, patience, & focus.
    Grounding, neutralizing, cleansing, & balancing.

    Soul Alchemy:
    Protection, manifestation, dream recall, channeling, & spiritual grounding. 

    Environmental Alchemy:
    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energy of this stone in a space.



    I handpick practitioner level stones and tools because I give a flying fuck about my students, clients, and the stones, and I want y'all to receive the benefits of working with highly energetically active stones, not a bunch of pretty shelf sitters that are energetically dormant or dead that won't do a damn thing for you.

    When you become my student or client, I will hand pick stones and tools for your course packs and subscriptions that will be the absolute best match for your success because they will be a beautiful match your unique energetic signature, as well as play fucking nice with each other to help you do/get the thing.

    I've been doing this for a very long fucking time, (38+ years in this lifetime, and countless past lives). The shit I to to make sure that you get the best crystal and stone match for you is extremely time consuming; I gotta find those highly energetic stones, then to go through those to find ones that work as a team, and then to work for you specifically. 

    What the fuck is an Unique Energetic Signature?

    Everyone has a Unique Energetic Signature. This Energetic Signature is created by all of the Soul Level Keys (the unique energetic combinations that were used to create your very Soul that you will carry with you forever.

     This is why stones that are not Core Universal Master Stones do not work the same for everyone. It is also why you can look at/touch/sniff/etc. 572 of the exact same stone type and form and only find one of them that will work well for you, or maybe none at all because none of those stones resonate with your U.E.S., round peg square hole thing, it just doesn’t work.

     This Energetic Signature has a visual, a sound, a smell, a taste, a texture and a feeling. I can sense all of those components of your Unique Energetic Signature.

    I can also sense the Unique Energetic Signature of individual crystals & stones. Combining these two abilities together, I am able to easily match up Your Unique Energetic Signature with the Unique Energetic Signature of individual crystals and stone pieces that you need to work with in your life right now.

    To be able to do this requires a unique combination of genetic and soul level gifts that less than 800 people alive in the world today have.

    If you are one of those people, you're then gonna need specific energetic attunements, (or reactivation of one's that you had in past lives,) and extensive training by someone who already can fucking do it.

    I am always looking for those people to attune and train so that they can do what I do, cuz I am only one person and there are a shit load of people to teach to empower themselves with the ancient innate energies of crystals & stones.

    As I write this, there are only 2 other people in the world that can do it. One is one of my children, and the other is in Japan and only offers her services locally, so don't be fooled by others telling you they can do this shit, because they're fucking full of it. Unfortunately, I've had many impersonators and copycats over the years.

    If you do see someone blowing smoke up your ass or somebody elses, please give me a head's up, as my lawyers would love to have a friendly chat with them.


    I worked for one of the largest importers of stones in this country for 12 years before becoming a mama, (my youngest is 22) and I learned which mines and manufacturers actually gave a flying fuck about the crystals and stones, and which ones only cared about how much money they could make. I made many invaluable connections then, that today, let me go treasure hunting in areas of warehouses that most businesses don't even know exist, let alone can get in there.

    Most stones that come into the United States come through Charleston, S.C., and the further west you go, the more picked over the stones are at gem shows and stores. I handpick mainly at warehouses in South Carolina, North Carolina and Florida, where the best shit is before it goes to gem shows and stores.

    I hand pick all of the crystals and stones for my students, clients and my private shop for their level of energy, and only buy from importers that I know take damn good care of them, and from mines that treat them with the respect that they deserve.

    95% of crystals and stones do not make the cut with me.

    Why My Stone Sets?

    Just like with people, there are team players, and there are lone wolves, crystals & stones are no different. Roughly 70% are lone wolves, and do not play well with others. And if you try and force them too, well, they're like nails on a chalkboard to each other, and eventually, they'll cause each other to go energetically dormant, and that fucking sucks big time.

    This is why I create sets for specific purposes. The crystals & stones in my sets are carefully chosen to get fucking along with each other, but to work together for what ever the goal is.

    I am Robin Motherfucking Zendayah - The Stone Sorceress

    The Black Sheep Rebel of the Energy Healing World

    I am your Catalyst for Change, your Secret Weapon, & the Energetic Edge to manifest your Ultimate Desires in your biz and life. 

    AKA: The Stone Whisperer, The Biz Alchemist, & The Soul Catalyst, and I am the fucking queen of teaching people how to fix their energetic shit, come into alignment with the frequencies of their ultimate desires to become the sovereign rulers of their lives Alchemizing Metaphysics, Magick, & Neuroscience, so that they can live in their own personal flavor of freedom, whether that's excellent physical, mental, & emotional health & well-being, joyful relationships, financial abundance, biz success, or whatever the fuck that is to them.

    I am Somone who has been passionately helping people to transform their businesses and lives for 38+ years and I know what the fuck works, and what doesn’t.

    I am the founder and Head Mistress of The Stone Sorceress University, and the creator of 60+ personal development, business development, and practitioner training masterclasses, degree programs, elective courses & memberships to empower you to change your life, your business, and by doing so, the world.

    I am a spiritual high priestess & alchemical sorceress who created a hybrid system of Lemurian & Atlantean Elemental Magick in Ancient Atlantis and has brought it into modern times to empower open-minded people to take their personal power back and while doing so, uplift the vibrational frequency of the planet to that of balance, equality, & respect.

    I am a 12 time Reiki Master with a single source double lineage and a professionally trained psychic specializing in past life and ancestral line healing.

    I am a master at reading the frequency of the energies of stones, objects, spaces & places, and matching your Unique Energetic Signature to the U.E.S. of the crystals & stones you need to work with to transform your life.

    I have been passionately helping people to transform their lives for 35+ years.

    I am a childhood abuse, domestic violence, molestation, CPTSD, and rape survivor thriver who can teach you how to take your personal power back and step into freedom too.

    I  healed myself from 250+ food, product, animal, & environmental allergies, severe life-threatening allergy induced asthma, debilitating migraines, and lost 56 unhealthy pounds in the process utilizing what I teach. 

    I homeschooled my children while building a business from 0 - 7 figures in short order through embodying what I teach without child support, alimony, or any other form of assistance, financial or otherwise.

    I am proudly neurodivergent and autistic, which I see as an amazing blessing. I am very grateful that I get to experience life through this beautiful lens of empowerment!

    I stand for Breaking the chains of the trauma/abuse cycle in as many lives as possible, and ending the stigma around mental health issues, all forms of abuse, toxic positivity, & all forms of discrimination.

    I am a passionate supporter of personal sovereignty, self-expression, authenticity, equality, animal rights, human rights, planetary rights, compassionate action and am fluent in the creative use of all variations of the word fuck.

    When I'm not empowering others, I can be found riding horses, walking on the beach, hugging a Live Oak tree, playing the drums, creating something, devouring a book, learning something, or just chillin’ with my 3 kids, 2 cats, and Bloodhound.

    I am also known as: The Stone Whisperer, The Biz Alchemist, The Soul Catalyst, and the fucking Queen of Messy Hair.

    A Practitioner of: Bazi, Reiki, Yi-Jing, Alchemy, Divination, Angel Magick, Moon Magick, Qi Men Dun Jia, Elemental Magick, Classical Feng Shui, and much, much more.

    Empowered Blessings Y'all!

    Robin Z

    "I started this class not expecting much of anything, what I got was everything I needed for my soul's growth & gained some soul tribe life long friends. I gained information to aid my wellness and healing arts as well as understanding on a whole different level.

    This is not just a stone class... This is a transformational movement of energy. I am not who I was upon entering Robin's class. I highly, highly, recommend joining us.

    Welcome Home as I say. - Sara Cole"

    I've taken courses with all of the major online teachers on stones out there, and this one is far and away the best, and Robin is the best.  

    "Robin KNOWS stones and crystals; she feels them, hears them, and has a connection to them unlike anyone I've ever met."

    Angie T.

    "Thank you, thank you, thank you! Loving this course and my stones!"

    Ashley G.

    "Awesome stones... Awesome people... cant wait to see whats next!"

    Sonja H.

    "Best course I've ever taken, worth every penny and a whole lot more!"

    Carol A.

    "Love love love this lady and her beautiful crystals!"

    Michelle C.

    "Happy, happy, happy!  I'm happy, my stones are happy, and I am looking forward to level two!"

    Sarah S.

    "You make me feel welcome and and you know your stuff."

    Misty D. 

    "Wonderful course, Amazing teacher, & Off the charts stones."

    Danyle J.

    "I love my teacher! I've 52 years old, and have never felt that way!

    Brandy B.

    "Yes! That's my answer to every course you offer!"

    Michaela R.

    I have found my Master Stone Teacher.  I will take every course she teaches, and beg for more!"

    Angelo R.

    If a piece has a name, it is linked to a guide or guardian.

    Our guides and guardians are linked entities, never bound.

    Bound entities are forced and are equivalent to slaves in my opinion.  I will not ever bind an entity.

    I simply create a link to an entity that has happily volunteered to be linked.  A link is a direct pathway from them to their chosen vessel and other items that come with their set.  That link can only be used by the specific entity linked to it.  They are free to come and go as they choose.

    They also provide a name for you to use to connect with them directly.

    They do request that you interact with them.  They love when you talk to them, and handle their items respectfully.  Burning incense or a candle for them is also much appreciated.

     Their links to their vessels and items are permanent, they do not ever need to be redone.  The more you interact with them, the more their presence can be felt.

     They volunteered to be linked, to help guide you on your true path, and offer you companionship and guidance. Please treat them with love and respect, and they will do the same for you.

    Types of linking:

    • Singularly linking - Only linking and willing to work with one person.
    • Multi-linking - Linking to more than one person, usually a group of people who shared a past life together.
    • Open linking - Willing to work with anyone who owns their vessel.

    Unless otherwise specified, a guide is an expert on all of the innate energies of the crystal, stone, or metal type of their chosen vessel, and they work directly with the Deva of the piece to guide you to get the most out of the innate energies of the vessel, and make the changes that you want to make in your life.

    If you are new to me, please read the "Why my Stones" tab.

    Red Jasper 

    Chakra: Earth Star and Root Chakra 

    Element: Earth & Fire 

    Energy: Projective 
    Number: 6 

    Planet: Mars, Mercury, Saturn & Venus 

    Zodiac: Scorpio & Sagittarius 


    Core Universal Master Stone of the Earth Star and Root Chakras, as well as the Divine Masculine 


    Body Alchemy: 


    Strength, vitality, stability, endurance, and stamina. 


    Memory, truth, and justice. 



    Soul Alchemy: 

    Dream recall, and astral travel. 

    Environmental Alchemy: 

    Environmental size pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space. 


    Chakra: Throat & Third Eye 
    Energy:  Receptive
    Element: Air
    Number: 7
    Planet: Saturn & Jupiter
    Zodiac: Aries, Libra, Taurus, Virgo & Sagittarius

    One of the Core Universal Master Stones of Psychic Development.

    Body Alchemy:
    Fear, emotional healing & joy.

    Soul Alchemy:
    Soul facet retrieval, shamanic journeying, intuition, visions, psychic development, mediumship, divination, and past life exploration, (especially during the Cathar, Knights Templar and Arthurian time periods). 

    Environmental Alchemy:
    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone into a space.


    Lapis Lazuli
    Chakra: Third Eye and Throat
    Element: Water
    Energy: Receptive
    Number: 6 & 9
    Planet: Venus
    Zodiac: Sagittarius and Taurus

    Lapis Lazuli is a combination rock type of Calcite, Lazurite & Pyrite.

    Core Universal Master Stone of the Throat Chakra.

    Body Alchemy:
    Boosts the immune system, purifies blood, lowers blood pressure, inflammation of the head and neck areas, insomnia, vertigo, respiratory system, nervous system, throat, vocal cords, thyroid, bone marrow and thymus.
    Release stress, peace. Harmony, deep inner self-knowledge. self-awareness, self-expression, self-confidence, inner truth, communication, friendship, honesty, depression, compassion, morality, objectivity, clarity, creativity & confidence.
    Helps in expression of feelings and emotions.

    Soul Alchemy:
    Encourages you to recognize, express and honor your Soul Level truths. Intuition, Soul Level power and psychic protection.

    Environmental Alchemy:
    Environmental sized pieces can be used to bring any of the innate energies above into a space.



    Chakras: Third Eye Core Universal Master and Auric Field Stone 
    Auric Field: Core Master Universal protection stone (filter) 

    Energy: Receptive   

    Element: Water, Air & Earth 

    Planet: Uranus & Saturn 

    Number: 6 & 7 

    Zodiac: Leo, Scorpio & Sagittarius 

    Core Universal Master Stone of Psychic Development & Magick 

    Body Alchemy:  


    Brain disorders, digestion, eyes, metabolism, balancing hormones, menstrual tensions, cold, gout, rheumatism, blood pressure, detoxifying the effects of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs, reduces sensitivity to cold, PMS symptoms, radionic analysis and treatment, physiotherapists, healing touch, protect the aura, pain relief. 


    Stimulates mental activity, relieves stress and anxiety, subconscious issues, mental illumination, clarity, insight, overactive mind, fears, insecurities, truth behind illusions, imagination, enthusiasm and new ideas. Inspiration, mental acuity, forgotten memories, contemplation and introspection, determine the root cause of an issue, peace, faith, self-reliance, success, change, strength, perseverance, responsibility, adventure, spontaneity back to one's life, and encourages courtesy. 


    Depression, shame, reducing anti-social, reckless or impulsive behavior in children, teenagers and adults, and joy. 

    Soul Alchemy: 

    Stone of Magick, a stone of Shamans, psychics, diviners, healers, guidance, connecting your higher self, intuition and psychic abilities, clairvoyance, telepathy, prophecy and coincidence control, and assists in communication with higher guides and spirits, intuition, psychic development, esoteric wisdom, transformation, dream recall, divination, psychic arts, higher self, raises consciousness, spiritual grounding, knowledge, prophecy and magic, death, rebirth, spiritual transformation, psychic readings. Past lives, destiny, Akashic records, moving between the worlds.  

    Environmental Alchemy: 

    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized in any space to invoke the innate energies of this stone. 


    Grossular Garnet
    Chakra: Root & Heart
    Element: Air, Earth & Fire
    Energy: Receptive & Projective
    Number: 1 & 4
    Planet: Mars
    Zodiac: Aquarius, Capricorn, Virgo, Leo & Aries

    Body Alchemy:
    Limitations, regeneration, recovery from illness or trauma, detox, inflammation, respiratory system, immune system, nose, impotence, fertility, liver, kidneys, metabolism, skin, mucous membranes, arthritis, arteriosclerosis, nourishment, physical growth, abundance, and protects against highly infectious diseases. 
    Relaxation, cooperation, going with the flow, confidence, and motivation.
    Hope, gratitude, emotional extremes, understanding our own needs and emotions clearly, excessive reactivity, and Self-love.

    Soul Alchemy:
    Empowerment, the Earth’s healing energies, abundance, prosperity, service to others, releasing limitations, overcoming challenges, releasing scarcity mindset, money anxiety, social growth, triple goddess, growth, expansion, new beginnings, and accepting change.

    Business Alchemy:
    Excellent for new business ventures through promoting growth and excellent client relationships. Especially helpful for companies offering spiritual products or services.

    Environmental Alchemy:
    Environmental sized pieces of this stone can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.


    Green Aventurine
    Chakra: Physical Aspects of the Heart
    Energy: Projective
    Element: Air, Earth & Water
    Number: 3
    Planet: Venus, Mercury & Jupiter
    Zodiac: Aries & Libra

    Core Universal Master Stone of Gratitude

    Green aventurine is known as a gambler’s stone as it can bring good fortune in gambling by helping your instincts and confidence to seize opportunities for wealth, growth and abundance.

    Body Alchemy:
    Eyes, general healing, energetic balancing, heart, lungs, adrenal glands, muscular system, urinary system, reproductive system & genitals.
    Mental power, creativity, motivation, pioneering frame of mind, leadership, instincts, decisiveness, opportunity, confidence & insight.
    Peace, calming & soothing, harmony & emotional balance.

    Soul Alchemy:
    Spirit guide communication

    Environmental Alchemy:
    Use environmental size stones to bring any of the innate properties above into a space.


    Brazilian Fluorite
    Chakras: Purple & Green Combo is a  Core Universal Master Stone of the Third Eye Chakra (fine tuning stone of other chakras, depending on color)
    Element: Air & Water
    Energy: Projective
    Zodiac: Capricorn & Pisces

    Core Universal Master Stone of Psychic Development

    The location and form of fluorite are extremely important. It is one of the few stones that is more potent in polished form and can actually be dangerous to work with in raw/rough chunks. Clusters, complete octahedrons etc. are okay to work with.

    Chinese fluorite is metaphysically lazy (we do not carry Chinese fluorite). Unfortunately, 90-95% of the fluorite available in the public marketplace is Chinese fluorite.

    Russian fluorite is extremely potent and should only be worked with by someone who is extremely experienced working with stones. (Any Russian fluorite in our shop will be noted as such.)

    Brazilian fluorite is very potent, while still maintaining a gentle enough nature that beginners can work with it easily, as well as the very experienced. (Almost all fluorite in our shop is Brazilian fluorite for this reason.)
    The combination of green and purple fluorite is the absolute only Core Master cleanser for the third eye chakra. Fluorite is also a Core Universal Master Stone of the Auric Field.
    Body Alchemy:
    Order, Colds, flu, staph, strep, cankers, herpes, ulcers, tumors, RNA & DNA damage; bones and cell formation.
    Order, organization, clarity, focus, discernment, reality & truth behind illusions, aptitude, mental achievement, & concentration.
    Order, stability, & balance.

    Soul Alchemy:
    Consciousness, purification, & cleansing.

    Environmental Alchemy:
    Environmental sized pieces can be used for to bring in any innate energy listed above and below to your space.

    Additional Color Attributes
    Blue Fluorite – Communication
    Chakra - throat
    Blue Fluorite calms the emotions and stimulates clear communication.

    Blue fluorite can be used in gridding as a "translator stone" when you are using stones from different types (hexagonal, trigonal etc.), to help them work together. Even better, fluorite that is blue and yellow

    Blue Fluorite amplifies your healing potential and can invoke spiritual awakening.

    Clear / White Fluorite– Universal Knowledge
    Clear / White Fluorite can be an energizer for the crown chakra for some people. Clear / White Fluorite can also clear the way for the new.

    Green Fluorite – Growth & Healing
    Chakra - Third Eye and Heart
    Green Fluorite is helpful for hormone imbalance and is extremely healing. A very good stone for releasing negative patterns. It can grant you calm and courage at the same time.
    Yellow Fluorite - Understanding
    Yellow Fluorite is a creativity & mental superstar. It is fantastic at stabilizing and uniting groups of people as well as stones for a common goal. It is also an excellent tool for focus and decisiveness.

    Rainbow Fluorite – Harmony
    Rainbow Fluorite brings order to chaos, clarity of thought, objective decision making and collective healing spiritually, mentally & emotionally. It is excellent for promoting friendship as well as understanding.

    This variety exhibits 3 or more distinct color rays, but must include violet, green and blue.
    Black Fluorite – Extremely protective.

    Purple Fluorite – Higher Awareness
    Chakra: Third Eye.
    Spiritual balance, Intuition, Psychic Development, Mediumship, Meditation, Spiritual Peace, Spirit Communication, Visions, Spiritual Development, Self-transformation, Archangels, Shadow Self, Anxiety, Fear, Courage, Peace.

    Yttrium Fluorite Lavender / Yttrium – bridge to the Divine.
    Yttrium Fluorite is an unusual in that it doesn’t cleave like other types of Fluorites, and it is extremely dense.

    Yttrium fluorite is unique in that it is physically oriented rather than mentally oriented like other forms of fluorite. This makes it an excellent stone for those who are extremely mentally focused, offering discipline and assistance with grounding all of those thoughts, ideas and dreams into existence in the physical, 3rd dimension. It also helps mentally focused people to express their thoughts in a way that is more easily understood by the average person.


    Red Garnet Varieties
    “Stone of Health” & “Stone of Passion”

    Chakra: Root & Earth Star
    Element: Fire & Earth
    Energy: Projective
    Number: 2
    Planet: Mars 
    Zodiac: Scorpio, Capricorn and Aries

    Red garnets have the unique ability to create a direct link between the Earth Star & High Crown Chakra.

    Red Garnets are Core Universal Master Stones for both the Root and Earth Star chakras.

    Body Alchemy:
    Blood, heart, lungs, spine, bone, cell structure, adrenal glands, acid reflux, hemorrhaging, allergies, anemia, skin, reproductive system, physical strength, assimilating vitamins and minerals, more rapid general healing, & boosts of energy.
    Regeneration, stability, discourages disorganized growth, inner strength, self-confidence, creativity, diminish/eliminate abandonment issues, calming, reduce/eliminate self-sabotage whether conscious or unconscious, prevents bad dreams, alleviate depression, healthy relationships, compassion, sensuality, sexuality, intimacy, commitment, faith, truth, friendships, popularity amongst peers, peace, & tranquility.
    Emotional healing, enhances emotions in a positive way, protection, passion, & romantic love.

    Soul Alchemy:
    Past Life Knowledge, manifestation, gentle spiritual healing, & enhances intuition.

    Environmental Alchemy:
    Business success. Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.

    Garnets have been found in jewelry from the ancient Egyptian, Roman and Greek eras.


    Chakras: Carnelian is a Universal Master Stone of the Sacral Chakra
    Energy: Receptive & Projective
    Element: Fire, Earth
    Number: 3
    Planet: Sun
    Zodiac: Leo, Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, Aries

    Body Alchemy:
    Kidneys, reproductive system, menstrual issues, arthritis, gall bladder, pancreas, asthma, allergies, lower back, physical strength, blood disorders, sexuality and all sexual issues, fertility, and weight loss. 
    Acceptance, ambition, drive, career, mental strength, self-esteem, inspiration, eloquence, self-confidence, personal power, creativity, mental focus, clarity, perception, analytical precision, courage, communication, curiosity and concentration.
    Anger, fury, envy, jealousy, emotional warmth and ease of expression.

    Soul Alchemy:
    Rebirth past lives, manifestation and reincarnation.

    Environmental Alchemy:
    Use environmental sized pieces to bring any of the innate energies above into your space. 

    Blue Apatite 

    “Humanitarian Stone” 


    Chakra: Throat & Third Eye (darker shades) 

    Energy: Projective 

    Element: Water & Air 

    Number: 9 

    Planet: Mercury, Jupiter & Neptune 

    Zodiac: Gemini & Aquarius 


    Body Alchemy: 


    Bones, nails, arthritis, glands, organs, nervous system, coordination, strengthening muscles, lowering high blood pressure, small intestines, and weight loss (appetite suppression, increased metabolism, better eating habits). 


    Insight, imagination, creativity, learning abilities, self-confidence, communication, harmony, self-expression, and clarity.  


    Balance, and unconditional love.  


    Soul Alchemy: 

    Breaking Soul Level negative repeating patterns by letting go of people, situations, objects etc. that do not resonate with your innate Soul Level energies. Meditation, intuition, psychic abilities, past life memories, and connection to higher self.  


    Environmental Alchemy: 

    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke any of the innate energies of this stone in a space. 


    Chakra(s): Third Eye & High Crown
    Energy: Receptive
    Element: Water
    Number: 3
    Planet: Neptune & Jupiter
    Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces & Aries

    Amethyst is a Core Universal Master Stone for the Third Eye Chakra 
    Core Universal Master Stone for Psychic Reader’s Sets
    Core Universal Master Stone of Psychic Development

    Body Alchemy:
    Hearing, skeletal system, arthritis, skin diseases, headaches, wounds, back problems, digestive system, it strengthens endocrine and nervous systems, normalizes functioning of epiphysis and hypophysis, cleans the blood and improves blood circulation, heart, stomach & teeth.
    Sobriety, chemical addictions, insomnia, nightmares, courage, prudence, strengthens memory, sharpens the mind, mild mental conditions, boosts intelligence and promotes extroversion, reduces excitability, stress relief, increases activity in the right brain hemisphere, elevates mood, meditation & peace.
    Happiness through love & Joy. Healing emotional addictions. Can help to alleviate depression in some.

    Soul Alchemy:
    Divine connections, astral work, dream work, lucid dream, astral projection, past life regression, prophetic dreams, spirit realm, spiritual guidance, wisdom, divination, spiritual protection & psychic awareness. Light activates mediumship, while dark activates psychic abilities.

    Environmental Alchemy:
    Protection from harmful outside influences, weather & snakes.

    Smoky Quartz
    Chakra: Earth Star
    Energy: Receptive 
    Element: Earth
    Number: 2, 4 & 6
    Planet: Earth
    Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn

    Smoky Quartz is a Core Universal Master Stone for both the Earth Star Chakra as well as the Auric Field 
    It is also a Core Universal Master Stone of Manifestation
    Core Universal Master Stone for Psychic Reader’s Sets, Psychic Development, & Protection

    Body Alchemy:
    Grounding, neutralizing, cleansing & detox.
    Grounding, neutralizing, cleansing, practicality, organization, patience, & focus.
    Grounding, neutralizing, cleansing, & balancing.

    Soul Alchemy:
    Protection, manifestation, dream recall, channeling, & spiritual grounding. 

    Environmental Alchemy:
    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energy of this stone in a space.



    I handpick practitioner level stones and tools because I give a flying fuck about my students, clients, and the stones, and I want y'all to receive the benefits of working with highly energetically active stones, not a bunch of pretty shelf sitters that are energetically dormant or dead that won't do a damn thing for you.

    When you become my student or client, I will hand pick stones and tools for your course packs and subscriptions that will be the absolute best match for your success because they will be a beautiful match your unique energetic signature, as well as play fucking nice with each other to help you do/get the thing.

    I've been doing this for a very long fucking time, (38+ years in this lifetime, and countless past lives). The shit I to to make sure that you get the best crystal and stone match for you is extremely time consuming; I gotta find those highly energetic stones, then to go through those to find ones that work as a team, and then to work for you specifically. 

    What the fuck is an Unique Energetic Signature?

    Everyone has a Unique Energetic Signature. This Energetic Signature is created by all of the Soul Level Keys (the unique energetic combinations that were used to create your very Soul that you will carry with you forever.

     This is why stones that are not Core Universal Master Stones do not work the same for everyone. It is also why you can look at/touch/sniff/etc. 572 of the exact same stone type and form and only find one of them that will work well for you, or maybe none at all because none of those stones resonate with your U.E.S., round peg square hole thing, it just doesn’t work.

     This Energetic Signature has a visual, a sound, a smell, a taste, a texture and a feeling. I can sense all of those components of your Unique Energetic Signature.

    I can also sense the Unique Energetic Signature of individual crystals & stones. Combining these two abilities together, I am able to easily match up Your Unique Energetic Signature with the Unique Energetic Signature of individual crystals and stone pieces that you need to work with in your life right now.

    To be able to do this requires a unique combination of genetic and soul level gifts that less than 800 people alive in the world today have.

    If you are one of those people, you're then gonna need specific energetic attunements, (or reactivation of one's that you had in past lives,) and extensive training by someone who already can fucking do it.

    I am always looking for those people to attune and train so that they can do what I do, cuz I am only one person and there are a shit load of people to teach to empower themselves with the ancient innate energies of crystals & stones.

    As I write this, there are only 2 other people in the world that can do it. One is one of my children, and the other is in Japan and only offers her services locally, so don't be fooled by others telling you they can do this shit, because they're fucking full of it. Unfortunately, I've had many impersonators and copycats over the years.

    If you do see someone blowing smoke up your ass or somebody elses, please give me a head's up, as my lawyers would love to have a friendly chat with them.


    I worked for one of the largest importers of stones in this country for 12 years before becoming a mama, (my youngest is 22) and I learned which mines and manufacturers actually gave a flying fuck about the crystals and stones, and which ones only cared about how much money they could make. I made many invaluable connections then, that today, let me go treasure hunting in areas of warehouses that most businesses don't even know exist, let alone can get in there.

    Most stones that come into the United States come through Charleston, S.C., and the further west you go, the more picked over the stones are at gem shows and stores. I handpick mainly at warehouses in South Carolina, North Carolina and Florida, where the best shit is before it goes to gem shows and stores.

    I hand pick all of the crystals and stones for my students, clients and my private shop for their level of energy, and only buy from importers that I know take damn good care of them, and from mines that treat them with the respect that they deserve.

    95% of crystals and stones do not make the cut with me.

    Why My Stone Sets?

    Just like with people, there are team players, and there are lone wolves, crystals & stones are no different. Roughly 70% are lone wolves, and do not play well with others. And if you try and force them too, well, they're like nails on a chalkboard to each other, and eventually, they'll cause each other to go energetically dormant, and that fucking sucks big time.

    This is why I create sets for specific purposes. The crystals & stones in my sets are carefully chosen to get fucking along with each other, but to work together for what ever the goal is.

    I am Robin Motherfucking Zendayah - The Stone Sorceress

    The Black Sheep Rebel of the Energy Healing World

    I am your Catalyst for Change, your Secret Weapon, & the Energetic Edge to manifest your Ultimate Desires in your biz and life. 

    AKA: The Stone Whisperer, The Biz Alchemist, & The Soul Catalyst, and I am the fucking queen of teaching people how to fix their energetic shit, come into alignment with the frequencies of their ultimate desires to become the sovereign rulers of their lives Alchemizing Metaphysics, Magick, & Neuroscience, so that they can live in their own personal flavor of freedom, whether that's excellent physical, mental, & emotional health & well-being, joyful relationships, financial abundance, biz success, or whatever the fuck that is to them.

    I am Somone who has been passionately helping people to transform their businesses and lives for 38+ years and I know what the fuck works, and what doesn’t.

    I am the founder and Head Mistress of The Stone Sorceress University, and the creator of 60+ personal development, business development, and practitioner training masterclasses, degree programs, elective courses & memberships to empower you to change your life, your business, and by doing so, the world.

    I am a spiritual high priestess & alchemical sorceress who created a hybrid system of Lemurian & Atlantean Elemental Magick in Ancient Atlantis and has brought it into modern times to empower open-minded people to take their personal power back and while doing so, uplift the vibrational frequency of the planet to that of balance, equality, & respect.

    I am a 12 time Reiki Master with a single source double lineage and a professionally trained psychic specializing in past life and ancestral line healing.

    I am a master at reading the frequency of the energies of stones, objects, spaces & places, and matching your Unique Energetic Signature to the U.E.S. of the crystals & stones you need to work with to transform your life.

    I have been passionately helping people to transform their lives for 35+ years.

    I am a childhood abuse, domestic violence, molestation, CPTSD, and rape survivor thriver who can teach you how to take your personal power back and step into freedom too.

    I  healed myself from 250+ food, product, animal, & environmental allergies, severe life-threatening allergy induced asthma, debilitating migraines, and lost 56 unhealthy pounds in the process utilizing what I teach. 

    I homeschooled my children while building a business from 0 - 7 figures in short order through embodying what I teach without child support, alimony, or any other form of assistance, financial or otherwise.

    I am proudly neurodivergent and autistic, which I see as an amazing blessing. I am very grateful that I get to experience life through this beautiful lens of empowerment!

    I stand for Breaking the chains of the trauma/abuse cycle in as many lives as possible, and ending the stigma around mental health issues, all forms of abuse, toxic positivity, & all forms of discrimination.

    I am a passionate supporter of personal sovereignty, self-expression, authenticity, equality, animal rights, human rights, planetary rights, compassionate action and am fluent in the creative use of all variations of the word fuck.

    When I'm not empowering others, I can be found riding horses, walking on the beach, hugging a Live Oak tree, playing the drums, creating something, devouring a book, learning something, or just chillin’ with my 3 kids, 2 cats, and Bloodhound.

    I am also known as: The Stone Whisperer, The Biz Alchemist, The Soul Catalyst, and the fucking Queen of Messy Hair.

    A Practitioner of: Bazi, Reiki, Yi-Jing, Alchemy, Divination, Angel Magick, Moon Magick, Qi Men Dun Jia, Elemental Magick, Classical Feng Shui, and much, much more.

    Empowered Blessings Y'all!

    Robin Z

    "I started this class not expecting much of anything, what I got was everything I needed for my soul's growth & gained some soul tribe life long friends. I gained information to aid my wellness and healing arts as well as understanding on a whole different level.

    This is not just a stone class... This is a transformational movement of energy. I am not who I was upon entering Robin's class. I highly, highly, recommend joining us.

    Welcome Home as I say. - Sara Cole"

    I've taken courses with all of the major online teachers on stones out there, and this one is far and away the best, and Robin is the best.  

    "Robin KNOWS stones and crystals; she feels them, hears them, and has a connection to them unlike anyone I've ever met."

    Angie T.

    "Thank you, thank you, thank you! Loving this course and my stones!"

    Ashley G.

    "Awesome stones... Awesome people... cant wait to see whats next!"

    Sonja H.

    "Best course I've ever taken, worth every penny and a whole lot more!"

    Carol A.

    "Love love love this lady and her beautiful crystals!"

    Michelle C.

    "Happy, happy, happy!  I'm happy, my stones are happy, and I am looking forward to level two!"

    Sarah S.

    "You make me feel welcome and and you know your stuff."

    Misty D. 

    "Wonderful course, Amazing teacher, & Off the charts stones."

    Danyle J.

    "I love my teacher! I've 52 years old, and have never felt that way!

    Brandy B.

    "Yes! That's my answer to every course you offer!"

    Michaela R.

    I have found my Master Stone Teacher.  I will take every course she teaches, and beg for more!"

    Angelo R.

    If a piece has a name, it is linked to a guide or guardian.

    Our guides and guardians are linked entities, never bound.

    Bound entities are forced and are equivalent to slaves in my opinion.  I will not ever bind an entity.

    I simply create a link to an entity that has happily volunteered to be linked.  A link is a direct pathway from them to their chosen vessel and other items that come with their set.  That link can only be used by the specific entity linked to it.  They are free to come and go as they choose.

    They also provide a name for you to use to connect with them directly.

    They do request that you interact with them.  They love when you talk to them, and handle their items respectfully.  Burning incense or a candle for them is also much appreciated.

     Their links to their vessels and items are permanent, they do not ever need to be redone.  The more you interact with them, the more their presence can be felt.

     They volunteered to be linked, to help guide you on your true path, and offer you companionship and guidance. Please treat them with love and respect, and they will do the same for you.

    Types of linking:

    • Singularly linking - Only linking and willing to work with one person.
    • Multi-linking - Linking to more than one person, usually a group of people who shared a past life together.
    • Open linking - Willing to work with anyone who owns their vessel.

    Unless otherwise specified, a guide is an expert on all of the innate energies of the crystal, stone, or metal type of their chosen vessel, and they work directly with the Deva of the piece to guide you to get the most out of the innate energies of the vessel, and make the changes that you want to make in your life.