


    No Love & light toxic positivity, no trendy shit, no fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, & no sugar coating, Guaranteed.

    Trusted by 3,000+ students & clients with 38 years experience & 26,000+ orders shipped







    Chakra(s): Third Eye & High Crown
    Energy: Receptive
    Element: Water
    Number: 3
    Planet: Neptune & Jupiter
    Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces & Aries

    Hearing, skeletal system, arthritis, skin diseases, headaches, wounds, back problems, digestive system, it strengthens endocrine and nervous systems, normalizes functioning of epiphysis and hypophysis, cleans the blood and improves blood circulation, heart, stomach & teeth.


    Sobriety, chemical addictions, insomnia, nightmares, courage, prudence, strengthens memory, sharpens the mind, mild mental conditions, boosts intelligence and promotes extroversion, reduces excitability, stress relief, increases activity in the right brain hemisphere, elevates mood, meditation & peace.


    Happiness through love & Joy. Healing emotional addictions. Can help to alleviate depression in some.


    Prophetic dreams, spirit realm, spiritual guidance, divination, & psychic awareness. Light activates mediumship, while dark activates psychic abilities.


    Divine connections, astral work, dream work, lucid dream, astral projection, wisdom, & spiritual protection.


    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.

    Protection from harmful outside influences, weather & snakes.

    Amethyst is a Core Universal Master Stone for the Third Eye Chakra
    Core Universal Master Stone for Psychic Reader’s Sets
    Core Universal Master Stone of Psychic Development





    Amethyst on 18 inch black cord




    Round Bead Tailed Amethyst




    Amethyst - Smoky

    Chakra(s): Third Eye & High Crown
    Energy: Receptive
    Element: Water
    Number: 3
    Planet: Neptune & Jupiter
    Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces & Aries

    Hearing, skeletal system, arthritis, skin diseases, headaches, wounds, back problems, digestive system, it strengthens endocrine and nervous systems, normalizes functioning of epiphysis and hypophysis, cleans the blood and improves blood circulation, heart, stomach & teeth.


    Sobriety, chemical addictions, insomnia, nightmares, courage, prudence, strengthens memory, sharpens the mind, mild mental conditions, boosts intelligence and promotes extroversion, reduces excitability, stress relief, increases activity in the right brain hemisphere, elevates mood, meditation & peace.


    Happiness through love & Joy. Healing emotional addictions. Can help to alleviate depression in some.


    Prophetic dreams, spirit realm, spiritual guidance, divination, & psychic awareness. Light activates mediumship, while dark activates psychic abilities.


    Divine connections, astral work, dream work, lucid dream, astral projection, wisdom, & spiritual protection.


    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.

    Protection from harmful outside influences, weather & snakes.

    Amethyst is a Core Universal Master Stone for the Third Eye Chakra
    Core Universal Master Stone for Psychic Reader’s Sets
    Core Universal Master Stone of Psychic Development

    Chakras: Earth Star
    Energy: Receptive
    Element: Earth
    Number: 2, 4 & 6
    Planet: Earth
    Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn


    Grounding, neutralizing, cleansing & detox


    Grounding, neutralizing, cleansing, practicality, organization, patience, & focus. 


    Grounding, neutralizing, cleansing, & balancing.




    Spiritual growth, meditation, and manifestation.


    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.  

    Smoky Quartz is a Core Universal Master Stone for both the Earth Star Chakra as well as the Auric Field.
    It is also a Core Universal Master Stone of Manifestation.
    Core Universal Master Stone for Psychic Reader’s Sets, Psychic Development, & Protection. 






    Faceted Round Bead Smoky Amethyst






    Chakra: Earth Star and Throat
    Energy: Both Receptive & Projective 
    Element: Earth 
    Number: 5 
    Planet: Uranus & Saturn 
    Zodiac: Virgo & Aquarius


    Brain, nervous system, metabolism, menstrual cramps, and pregnancy. 


    Truth, sincerity, courage, honor, communication, eloquence, trust, integrity, clarity, openness, analyzing information, soothing, calming and making decisions. 


    Self-love, Universal Love, letting go of sadness & grief, and releasing anger.


    higher self-communication, clairvoyance, prophecy,& intuition.


    Soul Level personal power, Soul Level self-discovery, Soul Level wisdom, breaking negative repeating patterns carried forward from past lives as well as those created in the present lifetime. 


    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.  

    Core Universal Master Stone of Releasing That Which No Longer Serves

    Soul Alchemy: 






    On Black Cord (top)




    Wire Wrapped (bottom)




    Green Aventurine


    Chakra: Physical Aspects of the Heart

    Energy: Projective

    Element: Air, Earth & Water

    Number: 3

    Planet: Venus, Mercury & Jupiter

    Zodiac: Aries & Libra


    Eyes, general healing, energetic balancing, heart, lungs, adrenal glands, muscular system, urinary system, reproductive system & genitals.


    Mental power, creativity, motivation, pioneering frame of mind, leadership, instincts, decisiveness, opportunity, confidence & insight.


    Peace, calming & soothing, harmony & emotional balance.


    Spirit guide communication




    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.  

    Core Universal Master Stone of Gratitude

    Green aventurine is known as a gambler’s stone as it can bring good fortune in gambling by helping your instincts and confidence to seize opportunities for wealth, growth and abundance.






    Faceted Round Bead




    Green Kunzite


    Chakra: Heart, Third Eye
    Element: Water
    Energy: Receptive & Projective
    Number: 7
    Planet: Venus & Mercury
    Zodiac: Taurus, Leo & Scorpio


    Thymus, heart, breasts, lungs, physical energy, skin, blood, joints, cardiovascular system and circulatory system.


    Feeling worthy, comfort, support, clarity, insight, new beginnings, compassion, psychosomatic illness, enthusiasm, wonder, calm, peace, spontaneity, anxiety, stress, and self-esteem.


    Gratitude, joy, love, releasing emotional trauma and depressed emotions.




    Soul Level knowledge from past lives, other planes of existence, parallel lives, financial abundance, prosperity and business success.


    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.  

    aka - Green Kunzite

    Core Universal Master Stone of Gratitude






    On Sterling Silver Chain




    Herkimer Diamond


    Soul Keys: All

    Energy Keys: All

    Manifestation Keys: All

    Chakras: High Crown

    Energy:  Projective

    Element:  Fire

    Number: 3

    Planet: Jupiter & Sun

    Zodiac: Sagittarius 


    Detox, correcting DNA/RNA issues, eyes, & cellular structure issues.


    Stress, tension, spontaneity, & creativity.




    Telepathy, visions, psychic development, connecting to your higher self, connecting to angels, connecting to ascended masters, connecting to higher planes of existence, channeling, connecting to spirit guides, accessing past life information, (particularly Atlantean past lives),


    Universal Truth, Soul Level Truth, accessing higher states on consciousness, Soul Level personal power, purification, attracting the Fae, dream recall, lucid dreaming, recognizing negative repeating past life patterns, soul facet retrieval, accessing Soul Level gifts, & spiritual growth.


    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.  

    “The Attunement Stone”

    Core Universal Master Stone of the High Crown Chakra.

    Core Universal Master Stone of Atlantean Consciousness.


    This mineral owes its name to Herkimer County, New York, USA, the principal place where it is found. The double-terminated crystals are short and stubby, formed in a hard rock matrix giving them their strength. They may be exceptionally clear and colorless, or contain rainbow inclusions, air bubbles, black carbon or other deposits. A small percentage of these crystals contain enhydro inclusions of water. Some are smoky rather than clear.


    Herkimer Diamonds can amplify just like regular quartz.


    Smoky Herkimer Diamonds help to ground the Innate Energies of Herkimer Diamonds into the physical plane, more quickly and easily.



    Herkimer diamonds can be assigned, as a group, to link to each other and to carry specific energies to benefit a group of people or group of places. These stones can then be carried by members of that group to maintain the connection and access those specific energies, or those stones can be placed in different places to link those places together and deliver those specific energies to those places. The stones must agree, and this is very specialized work that should not be attempted by someone who doesn’t have advanced level experience with working with stones in general and specifically with Herkimer Diamonds.






    On Sterling Silver Chain




    Linked to Cailah Master Herkimer Diamond Guide






    Chakra: Third Eye Core Universal Master Stone.
    Element: Earth
    Energy: Receptive & Projective
    Number: 8
    Planet: Saturn
    Zodiac: Capricorn


    Glands, immune system, skin, nails, hair, DNA, enzyme balance, alleviates the side effects of anesthetics, powerful pain reliever, pregnancy, childbirth, & general healing.


    This stone is very gentle and calming, great for relieving stress and depression. It is a “highest good” stone in every sense. It stimulates your intellect, helping to speed up decision making and transitions.

    Calm, trust, acceptance, relaxing, hope, transformation, transitions, patience, optimism, anxiety, depression, manic depression, despondency, PTSD, panic attacks, & addictions.


    Anger, trauma, & self-love.




    It is very useful for clearing out blockages from past experiences that hold you back from achieving joy and success. It will attract to you friends and acquaintances who will support you and bring new opportunities to help you achieve this in your life.

    It helps to bring cosmic awareness and helps you with spiritual and shamanic journeys. It is great for helping to clear past life issues, and past bad psychic experiences.

    Keywords: Rebirthing, dreamwork, dream recall, past lives, astral realms, sleep, guardians.


    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.

     It is an excellent choice for dogs with behavioral problems.

    It will help clear the air and return a sense of calm after fights between siblings.

    Lepidolite also clears electromagnetic pollution and is an excellent stone to wear while using your computer. When Mica is present in the stone, it’s greatly amplified.

    Core Universal Master Stone for the Third Eye Chakra

    Core Universal Master Stone of Psychic Development

    Lepidolite is said to have its own guardian spirit, or keeper for each piece. The guardian spirits of these stones prefer to guide you during your sleep and on astral realms.

    Business Alchemy:
    Keywords: General business and career success, businesses related to gardening or agriculture.






    Raw on 18 inch Sterling Silver Chain (top)




    Raw on 22 inch Black Cord (bottom)




    Sheen Obsidian


    Chakra: Earth Star 
    Element: Earth 
    Energy: Projective 
    Number: 1 
    Planet: Earth & Saturn 
    Zodiac: Capricorn & Scorpio


    Muscle spasms, cramps, general healing, & detoxification. 


    Finding the root of an issue, patience, & perseverance. 




    Higher Self connection & communication, & divination.


    Meditation, opening new doors, spiritual growth & evolution.  


    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.  

    Silver Sheen enhances meditation and is good for gazing and divination. It helps to create advantages throughout life and imparts patience and perseverance.  

    Gold Sheen is an effective crystal tool for scrying. Gold Sheen Obsidian takes you into the future, the past and deep into the root of issues. It shows what is needed for healing and will help identify additional stones needed for healing. It also eliminates the sense of futility and any ego conflicts illuminating necessary knowledge for spiritual growth. It is excellent for balancing energy fields.




    Sheen Obsidian Pendant on Faceted Sheen Obsidian Necklace




    Smoky Quartz


    Chakras: Earth Star
    Energy: Receptive
    Element: Earth
    Number: 2, 4 & 6
    Planet: Earth
    Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn


    Grounding, neutralizing, cleansing & detox


    Grounding, neutralizing, cleansing, practicality, organization, patience, & focus. 


    Grounding, neutralizing, cleansing, & balancing.




    Spiritual growth, meditation, and manifestation.


    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.  

    Smoky Quartz is a Core Universal Master Stone for both the Earth Star Chakra as well as the Auric Field.
    It is also a Core Universal Master Stone of Manifestation.
    Core Universal Master Stone for Psychic Reader’s Sets, Psychic Development, & Protection. 






    Round Bead Stretch (no clasp)






    Chakra: Throat 

    Element: Fire, Air & Water 

    Energy: Receptive & Projective 

    Number: 1 & 3 

    Planet: Jupiter & Venus 

    Zodiac: Sagittarius, Aquarius, & Libra 


    Wholeness, & vitality. 


    Wholeness, truth, communication, articulation, overcoming shyness, balance, serenity, peace, optimism, stress relief, compassion, forgiveness, enlightened selfishness, kindness, freedom from limitation, & generosity. 


    Wholeness, balance, joy and love. 




    Soul Level Truth, & Soul Level Wisdom. 


    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.  

    Core Universal Master Stone of the Throat Chakra 

    Core Universal Master Stone of Wholeness 






    Sterling Silver Turquoise Pendant on Faceted Turquoise Necklace


    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.





    I guarantee that your pieces will be matched to your Unique Energetic Signature so that you will have the best change of success. Jewelry is a support tool, not the end all be all of working with crystals and stone. Due to the personalized service that you receive from me of matching your Unique Energetic Signature with every order, all sales are final.

    When do I get access to my free masterclasses?

    Access will be given to your free masterclass(es) on the Robin Zendayah Stone Sorceress University website within 2 business days barring U.S. holidays. Video with downloadable audio and PDF's.

    Please make sure to add RobinZendayah@RobinZendayah.com to your email contacts so that you do not miss your access and other important emails from us.

    When do I get my stuff?

    It takes time to match up pieces to your Unique Energetic Signature, and I get a shit ton of orders, so please be patient and allow 7 - 14 days for your goodies to arrive. You can log into your account and track your orders so that you know when they are on their way to you.


    All domestic, (U.S. addresses), jewelry orders ship USPS Priority Mail with tracking and insurance. International orders ship Priority Mail International.

    If you are placing multiple $50+ orders on the same calendar day to get more free masterclasses, you will be sent a Robin Zendayah gift card, (which you can use on anything on the website), for the difference between actual shipping and handling and what you paid on your multiple orders.  


