


    No Love & light toxic positivity, no trendy shit, no fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, & no sugar coating, Guaranteed.

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    Necklaces Page 3




    Sterling Silver Stone Necklace Offerings




    Sterling Silver


    Chakras: Sacral & Third Eye Chakra

    Direction: West

    Energy: Receptive

    Element: Water

    Planet: Moon

    Zodiac: Aquarius & Cancer


    General healing of Sacral Chakra issues.


    Improves quality of speech, eloquence, and strength of perception.


    Calm & balance.


    Awakens and increases psychic and intuitive capacities.


    Attunement with Universal Flow, Soul Level exploration and knowledge, strengthens the connection between physical and astral bodies, increases ones’ ability to manipulate and shape energies, and manifestation of wealth and financial abundance.


    Amplifies the innate energies of all Water Element Stones. Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.  




    Linked Guides & Guardians

    If a piece has a name, it is linked to a guide or guardian.

    Our guides and guardians are linked entities, never bound.

    Bound entities are forced and are equivalent to slaves in my opinion.  I will not ever bind an entity.

    I simply create a link to an entity that has happily volunteered to be linked.  A link is a direct pathway from them to their chosen vessel and other items that come with their set.  That link can only be used by the specific entity linked to it.  They are free to come and go as they choose.

    They also provide a name for you to use to connect with them directly.

    They do request that you interact with them.  They love when you talk to them, and handle their items respectfully.  Burning incense or a candle for them is also much appreciated.

     Their links to their vessels and items are permanent, they do not ever need to be redone.  The more you interact with them, the more their presence can be felt.

     They volunteered to be linked, to help guide you on your true path, and offer you companionship and guidance. Please treat them with love and respect, and they will do the same for you.

    Types of linking:

        1. > Singularly linking - Only linking and willing to work with one person.
        2. > Multi-linking - Linking to more than one person, usually a group of people who shared a past life together.
        3. > Open linking - Willing to work with anyone who owns their vessel.

    Unless otherwise specified, a guide is an expert on all of the innate energies of the crystal, stone, or metal type of their chosen vessel, and they work directly with the Deva of the piece to guide you to get the most out of the innate energies of the vessel, and make the changes that you want to make in your life.






    Anya Sterling Silver Ruby & Amethyst Necklace



    • The vessel Anya chose was made by me, The Stone Sorceress, personally. Ruby and Amethyst are one of my favorite powerhouse combinations to work with, enjoy!
    • She is a pendant on a sterling silver chain. You can put her on a different chain if you'd like.

    She is a guide for all things related to the innate energies of Ruby and Amethyst.

    You can check out the full innate energies of those in the tabs below.






    Chakra: High Heart & Root Chakras

    Energy: Projective

    Element: Fire & Earth

    Number: 2 & 3

    Planet: Sun & Earth

    Zodiac: Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius & Capricorn


    Arthritis, bones, joints, blood & circulatory system, raising body temperature, chronic fatigue, increase vitality & energy levels, heart, skin, infections, detoxification, embryos, kidneys, adrenal glands, spleen, raising low blood pressure, endocrine system, vitality, physical energy. It promotes healing on all levels.


    Courage, inner strength, self-confidence, increased inner power, honesty, integrity, sensuality, mental energy, anxiety, doubt, sense of adventure, leadership, motivation, goal setting, generosity, avoiding or reducing nightmares.


    Emotional abuse & trauma, self-love, passion, romantic love and alleviating guilt.


    Divination, and connecting to spirit guides.


    Dream recall, lucid dreaming, protection, prosperity, abundance and wealth.


    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.  

    Ruby is a Core Universal Master Stone of Manifestation. It helps you to make New Choices/Take New Actions that honor who you truly are at Soul Level. But be warned, if you choose to make choices and take actions that do not honor who you are at Soul Level, perpetuating negative repeating patterns in your life while having rubies within your Auric Field, you’re in for a bumpy ride because rubies will continue to bring things to your attention that you need to make New Choices/Take New Actions on.


    If you truly want to transform your life, ruby is for you. I personally always wear rubies; they are valued and trusted guides on my path.


    Did You Know?

    Those gorgeous rubies you see in jewelry stores have been heated to extreme temperatures to burn out impurities (all of the other minerals present) and then all of those cracks and fissures left behind by this very harsh process are then filled in with colored leaded glass… leaving them energetically dead.  Rubies innate energy relies on the synergy of those other mineral inclusions to be at it’s most potent. So always look for rubies in as close to a natural state as you can find them.  They won’t be clear, they won’t have equal color saturation, (and if they do, they’ll start in the tens of thousands for a tiny one), the shades you find them in will vary greatly, but they will be powerful, if they’ve been handled properly.


    Record keeper rubies carry ancient knowledge that you can tap into for guidance and enlightenment.


    Chakra(s): Third Eye & High Crown
    Energy: Receptive
    Element: Water
    Number: 3
    Planet: Neptune & Jupiter
    Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces & Aries

    Hearing, skeletal system, arthritis, skin diseases, headaches, wounds, back problems, digestive system, it strengthens endocrine and nervous systems, normalizes functioning of epiphysis and hypophysis, cleans the blood and improves blood circulation, heart, stomach & teeth.


    Sobriety, chemical addictions, insomnia, nightmares, courage, prudence, strengthens memory, sharpens the mind, mild mental conditions, boosts intelligence and promotes extroversion, reduces excitability, stress relief, increases activity in the right brain hemisphere, elevates mood, meditation & peace.


    Happiness through love & Joy. Healing emotional addictions. Can help to alleviate depression in some.


    Prophetic dreams, spirit realm, spiritual guidance, divination, & psychic awareness. Light activates mediumship, while dark activates psychic abilities.


    Divine connections, astral work, dream work, lucid dream, astral projection, wisdom, & spiritual protection.


    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.

    Protection from harmful outside influences, weather & snakes.

    Amethyst is a Core Universal Master Stone for the Third Eye Chakra
    Core Universal Master Stone for Psychic Reader’s Sets
    Core Universal Master Stone of Psychic Development







    Avyyanna Gold Filled Almandine Garnet & Black Tourmaline Necklace



    • Avyanna is a triple strand necklace, (almandine garnets, black tourmaline, and gold filled beads), and has a safety clasp.

    You can check out the full innate energies of those in the tabs below.




     Almandine Garnet


    Chakra: Root & Earth Star
    Element: Fire & Earth
    Energy: Projective

    Number: 2
    Planet: Mars
    Zodiac: Scorpio, Capricorn and Aries


    Blood, heart, lungs, spine, bone, cell structure, adrenal glands, acid reflux, hemorrhaging, allergies, anemia, skin, reproductive system, physical strength, assimilating vitamins and minerals, more rapid general healing, & boosts of energy..


    Regeneration, stability, discourages disorganized growth, inner strength, self-confidence, creativity, diminish/eliminate abandonment issues, calming, reduce/eliminate self-sabotage whether conscious or unconscious, prevents bad dreams, alleviate depression, healthy relationships, compassion, sensuality, sexuality, intimacy, commitment, faith, truth, friendships, popularity amongst peers, peace, & tranquility.


    Emotional healing, enhances emotions in a positive way, protection, passion, & romantic love.




    Past Life Knowledge, manifestation, gentle spiritual healing, & enhances intuition.


    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.  

    “Stone of Health” & “Stone of Passion”


    Red garnets have the unique ability to create a direct link between the Earth Star & High Crown Chakra.


    Red Garnets are Core Universal Master Stones for both the Root and Earth Star chakras.


    Garnets have been found in jewelry from the ancient Egyptian, Roman and Greek eras.

    Black Tourmaline


    Chakra(s): Core Master Universal Stone for the Earth Star Chakra and Auric Field

    Energy: Both Receptive & Projective

    Element: Earth

    Number: 3 & 4
    Zodiac: Sagittarius & Capricorn
    Planet: Earth


    Protection, please see "Notes".


    Protection, please see "Notes".


    Protection, please see "Notes".


    Protection, please see "Notes".


    Protection, please see "Notes".


    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.  

    “Stone of Protection”
    This is a very powerful Core Universal Master stone that protects against negativity of all kinds. It sucks up any negativity it encounters. However, it does not absorb negative energy. It actually transmutes negative energy into positive energy, and returns it to where it came from, even if the source of negativity is your own thoughts, words and deeds. This makes it an excellent stone for any issue, whether it be body, soul, environmental or business related.


    It also taps into the extremely powerful protection energy of Mother Earth.


    Use in physical manifestation grids to ensure that what you’re asking for only comes from positive sources.


    It is also a Core Universal Master Auric Field stone

    Core Universal Master Stone for Psychic Reader’s Sets

    Core Universal Master Stone of Psychic Development

    Core Universal Master Stone of Protection

    You can never have too much Black Tourmaline in your space. Black Tourmaline is one of only two stones that do not ever need cleansing, despite all of the misinformation out there about this topic.








    Roxie  Almandine Garnet Necklace



    • Roxie's chosen vessel is a very long single strand necklace that simply slips over your head. She is shown looped twice simply to fit in the picture, she can't be looped twice over your head, as she does not have a clasp.

    You can check out the full innate energies of Almandine Garnet in the tabs below.




     Almandine Garnet


    Chakra: Root & Earth Star
    Element: Fire & Earth
    Energy: Projective

    Number: 2
    Planet: Mars
    Zodiac: Scorpio, Capricorn and Aries


    Blood, heart, lungs, spine, bone, cell structure, adrenal glands, acid reflux, hemorrhaging, allergies, anemia, skin, reproductive system, physical strength, assimilating vitamins and minerals, more rapid general healing, & boosts of energy..


    Regeneration, stability, discourages disorganized growth, inner strength, self-confidence, creativity, diminish/eliminate abandonment issues, calming, reduce/eliminate self-sabotage whether conscious or unconscious, prevents bad dreams, alleviate depression, healthy relationships, compassion, sensuality, sexuality, intimacy, commitment, faith, truth, friendships, popularity amongst peers, peace, & tranquility.


    Emotional healing, enhances emotions in a positive way, protection, passion, & romantic love.




    Past Life Knowledge, manifestation, gentle spiritual healing, & enhances intuition.


    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.  

    “Stone of Health” & “Stone of Passion”


    Red garnets have the unique ability to create a direct link between the Earth Star & High Crown Chakra.


    Red Garnets are Core Universal Master Stones for both the Root and Earth Star chakras.


    Garnets have been found in jewelry from the ancient Egyptian, Roman and Greek eras.







    Shalah Sterling Silver Citrine Necklace




    Shalah's vessel is a 6-strand necklace with a sterling silver toggle clasp that has 3 options for length adjustment.

    She is a Master Guide for all things related to Citrine.

    You can check out the full innate energies of Citrine in the tabs below.




    Chakras: Solar Plexus
    Energy: Projective
    Element: Fire & Air
    Number: 1 & 6
    Planet: Sun & Mercury
    Zodiac: Leo, Libra, Gemini & Aries


    Energy, digestion, blood circulation, detoxify the kidneys and liver, back problems, restful sleep. stomach, nightmares, other sleep disturbances, thyroid, general health, heart, muscles, strength, endocrine system, circulatory system, tissue regeneration, urinary system, immune system, diabetes, fibromyalgia & general detoxification.


    Happiness, reduce self-destructive tendencies, overcoming addictions, sensuality, sexual issues, depression, self-doubt, irrational mood swings, self-confidence, mental clarity, confidence, will power, creativity and honesty.


    Overcoming emotional traumas and grief, anger, eliminate fears of being judged or of others' ideas, and fear of being alone or unworthy of love.




    Because citrine can clear negative energy and influences from the aura, it is useful for meditation, psychic awareness, and spiritual development. By removing unwanted energies, it paves the way for this spiritual and psychic growth. It is also excellent for dream recall and dream work.

    Citrine is used to burn off karmic debris in the auric field, break soul and past life contracts, (scepter/root point form), energize the solar plexus chakra, (Druze/cluster form), and many, many other things. It is used to attract financial abundance, (spheres, eggs, pyramids, clusters, power stones), particularly in a business setting, but can be used personally as well.


    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.

    Citrine is a gemstone of manifestation, prosperity,and commerce. Keep a piece in your cash register to help attract good fortune and financial abundance to your business.

    Citrine is a fabulous stone to use to combat negative energy of any kind by breaking them up and dissipating them. It helps clear unwanted energies from the environment, whether it be home, office, or other space inside or out.

    Citrine is known as “The Stone of manifestation” and “The Merchant‘s Stone” because it is a Core Universal Master Stone of the Solar Plexus Chakra, which is the Will center, the seat of your Soul within your body and manifesting anything takes New Choices & Action.

    Citrine is a form of quartz. 95% of the Citrine on the market today is heat treated. Both have their uses, and heat treated actually functions better for the auric field, mental attributes dream and psychic work. It is actually very easy to tell the difference between natural Citrine and heat-treated Amethyst. By the way, heat is how Mother Nature transforms many varieties of Quartz to another, as is natural radiation.

    Core Universal Master Stone of the Solar Plexus Chakra.
    Core Universal Master Stone of the Auric Field.
    Core Universal Master Stone of Protection

    Citrine can help people to connect with the spirit, Help the assimilation of food, help people who are not proficient in communicating openly and develop mental tranquility.

    Citrine can manifest your thoughts and dreams into existence on the physical plane. Citrine is especially useful for desires involving happiness, wealth, success, and communication.






    Sorcha Sterling Silver Septarian & Red Glass Necklace


    Chakra: Earth Star and High Crown

    Element: Earth

    Energy: Receptive

    Number: 4 & 11

    Planet: Earth

    Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn


    Brain trauma


    Group communication, organization, and acceptance.


    Nurturing, healing old wounds, peace, and joy.


    Psychic development, connecting to dragons, connecting to the Earth, connecting to your Body Deva and your Soul Deva, communicating with guides, communicating with ancestors, past life knowledge, Elemental Earth based magick, and Earth healing energy.




    Environmental sized pieces can be utilized to invoke the innate energies of this stone in a space.  

    “The Dragon Stone”


    It is a Core Universal Master Stone of Dragon Communication, as well as Ancestral Communication & Healing.

    A concretion of yellow, brown, or black calcite, brown aragonite, gray limestone and white or clear barite so it also carries the innate energies of any of those minerals found within a specific piece.


    This necklace is linked to a Fire dragon who is a Master Guide for all things related to the innate energies of Septarian. Red glass for the Element of Fire and gentle amplification of Septarian. You can check out the full innate energies of Septarian in the tabs above. Hand-crafted and artfully oxidized.








    Guaranteed Love & light toxic positivity, trendy, fluffy bunny bullshit misinformation, sugar coating free.





    I guarantee that your pieces will be matched to your Unique Energetic Signature so that you will have the best change of success. Jewelry is a support tool, not the end all be all of working with crystals and stone. Due to the personalized service that you receive from me of matching your Unique Energetic Signature with every order, all sales are final.

    When do I get access to my free masterclasses?

    Access will be given to your free masterclass(es) on the Robin Zendayah Stone Sorceress University website within 2 business days barring U.S. holidays. Video with downloadable audio and PDF's.

    Please make sure to add RobinZendayah@RobinZendayah.com to your email contacts so that you do not miss your access and other important emails from us.

    When do I get my stuff?

    It takes time to match up pieces to your Unique Energetic Signature, and I get a shit ton of orders, so please be patient and allow 7 - 14 days for your goodies to arrive. You can log into your account and track your orders so that you know when they are on their way to you.


    All Domestic, (U.S. addresses), jewelry orders ship USPS Priority Mail with tracking and insurance. International orders ship Priority Mail International.

    If you are placing multiple $50+ orders on the same calendar day to get more free masterclasses, you will be sent a Robin Zendayah gift card, (which you can use on anything on the website), for the difference between actual shipping and handling and what you paid on your multiple orders.  


